The BCFG2 Reporting System
Reporting Quick Start <filename>report-configuration.xml</filename> ]]> This configuration will generate two separate reports and deliver them a number of different ways. For more information on exactly what each section does, please refer to the Configuration section below In order to run reports, you need to run the following command regularly via Cron: GenerateHostInfo Once configured correctly, just wait for the e-mail or check look at the output html files with a web browser. You can run GenerateHostInfo by hand if you would like in order to try it out immediately. If you are trying to view a HTML file and find that it doesn't work as expected, make sure that the required source directory is in the same directory. They are static, but might need to be moved from /share/bcfg2/ in to the directory from which you are viewing your reports.
Concepts; Why to report Reports play an important role in effectively managing systems with BCFG. There are two primary functions they fulfill; providing otherwise unobtainable information, and presenting additional helpful information to allow for easier admistration. Reports can contain information including system statistics, discrepancies between specified and actual configuration, invalid configuration, and auditing information among other things. The flexible XML configuration file allows reports to be configured to deliver only the information that is important. Additional reports can easily be created, providing site-specific capability to manage at record effiency. The capability to harvest information regarding statistics, configuration, and problems in a single location should prove to be powerful.
How it all works The BCFG2 Reporting System consists of a number of elements. The core is the StatReports Executable. StatReports reads a default configuration file (or a config file specified on the command line) then prepares and delivers the reports specified in the configuration file. It is expected that this executable will be run by the adminstrator periodically via cron or similar facilty. The executable can also be run manually on demand for a special sort of report that needs to be generated immediately. StatReports gets the data it reports from a number of sources. The hostinfo.xml file is specific to the reporting system and generated by the executable python script GenerateHostInfo . Hostinfo.xml contains information about if a host is currently pingable or not, and a mapping of short hostnames to FQDNs. GenerateHostInfo will be run automatically by StatReports if the hostinfo.xml file is older than 23.5 hours. This number is chosen, because it is likely an administrator will recieve reports daily about the status of hosts and if they had run BCFG the previous night. It is possible to execute GenerateHostInfo to update the hostinfo.xml file at any interval via cron, but it does take some time to complete, so be sure to give it a few minutes. This will only likely be of use if your BCFG clients are set to update more often than nightly and you would like reports after each run. The next place StatReports gets data from is the statistics.xml file. This file is maintained by bcfgd, and is updated whenever a client updates, therefore is always up to date, and no maintainence is required on this file. Finally StatReports is able to get any information out of the metadata.xml file. This will likely be most useful in the future where the range of reports will include auditing style reports, that must include configuration information.
Report Types There are a number of report types, and a number of delivery styles. It is expected that reports be laid out around a group of machines. For any group of machines it can be defined that there be any number of reports generated, with different options. For each of those reports, each can be delivered by Mail, WWW, or via RSS (or any combination of the three.) In the future, additional report types will be added, and if necessary, additional types of deliveries will be created. Here is a list of the report types currently defined. Overview-Stats This report provides informatoin about a large number of machines and their states. It is often found to be useful when the group of machines it is connected with is simply All Nodes, which gives an overall outlook on your network's health. It makes sense to get this report via any mechanism Nodes-Digest This is a report that includes details about each node, specifically what packages, files, etc are broken, and other node specific info. It makes sense to recieve this via any mechanism Nodes-Individual This report includes details about each node, but information is separated in to separate sections (such as separate e-mails or RSS articles) before sending. This works well with e-mail filters and error detection. Currently WWW is not a supported delivery mechanism for this type of report, because it is not completely clear how such a report could be used. A list of delivery mechanisms follows: www This delivery produces HTML reports which can be delivered via the WWW. it is important that you copy the directory: ]]>/share/bcfg2/reports/web-rprt-srcs in to the same directory as you will be serving web pages from. It includes CSS and JavaScript files necessary to properly view the WWW files. rss This delivery type also should be written to some area that is likely web accessable. It is plain RSS-- One Caveat-- the "Article Link" does not actually point to any web information, because it is not clear that a corresponding web page exists for any given RSS article. mail Mail is simple plaintext e-mail that is sent to the specified recipients directly from the machine on which BCFG is running by opening a pipe to sendmail.
Configuration The report-configuration.xml file is the standard file that is used whenever the StatReports executable is run without any command line arguments. Alternate configuration files, formatted identically, can be used instead with the -c flag. This can be useful for running different types of reports at different intervals. For example: Run this hourly: StatReports -c WebAndRssReport-config.xml Run this daily: StatReports -c emailReports-config.xml The report-configuration.xml file is structured with a root ]]> tag at the top level. Within this tag any number of ]]> tags can be inserted. Each report is structured around a group of machines. ]]> tags may individually reference a machine by hostname (not FQDN), or also by a Python Regular Expression. More information can be found about such Regexes at: Any number of ]]> elements can be made for a given report. A delivery consists of a mechanism and a type. The mechanism would be something like Mail or Web, and they type would reference the content of the report. Some are tailored to overall machine health, while others could be best fit for auditing purposes Finally, each ]]> contains one or more ]]> tags. In the case of an RSS or WWW report, the destination should be a complete path to the output file. In e-mail based reports the destination should be a complete e-mail address.