.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. vim: ft=rst .. _releases-1.4.0pre2: 1.4.0pre2 ========= The second prerelease for Bcfg2 1.4.0 is now available at: ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/bcfg Bcfg2 1.4.0pre2 is a prerelease, and contains many new features, including some that are backwards-incompatible with Bcfg2 1.3.x and earlier. Please read the release notes thoroughly. This is a prerelease and as such is not likely suitable for general production deployment. That said, please help us test the release in non- and preproduction environments. * NagiosGen: Add bundles to configuration backwards-incompatible user-facing changes ------------------------------------------ * Changed default communication protocol to xmlrpc/tlsv1 * Diff output from files sent to the Reports plugin from the client will now be in a unified diff format rather than the previous n-diff format. This fixes potentially long client runs when comparing files that have diverged significantly. * Ignore directories containing a .bcfg2-ignore file in various plugins (Bundler, Defaults, Pkgmgr, Properties, PuppetENC, TemplateHelper, Trigger). Thanks ------ Special thanks to the following contributors for this release * Alexander Sulfrain * Matt Kemp * Jeremie Banier