.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _server-admin-client-index: client ====== Create, delete, list, or modify client entries. :: bcfg2-admin client add attr1=val1 attr2=val2 Allowed attributes are *profile*, *uuid*, *password*, *location*, *secure*, and *address*. A full example is shown below:: bcfg2-admin client add laptop02.example.com profile="basic" For more details please refer to the :ref:`Metadata section `. With ``list`` the file ``clients.xml`` is parsed and all entries are shown:: bcfg2-admin client list server01.example.com laptop02.example.com This is useful for a quick check after adding an entry. If you want more in-depth information about a client, ``bcfg2-client clients`` can provide that. Please refer to the :ref:`bcfg2-info ` section for further details.