""" Sphinx extension to generate documention from XML schemas. Known to be woefully imcomplete, probably buggy, terrible error handling, but it *works* for the subset of XML schema we use in Bcfg2. Provides the following directives: * ``.. xml:schema:: ``: Document an XML schema * ``.. xml:type:: ``: Document a complexType or simpleType * ``.. xml:group:: ``: Document an element group * ``.. xml:attributegroup:: ``: Document an attributeGroup * ``.. xml:element:: ``: Document an XML element Each directive supports the following options: * ``:namespace: ``: Specify the namespace of the given entity * ``:nochildren:``: Do not generate documentation for child entities * ``:noattributegroups:``: Do not generate documentation about attribute groups * ``:nodoc:``: Do not include the documentation included in the entity annotation * ``:notext:``: Do not generate documentation about the text content of the entity * ``:onlyattrs: ,``: Only generate documentation about the comma-separated list of attributes given * ``:requiredattrs: ,attr>``: Claim that the attributes named in the given comma-separated list are required, even if they are not flagged as such in the schema. * ``:linktotype: [,]``: If used as a flag, link to documentation on all child types and elements. If a list is given, only link to those types given. (The default is to generate full inline docs for those types.) * ``:noautodep: [,]``: Do not automatically generate docs for any dependent entities. * ``:inlinetypes: ,``: Override a default ``:linktotype:`` setting for the given types. Provides the following roles to link to the objects documented above: * ``:xml:schema:````: Link to an XML schema * ``:xml:type:````: Link to a complexType or simpleType * ``:xml:group:````: Link to an element group * ``:xml:attributegroup:````: Link to an attributeGroup * ``:xml:element:````: Link to an element * ``:xml:attribute:`:```: Link to the attribute in the given context. The context is the name of the containing object, e.g., the parent attributeGroup, element, or complexType. * ``:xml:datatype:````: Link to a built-in XML data type. Note that the entity being linked to does not need to have been explicitly documented with a directive; e.g., if you document a schema that contains a complexType, you can link to that type without having used the ``xml:type::`` directive. Note also that it's far more reliable to link to a complexType than an element, since element name collisions are fairly common. You should avoid type name collisions whenever possible to maximize usability of this extension. There are two configuration items that may be added to conf.py: * ``xmlschema_path`` gives the base path to all XML schemas. * ``xmlschema_datatype_url`` gives a string pattern that will be used to generate links to built-in XML types. It must contain a single ``%s``, which will be replaced by the name of the type. """ import os import operator import lxml.etree from docutils import nodes from sphinx import addnodes, roles from docutils.statemachine import ViewList from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode, split_explicit_title, \ nested_parse_with_titles from sphinx.domains import ObjType, Domain try: from new import classobj except ImportError: classobj = type XS = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" XS_NS = "{%s}" % XS NSMAP = dict(xs=XS) def comma_split(opt): return opt.split(",") def flag_or_split(opt): try: return opt.split(",") except AttributeError: return True class _XMLDirective(Directive): """ Superclass for the other XML schema directives. """ required_arguments = 1 option_spec = dict(namespace=directives.unchanged, nochildren=directives.flag, noattributegroups=directives.flag, nodoc=directives.flag, notext=directives.flag, onlyattrs=comma_split, requiredattrs=comma_split, linktotype=flag_or_split, noautodep=flag_or_split, inlinetypes=comma_split) types = [] def run(self): name = self.arguments[0] env = self.state.document.settings.env reporter = self.state.memo.reporter ns_name = self.options.get('namespace') try: ns_uri = env.xmlschema_namespaces[ns_name] except KeyError: # URI given as