.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _development-setup: Environment setup for development ================================= Checking Out a Copy of the Code ------------------------------- * Check out a copy of the code:: git clone git://git.mcs.anl.gov/bcfg2.git * Add :file:`bcfg2/src/sbin` to your :envvar:`PATH` environment variable * Add :file:`bcfg2/src/lib` to your :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` environment variable Using a Virtual Environment for Development ------------------------------------------- Bcfg2 is a pure Python program, and Python makes available certain tools that simplify creating isolated environments. Such environments are useful for running code under development, running code that needs to be installed without actually installing it in system locations, or running parallel, independent installations of the same packages. One popular tool for doing this is `virtualenv `_. The following commands will bootstrap an isolated environment where the Bcfg2 server can run. They assume you are starting from an empty directory, on a Posix-like system that has Python and the ``virtualenv`` package installed (e.g., on Debian it is available as ``python-virtualenv``): .. code-block:: sh # Work in a scratch directory mkdir test_env cd test_env # This creates the environment virtualenv . # "Activate" the environment. From this point forward, Python # and its libraries will first be searched for in test_env and # its subdirectories. When you begin a new session that should # use this environment, re-execute this command. . bin/activate # The pip command is useful for installing python code from a # variety of locations, including directly from git repositories easy_install pip # Install Bcfg2 from git. The -e puts the source in an editable # git clone under the "src" dir. pip install -e git://git.mcs.anl.gov/bcfg2.git#egg=Bcfg2 # Install a newer version of the Cheetah library, for example pip install --upgrade cheetah # If you want to run IPython from within the virtual # environment, it will need to be installed locally, even if it # is already available on the system, or else it won't find . pip install --upgrade ipython # Note, if you install IPython, deactivate and reactivate the # virtualenv before attempting to use it. deactivate . bin/activate .. note:: One caveat about this environment is that it assumes you have already installed Bcfg2's dependencies on the system itself. Pip is capable of building packages such as ``lxml`` that include native code, but you will need to be sure its build-time prerequisites are available. Consider using the above commands to create an isolated Bcfg2 environment in the same directory as your Bcfg2 :term:`repository`. Copy your :file:`/etc/bcfg2.conf` file into a local :file:`etc` directory, tweak the paths as needed and you can run an independent Bcfg2 server as a non-root user. This is useful for confirming a new release of Bcfg2 and all its tools works against your current :term:`repository` before upgrading.