.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _development-plugins: Bcfg2 Plugin development ======================== While the Bcfg2 server provides a good interface for representing general system configurations, its plugin interface offers the ability to implement configuration interfaces and representation tailored to problems encountered by a particular site. This chapter describes what plugins are good for, what they can do, and how to implement them. Bcfg2 Plugins ------------- Bcfg2 plugins are loadable python modules that the Bcfg2 server loads at initialization time. These plugins can contribute to the functions already offered by the Bcfg2 server or can extend its functionality. In general, plugins will provide some portion of the configuration for clients, with a data representation that is tuned for a set of common tasks. Much of the core functionality of Bcfg2 is implemented by several plugins, however, they are not special in any way; new plugins could easily supplant one or all of them. The following table describes the various functions of bcfg2 plugins. +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Name | Description | +====================+=============================================+ | Probes | Plugins can issue commands to collect | | | client-side state (like hardware inventory) | | | to include in client configurations | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ConfigurationEntry | Plugins can construct a list of per-client | | List | configuration entry lists to include in | | | client configurations. | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ConfigurationEntry | Literal values for configuration entries | | contents | | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | XML-RPC functions | Plugins can export function calls that | | | expose internal functions. | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ Server Plugin Types ------------------- Generator ^^^^^^^^^ Generator plugins contribute to literal client configurations Structure ^^^^^^^^^ Structure Plugins contribute to abstract client configurations Metadata ^^^^^^^^ Signal metadata capabilities Connector ^^^^^^^^^ Connector Plugins augment client metadata instances Probing ^^^^^^^ Signal probe capability Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^ Signal statistics handling capability Decision ^^^^^^^^ Signal decision handling capability Version ^^^^^^^ Interact with various version control systems Writing Bcfg2 Server Plugins ---------------------------- Bcfg2 plugins are python classes that subclass from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin. Several plugin-specific values must be set in the new plugin. These values dictate how the new plugin will behave with respect to the above four functions. The following table describes all important member fields. +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Name | Description | Format | +=================+===================================+==========================+ | __name__ | The name of the plugin | string | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | __version__ | The plugin version (generally | string | | | tied to revctl keyword expansion) | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | __author__ | The plugin author | string | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | __rmi__ | Set of functions to be exposed as | List of function names | | | XML-RPC functions | (strings) | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Entries | Multidimentional dictionary of | Dictionary of | | | keys that point to the function | ConfigurationEntityType, | | | used to bind literal contents for | Name keys, and function | | | a given configuration entity | reference values | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | BuildStructures | Function that returns a list of | Member function | | | the structures for a given client | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | GetProbes | Function that returns a list of | Member function | | | probes that a given client should | | | | execute | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ | ReceiveData | Function that accepts the probe | Member function | | | results for a given client | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+ Example Plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin class MyPlugin(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin): '''An example plugin''' # All plugins need to subclass Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin __name__ = 'MyPlugin' __version__ = '1' __author__ = 'me@me.com' __rmi__ = ['myfunction'] # myfunction is now available remotely as MyPlugin.myfunction def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) self.Entries = {'Path':{'/etc/foo.conf': self.buildFoo}} def myfunction(self): '''function for xmlrpc rmi call''' #do something return True def buildFoo(self, entry, metadata): '''Bind per-client information into entry based on metadata''' entry.attrib.update({'type':'file', 'owner':'root', 'group':'root', 'perms':'644'}) entry.text = '''contents of foo.conf''' Example Connector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin class Foo(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector): '''The Foo plugin is here to illustrate a barebones connector''' name = 'Foo' version = '$Revision: $' experimental = True def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self) self.store = XMLFileBacked(self.data, core.fam) def get_additional_data(self, metadata): mydata = {} for data in self.store.entries['foo.xml'].data.get("foo", []): mydata[data] = "bar" return dict([('mydata', mydata)]) def get_additional_groups(self, meta): return self.cgroups.get(meta.hostname, list()) Example Metadata plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to define your own Metadata plugin (to extend/change functionality of the existing Metadata plugin), here are the steps to do so. We will call our new plugin `MyMetadata`. #. Add MyMetadata.py .. code-block:: python __revision__ = '$Revision$' import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata class MyMetadata(Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata): '''This class contains data for bcfg2 server metadata''' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' def __init__(self, core, datastore, watch_clients=True): Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata.__init__(self, core, datastore, watch_clients) #. Add MyMetadata to ``src/lib/Server/Plugins/__init__.py`` #. Replace Metadata with MyMetadata in the plugins line of bcfg2.conf