.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _development-unit-testing: ================== Bcfg2 unit testing ================== .. _Python Mock Module: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock .. _Python Nose: http://readthedocs.org/docs/nose/en/latest/ You will first need to install the `Python Mock Module`_ and `Python Nose`_ modules. You can then run the existing tests with the following: .. code-block: bash cd testsuite nosetests You should see output something like the following:: .................................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 50 tests in 0.121s OK Unit tests are also run by Travis-CI, a free continuous integration service, at http://travis-ci.org/#!/Bcfg2/bcfg2/ Testing in a virtualenv ======================= Travis-CI runs the unit tests in a virtual environment, so to emulate that testing environment as closely as possible you can also use a virtual environment. To do so, you must have `virtualenv `_ installed. There are two ways to test: Either with just the bare essential packages installed, or with optional packages installed as well. (Optional packages are things like Genshi; you can run Bcfg2 with them or without them.) For completeness, the tests should be run in both manners. (On Python 3, almost none of the optional packages are available, so it can only be run with just the required packages.) To install the optional packages, set: .. code-block:: bash export WITH_OPTIONAL_DEPS=yes This flag tells the install script to install optional dependencies as well as requirements. This assumes that you will create a virtual environment in ``~/venvs/``, and that the Bcfg2 source tree is cloned into ``~/bcfg2``. First, create a new virtual environment and activate it: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/venvs virtualenv travis source travis/bin/activate Get the test suite from bcfg2: .. code-block:: bash cp -R ~/bcfg2/* ~/venvs/travis/ Next, you must install prerequisite packages that are required to build some of the required Python packages, and some optional packages that are much easier to install from binary (rather than from source). If you are running on Ubuntu (the platform Travis-CI runs on) and have sudo, you can simply run: .. code-block:: bash testsuite/before_install.sh If not, you will need to examine ``testsuite/before_install.sh`` and install the packages manually. The equivalent for Fedora, for instance, would be: .. code-block:: bash yum -y update yum -y install swig pylint if [[ "$WITH_OPTIONAL_DEPS" == "yes" ]]; then sudo yum -y install libselinux-python pylibacl python-inotify \ PyYAML fi Next, install required Python packages: .. code-block:: bash testsuite/install.sh Install Bcfg2 itself to the virtualenv: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e . Now you can run tests: .. code-block:: bash nosetests testsuite Writing Unit Tests ================== Bcfg2 makes extremely heavy use of object inheritance, which can make it challenging at times to write reusable tests. For instance, when writing tests for the base :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.base.Plugin` class, which all Bcfg2 :ref:`server-plugins-index` inherit from via the :mod:`Plugin interfaces `, yielding several levels of often-multiple inheritance. To make this easier, our unit tests adhere to several design considerations: Inherit Tests ------------- Our test objects should have inheritance trees that mirror the inheritance trees of their tested objects. For instance, the :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata` class definition is: .. code-block:: python class Metadata(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Metadata, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Statistics, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked): Consequently, the ``TestMetadata`` class definition is: .. code-block:: python class TestMetadata(TestPlugin.TestMetadata, TestPlugin.TestStatistics, TestPlugin.TestDatabaseBacked): .. note:: The test object names are abbreviated because of the system of relative imports in the ``testsuite`` tree, described below. This gives us a large number of tests basically "for free": all core :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.interfaces.Metadata`, :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.interfaces.Statistics`, and :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.DatabaseBacked` functionality is automatically tested on the ``Metadata`` class, which gives the test writer a lot of free functionality and also an easy list of which tests must be overridden to provide tests appropriate for the ``Metadata`` class implementation. Additionally, a test class should have a class variable that describes the class that is being tested, and tests in that class should use that class variable to instantate the tested object. For instance, the test for :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.DirectoryBacked` looks like this: .. code-block:: python class TestDirectoryBacked(Bcfg2TestCase): test_obj = DirectoryBacked ... def test_child_interface(self): """ ensure that the child object has the correct interface """ self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.test_obj.__child__, "HandleEvent")) Then test objects that inherit from ``TestDirectoryBacked`` can override that object, and the ``test_child_interface`` test (e.g.) will still work. For example: .. code-block:: python class TestPropDirectoryBacked(TestDirectoryBacked): test_obj = PropDirectoryBacked Finally, each test class must also provide a ``get_obj`` method that takes no required arguments and produces an instance of ``test_obj``. All test methods must use ``self.get_obj()`` to instantiate an object to be tested. An object that does not inherit from any other tested Bcfg2 objects should inherit from :class:`testsuite.common.Bcfg2TestCase`, described below. .. _development-unit-testing-relative-imports: Relative Imports ---------------- In order to reuse test code and allow for test inheritance, each test module should add all parent module paths to its ``sys.path``. For instance, assuming a test in ``testsuite/Testsrc/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/TestMetadata.py``, the following paths should be added to ``sys.path``:: testsuite testsuite/Testsrc testsuite/Testsrc/Testlib testsuite/Testsrc/Testlib/TestServer