.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _reports-dynamic: ============================== Bcfg2 Dynamic Reporting System ============================== .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 Installation ============ Prerequisites ------------- * sqlite3 * pysqlite2 (if using python 2.4) * `Django `_ * mod-wsgi .. warning:: There is a known issue when using an sqlite database on an ext4 filesystem. You will want to remount the filesystem without barriers (-o barrier=0) in order to speed up the operations of the database. For more information, please see http://phoronix-test-suite.com/pipermail/trondheim-pts_phoronix-test-suite.com/2009-March/000095.html. Install ------- Be sure to include the specified fields included in the example ``bcfg2.conf`` file. These can be specified in either ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``, if it is readable by the webserver user, or ``/etc/bcfg2-web.conf``. Any database supported by Django can be used. If you are not using sqlite (the default choice), please see the :ref:`alternative-databases` section below. .. warning:: If you are using an sqlite database, the directory containing the database file will need to be writable by the web server. The reason for this is that sqlite will create another file for its journal when it tries to update the database file. .. note:: Distributed environments can share a single remote database for reporting. The recommended statistics plugin is DBStats. To use it, add it to the **plugins** line in your ``bcfg2.conf``. Alternatively, the Statistics plugin can be used in conjunction with a crontab entry to run ``/usr/sbin/bcfg2-admin reports load_stats``. Detailed installation instructions can be found :ref:`here `. .. _dynamic-http-install: Apache configuration for web-based reports ------------------------------------------ .. note:: Reports no longer needs to be installed at the root URL for a given host. Therefore, reports no longer require their own virtual host. In order to make this work, you will need to specify your web prefix by adding a **web_prefix** setting in the [statistics] section of your ``bcfg2.conf``. An example site config is included below:: # # If the root is changed update the static content alias as well # WSGIScriptAlias /bcfg2 "/usr/share/bcfg2/reports.wsgi" WSGISocketPrefix run WSGIDaemonProcess Bcfg2.Server.Reports processes=1 threads=10 WSGIProcessGroup Bcfg2.Server.Reports # # Manually set this to override the static content # #SetEnv bcfg2.media_url /bcfg2/site_media/ # # This should have the same prefix as WSGIScriptAlias # Alias "/bcfg2/site_media/" "/usr/share/bcfg2/site_media/" Options None AllowOverride None order deny,allow deny from all allow from This configuration is suitable for use with the default installation from an RPM or deb package. At this point you should be able to point your web browser to http://localhost/bcfg2 and see the new reports. .. _alternative-databases: Notes on Alternative Databases ------------------------------ If you choose to use a different database, you'll need to edit ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``. These fields should be updated in the [statistics] section: * database_engine * ex: database_engine = mysql * ex: database_engine = postgresql_psycopg2 * database_name * database_user * database_password * database_host * database_port (optional) Summary and Features ==================== The new reporting system was implemented to address a number of deficiencies in the previous system. By storing statistics data in a relational database, we are now able to view and analyze more information about the state of the configuration, including information about previous configuration. Specific features in the new system include: * The ability to look at a :ref:`reports-calendar-summary` with past statistics information. * More recent data concerning hosts. * Additional information display in reports. Primarily, reasons for :ref:`configuration item verification failure ` are now accessible. * Instead of static pages, pages are generated on the fly, allowing users to drill down to find out about a :ref:`specific host `, rather than only having one huge page with too much information. Usage ===== bcfg2-admin reports (command line script) ----------------------------------------- The bcfg2-admin tool provides management and maintenance capabilities for the reporting database. A few useful `Django `_ commands are provided as well. * init: Initialize a new database * load_stats: Load statistics data from the Statistics plugin into the database. This was importscript.py. * scrub: Scrub the database for duplicate reasons. * update: Apply any updates to the reporting database. Unlike the syncdb command, this will modify existing tables. Django commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * syncdb: Create the tables for any models not installed. Django will not modify any existing tables. * sqlall: Print the sql statements used to create the database. Note: This does not show the fixture data. * validate: Validate the database against the current models. bcfg2-reports (command line script) ----------------------------------- bcfg2-reports allows you to retrieve data from the database about clients, and the states of their current interactions. It also allows you to change the expired/unexpired states. The utility runs as a standalone application. It does, however, use the models from ``/src/lib/Server/Reports/reports/models.py``. A number of different options can be used to change what bcfg2-reports displays:: Usage: python bcfg2-reports [option] ... Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables): -a : shows all hosts, including expired hosts -b NAME : single-host mode - shows bad entries from the current interaction of NAME -c : shows only clean hosts -d : shows only dirty hosts -e NAME : single-host mode - shows extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -h : shows help and usage info about bcfg2-reports -s NAME : single-host mode - shows bad and extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -x NAME : toggles expired/unexpired state of NAME --badentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --extraentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --fields=ARG1,ARG2,... : only displays the fields ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state) --sort=ARG1,ARG2,... : sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state) --stale : shows hosts which haven't run in the last 24 hours Screenshots =========== .. _reports-calendar-summary: Calendar Summary ---------------- .. image:: summary_cal.jpg :alt: Calendar summary .. _reports-item-detail: Item detail ----------- .. image:: item_detail.jpg :alt: Item detail Node dropdown ------------- .. _reports-node-dropdown: .. image:: node_dropdown.jpg :alt: Node dropdown