namespace ns_uri = ns_name etype = None for etype in self.types: try: entity = env.xmlschema_entities[ns_uri][etype][name] break except KeyError: pass else: reporter.error("No XML %s %s found" % (" or ".join(self.types), name)) return [] documentor = XMLDocumentor(entity, env, self.state, name=name, ns_uri=ns_uri, include=self.process_include(), options=self.process_options()) return documentor.document() def process_include(self): return dict(children='nochildren' not in self.options, attributegroups='noattributegroups' not in self.options, doc='nodoc' not in self.options, text='notext' not in self.options) def process_options(self): return dict(onlyattrs=self.options.get('onlyattrs'), requiredattrs=self.options.get('requiredattrs', []), linktotype=self.options.get('linktotype', []), noautodep=self.options.get('noautodep', False), inlinetypes=self.options.get('inlinetypes', [])) def XMLDirective(types): class cls(_XMLDirective): pass cls.__name__ = 'XML%sDirective' % types[0] cls.types = types return cls class XMLDocumentor(object): def __init__(self, entity, environment, state, name=None, ns_uri=None, parent=None, include=None, options=None): self.entity = entity self.env = environment self.entities = self.env.xmlschema_entities self.namespaces = self.env.xmlschema_namespaces self.namespaces_by_uri = self.env.xmlschema_namespaces_by_uri self.state = state self.include = include self.options = options self.app = self.env.app self.reporter = self.state.memo.reporter if name is None: self.ns_uri = ns_uri self.fqname = self.entity.get("name") self.ns_name, self.name = self.split_ns(self.fqname) if self.ns_uri is None and self.ns_name is not None: self.ns_uri = self.namespaces[self.ns_name] else: self.ns_uri = ns_uri self.ns_name = self.namespaces_by_uri[self.ns_uri] self.name = name if self.ns_name: self.fqname = "%s:%s" % (self.ns_name, self.name) else: self.fqname = name self.tname = nodes.strong(self.fqname, self.fqname) self.tag = self.entity.tag[len(XS_NS):] self.type = tag2type(self.tag) self.parent = parent if self.parent is None: self.dependencies = [] self.documented = [] else: self.dependencies = self.parent.dependencies self.documented = self.parent.documented def document(self): eid = (self.tag, self.fqname) if eid in self.documented: return [build_paragraph(get_xref(self.tag, eid[1]))] else: self.documented.append(eid) rv = [self.target_node(self.tag, self.ns_name, self.name)] data = addnodes.desc(objtype=self.tag) targetid = get_target_id(self.tag, self.ns_name, self.name) header = addnodes.desc_signature('', '', first=True, ids=[targetid]) if self.include['doc']: header.extend([nodes.emphasis(self.tag, self.tag), text(" "), self.tname]) data.append(header) contents = nodes.definition() if self.include['doc']: contents.append(self.get_doc(self.entity)) contents.extend(getattr(self, "document_%s" % self.tag)()) data.append(contents) rv.append(data) if self.parent is None: # avoid adding duplicate dependencies added = [(self.type, self.name)] for typ, name, entity in self.dependencies: if not name: name = entity.get('name') if (typ, name) in added: continue ns_name, name = self.split_ns(name) ns_uri = self.namespaces[ns_name] if not entity: try: entity = self.entities[ns_uri][typ][name] except KeyError: self.app.warn("Dependency %s not found in schemas" % get_target_id(typ, ns_name, name)) continue doc = self.get_documentor(entity, name=name, ns_uri=ns_uri) rv.extend(doc.document()) added.append((typ, name)) return rv def document_schema(self): try: element = self.entity.xpath("xs:element", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] ns, name = self.split_ns(element.get("name")) doc = self.get_documentor(element, name=name, ns_uri=self.namespaces[ns]) return doc.document() except IndexError: # no top-level element or group -- just a list of # (abstract) complexTypes? rv = [] for ctype in self.entity.xpath("xs:complexType", namespaces=NSMAP): ns, name = self.split_ns(ctype.get("name")) doc = self.get_documentor(ctype, name=name, ns_uri=self.namespaces[ns]) rv.extend(doc.document()) return rv def document_group(self): rv = nodes.definition_list() try: (children, groups) = \ self.get_child_elements(self.entity, nodeclass=nodes.paragraph) except TypeError: return [build_paragraph(nodes.strong("Any", "Any"), " arbitrary element allowed")] append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Elements:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *children) if len(groups): append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Element groups:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *groups) return rv def document_element(self): fqtype = self.entity.get("type") if fqtype: (etype_ns, etype) = self.split_ns(fqtype) ns_uri = self.get_namespace_uri(etype_ns) values = self.get_values_from_type() if values != "Any": return [build_paragraph( self.tname, " takes only text content, which may be the ", "following values: ", values)] elif etype in self.entities[ns_uri]["complexType"]: if ((self.options['linktotype'] is True or self.name in self.options['linktotype'] or etype in self.options['linktotype'] or fqtype in self.options['linktotype']) and self.name not in self.options['inlinetypes'] and etype not in self.options['inlinetypes']): self.add_dep('complexType', fqtype, None) return [build_paragraph("Type: ", get_xref("type", fqtype))] typespec = self.entities[ns_uri]["complexType"][etype] doc = self.get_documentor(typespec, name=self.entity.get("name")) rv = [self.target_node("complexType", etype_ns, etype)] if self.include['doc'] and not self.get_doc(self.entity): rv.append(self.get_doc(typespec)) rv.extend(doc.document_complexType()) return rv else: self.reporter.error("Unknown element type %s" % fqtype) return [] else: rv = [] typespec = self.entity.xpath("xs:complexType", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] if self.include['doc'] and not self.get_doc(self.entity): rv.append(self.get_doc(typespec)) if typespec is not None: rv = [self.target_node("complexType", self.ns_name, self.name)] doc = self.get_documentor(typespec) rv.extend(doc.document_complexType()) return rv def document_complexType(self): rv = nodes.definition_list() try: content = self.entity.xpath("xs:simpleContent", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] base = content.xpath("xs:extension|xs:restriction", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] attr_container = base except IndexError: base = None attr_container = self.entity ##### ATTRIBUTES ##### table, tbody = self.get_attr_table() attrs = self.get_attrs(attr_container) if attrs: tbody.extend(attrs) foreign_attr_groups = nodes.bullet_list() for agroup in attr_container.xpath("xs:attributeGroup", namespaces=NSMAP): # if the attribute group is in another namespace, just # link to it ns, name = self.split_ns(agroup.get('ref')) if ns != self.ns_name: append_node( foreign_attr_groups, nodes.list_item, build_paragraph(get_xref(tag2type("attributeGroup"), ":".join([ns, name])))) else: tbody.extend(self.get_attrs( self.entities['attributeGroup'][name])) if len(tbody): append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Attributes:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, table) if self.include['attributegroups'] and len(foreign_attr_groups): append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Attribute groups:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, foreign_attr_groups) ##### ELEMENTS ##### if self.include['children']: # todo: distinguish between elements that may occur and # elements that must occur try: (children, groups) = self.get_child_elements(self.entity) except TypeError: children = None groups = None rv.append(build_paragraph(nodes.strong("Any", "Any"), " arbitrary child elements allowed")) if children: append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Child elements:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, build_node(nodes.bullet_list, *children)) if groups: append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Element groups:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *groups) ##### TEXT CONTENT ##### if self.include['text']: if self.entity.get("mixed", "false").lower() == "true": append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Text