.. vim: ft=rst bcfg2-build-reports =================== .. program:: bcfg2-build-reports Synopsis -------- **bcfg2-build-reports** [*-A*] [*-c*] [*-s*] Description ----------- :program:`bcfg2-build-reports` is used to build all client state reports. See the Bcfg2 manual for report setup information. Options ------- -A Displays all data. -c *configuration file* Specify an alternate report configuration path. The default is ``repo/etc/reports-configuration.xml``. -h Produce a help message. -s *statistics path* Use an alternative path for the statistics file. The default is ``repo/etc/statistics.xml``. See Also -------- :manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`