testsuite/Testsrc/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins This must be done because Python 2.4, one of our target platforms, does not support relative imports. An easy way to do this is to add the following snippet to the top of each test file: .. code-block:: python import os import sys # add all parent testsuite directories to sys.path to allow (most) # relative imports in python 2.4 path = os.path.dirname(__file__) while path != "/": if os.path.basename(path).lower().startswith("test"): sys.path.append(path) if os.path.basename(path) == "testsuite": break path = os.path.dirname(path) In addition, each new directory created in ``testsuite`` must contain an empty ``__init__.py``. This will allow you, within ``TestMetadata.py``, to import common test code and the parent objects the ``TestMetadata`` class will inherit from: .. code-block:: python from common import inPy3k, call, builtins, u, can_skip, \ skip, skipIf, skipUnless, Bcfg2TestCase, DBModelTestCase, syncdb, \ patchIf, datastore from TestPlugin import TestXMLFileBacked, TestMetadata as _TestMetadata, \ TestStatistics, TestDatabaseBacked Avoid Patching Where Possible ----------------------------- The `Python Mock Module`_ provides a ``patch`` decorator that can be used to replace tested objects with ``Mock`` objects. This is wonderful and necessary, but due to differences in the way various versions of Python and Python Mock handle object scope, it's not always reliable when combined with our system of test object inheritance. Consequently, you should follow these rules when considering whether to use ``patch``: * If you need to mock an object that is not part of Bcfg2 (e.g., a builtin or an object in another Python library), use ``patch``. * If you need to patch an object being tested in order to instantiate it, use ``patch``, but see below. * If you need to patch a function (not a method) that is part of Bcfg2, use ``patch``. * If you need to mock an object that is part of the object being tested, do not use ``patch``. As an example of the last rule, assume you are writing tests for :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.FileBacked`. :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.FileBacked.HandleEvent` calls :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.FileBacked.Index`, so we need to mock the ``Index`` function. This is the **wrong** way to do that: .. code-block:: python class TestFileBacked(Bcfg2TestCase): @patch("%s.open" % builtins) @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.FileBacked.Index") def test_HandleEvent(self, mock_Index, mock_open): ... Tests that inherit from ``TestFileBacked`` will not reliably patch the correct ``Index`` function. Instead, assign the object to be mocked directly: .. code-block:: python class TestFileBacked(Bcfg2TestCase): @patch("%s.open" % builtins) def test_HandleEvent(self, mock_open): fb = self.get_obj() fb.Index = Mock() .. note:: ``@patch`` decorations are evaluated at compile-time, so a workaround like this does **not** work: .. code-block:: python class TestFileBacked(Bcfg2TestCase): @patch("%s.open" % builtins) @patch("%s.%s.Index" % (self.test_obj.__module__, self.test_obj.__name)) def test_HandleEvent(self, mock_Index, mock_open): ... But see below about patching objects before instantiation. In some cases, you will need to patch an object in order to instantiate it. For instance, consider :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.DirectoryBacked`, which attempts to set a file access monitor watch when it is instantiated. This won't work during unit testing, so we have to patch :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.DirectoryBacked.add_directory_monitor` in order to successfully instantiate a ``DirectoryBacked`` object. In order to do that, we need to patch the object being tested, which is a variable, but we need to evaluate the patch at run-time, not at compile time, in order to deal with inheritance. This can be done with a ``@patch`` decorator on an inner function, e.g.: .. code-block:: python class TestDirectoryBacked(Bcfg2TestCase): test_obj = DirectoryBacked def test__init(self): @patch("%s.%s.add_directory_monitor" % (self.test_obj.__module__, self.test_obj.__name__)) def inner(mock_add_monitor): db = self.test_obj(datastore, Mock()) mock_add_monitor.assert_called_with('') inner() ``inner()`` is patched when ``test__init()`` is called, and so ``@patch()`` is called with the module and the name of the object being tested as defined by the test object (i.e., not as defined by the parent object). If this is not done, then the patch will be applied at compile-time and ``add_directory_monitor`` will be patched on the ``DirectoryBacked`` class instead of on the class to be tested. Some of our older unit tests do not follow these rules religiously, so as more tests are written that inherit from larger portions of the ``testsuite`` tree they may need to be refactored. Naming ------ In order to make the system of inheritance we implement possible, we must follow these naming conventions fairly religiously. * Test classes are given the name of the object to be tested with ``Test`` prepended. E.g., the test for the :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata` is named ``TestMetadata``. * Test classes that test miscellaneous functions in a module are named ``TestFunctions``. * Test modules are given the name of the module to be tested with ``Test`` prepended. Tests for ``__init__.py`` are named ``Test_init.py`` (one underscore). * Tests for methods or functions are given the name of the method or function to be tested with ``test_`` prepended. E.g., the test for :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.StructFile.Match` is called ``test_Match``; the test for :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.helpers.StructFile._match` is called ``test__match``. * Tests for magic methods -- those that start and end with double underscores -- are named ``test__``, where name is the name of the magic method without underscores. E.g., a test for ``__init__`` is called ``test__init``, and a test for ``__getitem__`` is called ``test__getitem``. If this causes a collision with a non-magic function (e.g., if a class also has a function called ``_getitem()``, the test for which would also be called ``test__getitem``, seriously consider refactoring the code for the class. Common Test Code ---------------- .. automodule:: testsuite.common