content:")) append_node(rv, nodes.definition, build_paragraph(self.get_values_from_simpletype())) elif base is not None: append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Text content:")) append_node( rv, nodes.definition, build_paragraph(self.get_values_from_simpletype(content))) return [rv] def document_attributeGroup(self): attrs = self.get_attrs(self.entity) if attrs: table, tbody = self.get_attr_table() tbody.extend(attrs) return [table] else: return [] def get_attr_table(self): atable = nodes.table() atgroup = build_node(nodes.tgroup('', cols=5), nodes.colspec(colwidth=10), nodes.colspec(colwidth=50), nodes.colspec(colwidth=20), nodes.colspec(colwidth=10), nodes.colspec(colwidth=10), nodes.thead('', build_table_row("Name", "Description", "Values", "Required", "Default"))) atable.append(atgroup) atable_body = nodes.tbody() atgroup.append(atable_body) return (atable, atable_body) def get_child_elements(self, el, nodeclass=None): """ returns a tuple of (child element nodes, element group nodes). HOWEVER, if _any_ child is allowed, returns True. """ children = [] groups = [] if nodeclass is None: nodeclass = nodes.list_item if el.xpath("xs:any", namespaces=NSMAP): return True for child in el.xpath("xs:element", namespaces=NSMAP): node = nodeclass() if child.get('ref'): node.append(build_paragraph(get_xref('element', child.get('ref')))) else: # child element given inline doc = self.get_documentor(child, name=child.get('name')) node.extend(doc.document()) children.append(node) for group in el.xpath("xs:group", namespaces=NSMAP): if group.get('ref'): name = group.get('ref') node = nodeclass() node.append(build_paragraph(get_xref('group', name))) self.add_dep('group', name, None) groups.append(node) else: rv = self.get_child_elements(group, nodeclass=nodeclass) try: children.extend(rv[0]) groups.extend(rv[1]) except TypeError: return rv for container in el.xpath("xs:all|xs:choice|xs:sequence", namespaces=NSMAP): rv = self.get_child_elements(container, nodeclass=nodeclass) try: children.extend(rv[0]) groups.extend(rv[1]) except TypeError: return rv return (children, groups) def get_documentor(self, entity, name=None, ns_uri=None): if name is None: name = self.name if ns_uri is None: ns_uri = self.ns_uri return XMLDocumentor(entity, self.env, self.state, name=name, ns_uri=ns_uri, parent=self, options=self.options, include=self.include) def get_attrs(self, el, context=None): cnode = el while context is None and cnode is not None: context = cnode.get('name') cnode = cnode.getparent() rows = [] for attr in el.xpath("xs:attribute[@name]", namespaces=NSMAP): name = attr.get("name") if self.ns_name: fqname = "%s:%s" % (self.ns_name, name) else: fqname = name if (self.options['onlyattrs'] and name not in self.options['onlyattrs'] and fqname not in self.options['onlyattrs']): continue tag = attr.tag[len(XS_NS):] row = [build_paragraph(self.target_node(tag, self.ns_name, context, name), nodes.literal(fqname, fqname))] row.append(self.get_doc(attr)) if attr.get("type") is not None: row.append(build_paragraph( self.get_values_from_type(entity=attr))) else: try: atype = attr.xpath("xs:simpleType", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] row.append(self.get_values_from_simpletype(atype)) except IndexError: # todo: warn about no type found pass reqd = 0 if (name in self.options['requiredattrs'] or attr.get("use", "optional") == "required"): row.append("Yes") reqd = 1 else: row.append("No") default = attr.get("default") if default is None: row.append("None") else: row.append(nodes.literal(default, default)) # we record name and required separately to make sorting # easier rows.append((name, reqd, build_table_row(*row))) rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if not self.options['onlyattrs'] or '*' in self.options['onlyattrs']: try: anyattr = el.xpath("xs:anyAttribute", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] rows.append((None, None, build_table_row('*', self.get_doc(anyattr), "Any", "No", "None"))) except IndexError: pass return [r[2] for r in rows] def get_values_from_type(self, entity=None, typeattr='type'): if entity is None: entity = self.entity ns_name, name = self.split_ns(entity.get(typeattr)) ns_uri = self.get_namespace_uri(ns_name, entity=entity) if ns_uri == XS: return self.get_builtin_type(name) elif name in self.entities[ns_uri]['simpleType']: return self.get_values_from_simpletype( self.entities[ns_uri]['simpleType'][name]) else: return "Any" def get_builtin_type(self, vtype): if vtype == "boolean": return get_value_list(["true", "false"]) else: return get_datatype_ref(vtype, vtype, self.app.config.xmlschema_datatype_url) def get_doc(self, el): try: return self.parse(el.xpath("xs:annotation/xs:documentation", namespaces=NSMAP)[0].text) except IndexError: return build_paragraph('') def parse(self, text): node = nodes.paragraph() vl = ViewList() for line in text.splitlines(): vl.append(line, '') nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, vl, node) try: return node[0] except IndexError: return build_paragraph(text) def split_ns(self, name): try: (ns, name) = name.split(":") except ValueError: ns = self.ns_name return (ns, name) def get_values_from_simpletype(self, entity=None): if entity is None: entity = self.entity # todo: xs:union, xs:list try: restriction = entity.xpath("xs:restriction|xs:extension", namespaces=NSMAP)[0] except IndexError: return "Any" doc = self.get_doc(restriction) if len(doc) == 1 and len(doc[0]) == 0: # if get_doc returns a paragraph node with an empty Text # node enum = [e.get("value") for e in restriction.xpath("xs:enumeration", namespaces=NSMAP)] if len(enum): return get_value_list(enum) else: return self.get_values_from_type(entity=restriction, typeattr='base') else: return doc def add_dep(self, typ, name, entity): try: if name in self.options['noautodep']: return except TypeError: if self.options['noautodep']: return self.dependencies.append((typ, name, entity)) def target_node(self, tag, ns, *extra): targetid = get_target_id(tag, ns, *extra) fqname = targetid[len(tag) + 1:] rv = nodes.target('', '', ids=[targetid]) self.add_domain_data(tag2type(tag), fqname, (self.env.docname, targetid)) return rv def add_domain_data(self, typ, key, data): if key not in self.env.domaindata['xml'][typ]: self.env.domaindata['xml'][typ][key] = data def get_namespace_uri(self, ns_name, entity=None): if entity is None: entity = self.entity xs_ns = get_xs_ns(entity) if ns_name == xs_ns: return XS else: return self.namespaces[ns_name] def tag2type(tag): if tag in ['complexType', 'simpleType']: return 'type' elif tag == 'attributeGroup': return 'attributegroup' return tag def text(txt): return nodes.Text(txt, txt) def append_node(parent, cls_or_node, *contents): parent.append(build_node(cls_or_node, *contents)) def build_node(cls_or_node, *contents): if isinstance(cls_or_node, (type, classobj)): rv = cls_or_node() else: rv = cls_or_node rv.extend(contents) return rv def get_xref(typ, target, title=None): if title is None: title = target ref = addnodes.pending_xref(title, reftype=typ, refdomain="xml", reftarget=target) ref.append(nodes.literal(title, title)) return ref def build_table_row(*vals): rv = nodes.row('') for val in vals: if isinstance(val, nodes.Node): node = val else: node = nodes.paragraph(val, val) rv.append(nodes.entry(node, node)) return rv def build_paragraph(*args): """ convenience method to build a paragraph node """ rv = nodes.paragraph() for content in args: if isinstance(content, nodes.Node): rv.append(content) else: rv.append(text(content)) return rv def get_target_id(etype, ns_name, *extra): if ns_name: return ":".join([etype, ns_name] + list(extra)) else: return ":".join([etype] + list(extra)) def get_value_list(vals): rv = nodes.paragraph() if vals: rv.append(nodes.literal(vals[0], vals[0])) for i in range(1, len(vals)): rv.append(text(" | ")) rv.append(nodes.literal(vals[i], vals[i])) return rv def get_xs_ns(el): return get_namespace_name(el, XS) def get_namespace_name(el, ns_uri): for name, ns in el.nsmap.items(): if ns == ns_uri: return name return None def get_datatype_ref(title, target, baseurl): return build_node(nodes.reference('', '', refuri=baseurl % target), nodes.literal(title, title)) class XMLDatatypeRole(object): def __init__(self, baseurl): self.baseurl = baseurl def __call__(self, name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): has_explicit_title, title, target = split_explicit_title(text) return [get_datatype_ref(title, target, self.baseurl)], [] class XMLXRefRole(roles.XRefRole): def __init__(self, typ, **kwargs): roles.XRefRole.