.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _reports-dynamic: ============================== Bcfg2 Dynamic Reporting System ============================== .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 Installation ============ Prerequisites ------------- * sqlite3 * pysqlite2 * `Django `_ * mod-python Install ------- Be sure to include the specified fields included in the example ``bcfg2.conf`` file. These can be specified in either ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``, if it is readable by the webserver user, or ``/etc/bcfg2-web.conf``. Any database supported by Django can be used. If you are not using sqlite (the default choice), please see the :ref:`alternative-databases` section below. .. note:: Distributed environments can share a single remote database for reporting. The recommended statistics plugin is DBStats. To use it, add it to the **plugins** line in your ``bcfg2.conf``. Alternatively, the Statistics plugin can be used in conjunction with a crontab entry to run ``/usr/sbin/bcfg2-admin reports load_stats``. Detailed installation instructions can be found :ref:`here `. .. _dynamic-http-install: Apache configuration for web-based reports ------------------------------------------ .. note:: Reports no longer needs to be installed at the root URL for a given host. Therefore, reports no longer require their own virtual host. In order to make this work, you will need to specify your web prefix by adding a **web_prefix** setting in the [statistics] section of your ``bcfg2.conf``. An example site config is included below for the vhost "reports.mcs.anl.gov":: ServerAdmin webmaster@mcs.anl.gov ServerName reports.mcs.anl.gov DocumentRoot /var/www/reports Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost #you may want to change this AllowOverride None # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, # alert, emerg. LogLevel warn ServerSignature Off # Stop TRACE/TRACK vulnerability RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK) RewriteRule .* - [F] SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings PythonDebug On SetHandler None The first three lines of this configuration must be customized per site. The ``bcfg2-tarball/reports/site_media/`` directory needs to be copied to ``/var/www/reports/site_media/`` It could live anywhere; as long as the contents are accessible on the virtual host at ``/site_media/``. At this point you should be able to point your web browser to the virtualhost you created and see the new reports Example WSGI configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entry.wsgi:: import os, sys os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings' import django.core.handlers.wsgi application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler() Apache conf:: Alias /bcfg2reports/site_media "/path/to/site_media" Order deny,allow Allow from all AllowOverride None # If Python is installed in a non-standard prefix: #WSGIPythonHome /python/prefix #WSGIPythonPath /python/prefix/lib/python2.6/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias /bcfg2reports "/another/path/to/entry.wsgi" .. _alternative-databases: Notes on Alternative Databases ------------------------------ If you choose to use a different database, you'll need to edit ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``. These fields should be updated in the [statistics] section: * database_engine * ex: database_engine = mysql * ex: database_engine = postgresql_psycopg2 * database_name * database_user * database_password * database_host * database_port (optional) Summary and Features ==================== The new reporting system was implemented to address a number of deficiencies in the previous system. By storing statistics data in a relational database, we are now able to view and analyze more information about the state of the configuration, including information about previous configuration. Specific features in the new system include: * The ability to look at a :ref:`reports-calendar-summary` with past statistics information. * More recent data concerning hosts. * Additional information display in reports. Primarily, reasons for :ref:`configuration item verification failure ` are now accessible. * Instead of static pages, pages are generated on the fly, allowing users to drill down to find out about a :ref:`specific host `, rather than only having one huge page with too much information. Planned improvements include ============================ * Accounts, customized displays for each admin. And privacy of config data. * Config browsing capabilities; to look at your config in an interesting way. * Fixing all the known bugs from below. Unfortunately with all the improvements, there are a few less exciting elements about the new reporting system. The new reporting system moves away from static pages and towards a real web application, which causes mainly problems with dependencies and makes installation more difficult. This should become less of a problem over time as we develop a better installation process for a web application. Usage ===== bcfg2-admin reports (command line script) ----------------------------------------- The bcfg2-admin tool provides management and maintenance capabilities for the reporting database. A few useful `Django `_ commands are provided as well. * init: Initialize a new database * load_stats: Load statistics data from the Statistics plugin into the database. This was importscript.py. * scrub: Scrub the database for duplicate reasons. * update: Apply any updates to the reporting database. Unlike the syncdb command, this will modify existing tables. Django commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * syncdb: Create the tables for any models not installed. Django will not modify any existing tables. * sqlall: Print the sql statements used to create the database. Note: This does not show the fixture data. * validate: Validate the database against the current models. bcfg2-reports (command line script) ----------------------------------- bcfg2-reports allows you to retrieve data from the database about clients, and the states of their current interactions. It also allows you to change the expired/unexpired states. The utility runs as a standalone application. It does, however, use the models from ``/src/lib/Server/Reports/reports/models.py``. A number of different options can be used to change what bcfg2-reports displays:: Usage: python bcfg2-reports [option] ... Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables): -a : shows all hosts, including expired hosts -b NAME : single-host mode - shows bad entries from the current interaction of NAME -c : shows only clean hosts -d : shows only dirty hosts -e NAME : single-host mode - shows extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -h : shows help and usage info about bcfg2-reports -s NAME : single-host mode - shows bad and extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -x NAME : toggles expired/unexpired state of NAME --badentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --extraentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --fields=ARG1,ARG2,... : only displays the fields ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state) --sort=ARG1,ARG2,... : sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state) --stale : shows hosts which haven't run in the last 24 hours Screenshots =========== .. _reports-calendar-summary: Calendar Summary ---------------- .. image:: summary_cal.jpg :alt: Calendar summary .. _reports-item-detail: Item detail ----------- .. image:: item_detail.jpg :alt: Item detail Node dropdown ------------- .. _reports-node-dropdown: .. image:: node_dropdown.jpg :alt: Node dropdown