Developing for Bcfg2 While the Bcfg2 server provides a good interface for representing general system configurations, its plugin interface offers the ability to implement configuration interfaces and representation tailored to problems encountered by a particular site. This chapter describes what plugins are good for, what they can do, and how to implement them.
Bcfg2 Plugins Bcfg2 plugins are loadable python modules that the Bcfg2 server loads at initialization time. These plugins can contribute to the functions already offered by the Bcfg2 server or can extend its functionality. In general, plugins will provide some portion of the configuration for clients, with a data representation that is tuned for a set of common tasks. Much of the core functionality of Bcfg2 is implemented by several plugins, however, they are not special in any way; new plugins could easily supplant one or all of them. Bcfg2 Plugin Functions NameDescriptionProbesPlugins can send executable code to clients, where local contributions to configuration state can be gathered.Abstract Configuration Structures A plugin can define new groups of interdependent and independent configuration entitiesLiteral Configuration Entities Plugins can provide literal configuration entity information.XML-RPC Functions Plugins can expose a set of functions through the Bcfg2 server's authenticated XML-RPC interface.
Writing Bcfg2 Plugins Bcfg2 plugins are python classes that subclass from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin. Several plugin-specific values must be set in the new plugin. These values dictate how the new plugin will behave with respect to the above four functions. Bcfg2 Plugin Members NameDescriptionFormat__name__The name of the pluginstring __version__ The plugin version (generally tied to revctl keyword expansion).string__author__ The plugin author.string__rmi__ Set of functions to be exposed as XML-RPC functions List of function names (strings)EntriesMultidimentional dictionary of keys that point to the function used to bind literal contents for a given configuration entity.Dictionary of ConfigurationEntityType, Name keys and function reference valuesBuildStructuresFunction that returns a list of the structures for a given clientMember functionGetProbesFunction that returns a list of probes that a given client should executeMember functionReceiveDataFunction that accepts the probe results for a given client.Member function
An Example Plugin A Simple Plugin import socket, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin class Chiba(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin): '''the Chiba plugin builds the following files: -> /etc/network/interfaces''' __name__ = 'Chiba' __version__ = '$Id: 1702 2006-01-19 20:20:51Z desai ' __author__ = '' Entries = {'ConfigFile':{}} def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) self.repo = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DirectoryBacked(, self.core.fam) self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/etc/network/interfaces'] \ = self.build_interfaces def build_interfaces(self, entry, metadata): '''build network configs for clients''' entry.attrib['owner'] = 'root' entry.attrib['group'] = 'root' entry.attrib['perms'] = '0644' try: myriaddr = socket.gethostbyname("%s-myr" % \ metadata.hostname) except socket.gaierror: self.LogError("Failed to resolve %s-myr"% metadata.hostname) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError, ("%s-myr" \ % metadata.hostname, 'lookup') entry.text = self.repo.entries['interfaces-template'].data % \ myriaddr Bcfg2 server plugins must subclass the Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin class. Plugin constructors must take two arguments: an instance of a Bcfg2.Core object, and a location for a datastore. __name__, __version__, __author__, and Entries are used to describe what the plugin is and how it works. Entries describes a set of configuration entries that can be provided by the generator, and a set of handlers that can bind in the proper data. build_interfaces is an example of a handler. It gets client metadata and an configuration entry passed in, and binds data into entry as appropriate. This results in a /etc/network/interfaces file that has static information derived from DNS for a given host.