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.type = typ def process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target): if (self.type == 'attribute' and not has_explicit_title and ':' in title): title = title.split(':')[-1] return roles.XRefRole.process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target) class XMLDomain(Domain): name = "xml" label = "XML" types = dict(schema=['schema'], type=['complexType', 'simpleType'], group=['group'], attributegroup=['attributeGroup'], element=['element'], attribute=None) object_types = dict([(t, ObjType("XML %s" % t.title(), t)) for t in types.keys()]) directives = dict([(t, XMLDirective(h)) for t, h in types.items() if h is not None]) roles = dict([(t, XMLXRefRole(t)) for t in types.keys()]) dangling_warnings = dict([(t, "unknown XML %s: %%(target)s" % t) for t in types.keys()]) initial_data = dict([(t, dict()) for t in types.keys()]) data_version = 3 def clear_doc(self, docname): to_del = [] for dtype in self.types.keys(): for key, (doc, _) in self.data[dtype].items(): if doc == docname: to_del.append((dtype, key)) for dtype, key in to_del: del self.data[dtype][key] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): if typ in ['complexType', 'simpleType']: typ = 'type' if target in self.data[typ]: docname, labelid = self.data[typ][target] else: return None return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, docname, labelid, contnode) def get_objects(self): for dtype in self.types.keys(): for name, (docname, tgtid) in self.data[dtype].items(): yield (name, name, dtype, docname, tgtid, self.object_types[dtype].attrs['searchprio']) class XMLPickleWrapper(object): def __init__(self, element): self.element = element def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.element, name) def __getstate__(self): return dict(element=lxml.etree.tostring(self.element)) def __setstate__(self, state): self.element = lxml.etree.fromstring(state['element']) def setup(app): app.add_config_value('xmlschema_path', '.', False) app.add_config_value('xmlschema_datatype_url', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#%s', False) app.add_domain(XMLDomain) app.connect('builder-inited', load_xml_schemas) app.connect('builder-inited', add_xml_datatype_role) def add_xml_datatype_role(app): app.add_role_to_domain('xml', 'datatype', XMLDatatypeRole(app.config.xmlschema_datatype_url)) def load_xml_schemas(app): entities = dict() entities[None] = dict(schema=dict(), group=dict(), attributeGroup=dict(), element=dict(), simpleType=dict(), complexType=dict()) namespaces = dict() namespaces_by_uri = dict() schemapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.env.srcdir, app.config.xmlschema_path)) for root, _, files in os.walk(schemapath): for fname in files: if not fname.endswith(".xsd"): continue path = os.path.join(root, fname) relpath = path[len(schemapath):].strip("/") schema = lxml.etree.parse(path).getroot() ns = schema.get("targetNamespace") ns_name = get_namespace_name(schema, ns) if ns_name not in namespaces: namespaces[ns_name] = ns if ns not in namespaces_by_uri: namespaces_by_uri[ns] = ns_name if ns not in entities: entities[ns] = dict(schema=dict(), group=dict(), attributeGroup=dict(), element=dict(), simpleType=dict(), complexType=dict()) # schemas don't require namespaces to be identified # uniquely, but we let the user identify them either with # or without the namespace entities[None]['schema'][relpath] = XMLPickleWrapper(schema) entities[ns]['schema'][relpath] = XMLPickleWrapper(schema) for entity in schema.xpath("//xs:*[@name]", namespaces=NSMAP): tag = entity.tag[len(XS_NS):] if tag in entities[ns]: entities[ns][tag][entity.get("name")] = XMLPickleWrapper(entity) app.builder.env.xmlschema_namespaces = namespaces app.builder.env.xmlschema_namespaces_by_uri = namespaces_by_uri app.builder.env.xmlschema_entities = entities