.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. NOTE: these are relative links (change when directory structure .. changes) .. _Base: plugins/structures/base .. _Bundler: plugins/structures/bundler .. _Cfg: plugins/generators/cfg.html .. _TGenshi: plugins/generators/tgenshi .. _TCheetah: plugins/generators/tcheetah.html .. _Rules: plugins/generators/rules.html .. _server-configurationentries: ===================== Configuration Entries ===================== This page describes the names and semantics of each of the configuration entries used by Bcfg2. Non-POSIX entries ================= +-------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+ | TagName | Description | Attributes | +=============+=====================+=============================+ | Action | Command | name, command, when, timing | +-------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+ | Package | Software Packages | name, type, version, url | +-------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+ | PostInstall | PostInstall command | name | +-------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+ | Service | System Services | name, type, status, target | +-------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+ POSIX entries ============= .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 The unified POSIX Path entries prevent inconsistent configuration specifications of multiple entries for a given path. The following table describes the various types available for new **Path** entries. The abstract specification of these entries (i.e. In `Bundler`_) will only contain a *name* attribute. The type will be added by the plugin that handles the entry in the case of `Cfg`_, `TGenshi`_, or `TCheetah`_. If the entry is handled by the `Rules`_ plugin (i.e. it is a device, directory, hardlink, symlink, etc), then you will specify both the *type* and any other necessary attributes in `Rules`_. Running ``bcfg2-lint`` will check your configuration specification for the presence of any mandatory attributes that are necessary for the Path type specified. .. note:: A tool for converting old POSIX entries is available in the Bcfg2 source directory at tools/posixunified.py +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | Type | Replacement/New | Description | Attributes | +=============+======================+=================+==========================+ | device | New | Create block, | name, owner, group, | | | | character, and | dev_type | | | | fifo devices | (block, char, fifo), | | | | | major/minor | | | | | (for block/char devices) | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | directory | Replaces Directory | Directories | name, owner, group, | | | entries | | perms, prune | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | file | Replaces ConfigFile | Configuration | name, owner, group, | | | entries | File | perms, encoding, empty | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | hardlink | New | Create | name, to | | | | hardlinks | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | symlink | Replaces SymLink | SymLinks | name, to | | | entries | | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | ignore | New | Ignore files | name | | | | that cause | | | | | package | | | | | verification | | | | | failures | | | | | (currently | | | | | applies to only | | | | | YUMng) | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | nonexistent | New | Specify a path | name, recursive | | | | that should not | | | | | exist | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | permissions | Replaces Permissions | Permissions of | name, owner, | | | entries | POSIX entities | group, perms | | | | | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ | vcs | New | Create version | vcstype (git), | | | | control | sourceurl, revision | | | | checkout | | +-------------+----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+ Keep in mind that permissions for files served up by Cfg/TGenshi/TCheetah are still handled via the traditional :ref:`server-info` mechanisms. .. _boundentries: Bound Entries ============= This feature is a mechanism to specify a full entry at once from a bundle. Traditionally, entries are defined in two stages. First, an abstract entry is defined in a bundle. This entry includes a type (the XML tag) and a name attribute. Then this entry is bound for a client, providing the appropriate instance of that entry for the client. Specifying a bound entry short-circuits this process; the only second stage processing on Bound entries is to remove the "Bound" prefix from the element tag. The use of a bound entry allows the single stage definition of a complete entry. Bound entries can be used for any type. Example: .. code-block:: xml Fun and Profit using altsrc =========================== Altsrc is a generic, bcfg2-server-side mechanism for performing configuration entry name remapping for the purpose of data binding. Use Cases --------- * Equivalent configuration entries on different architectures with different names * Mapping entries with the same name to different bind results in a configuration (two packages with the same name but different types) * A single configuration entry across multiple specifications (multi-plugin, or multi-repo) Examples -------- * Consider the case of ``/etc/hosts`` on linux and ``/etc/inet/hosts`` on solaris. These files contain the same data in the same format, and should typically be synchronized, however, exist in different locations. Classically, one would need to create one entry for each in `Cfg`_ or `TCheetah`_ and perform manual synchronization. Or, you could use symlinks and pray. Altsrc is driven from the bundle side. For example: .. code-block:: xml In this case, when a solaris host gets the 'netinfo' bundle, it will get the first Path entry, which includes an altsrc parameter. This will cause the server to bind the entry as if it were a Path called ``/etc/hosts``. This configuration entry is still called ``/etc/inet/hosts``, and is installed as such. * On encap systems, frequently multiple packages of the same name, but of different types will exist. For example, there might be an openssl encap package, and an openssl rpm package. This can be dealt with using a bundle like: .. code-block:: xml This bundle will bind data for the packages "openssl-encap" and "openssl-rpm", but will be delivered to the client with both packages named "openssl" with different types. * Finally, consider the case where there exist complicated, but completely independent specifications for the same configuration entry but different groups of clients. The following bundle will allow the use of two different `TCheetah`_ templates ``/etc/firewall-rules-external`` and ``/etc/firewall-rules-internal`` for different clients based on their group membership. .. code-block:: xml ... * Consider the case where a variety of files can be constructed by a single template (`TCheetah`_ or `TGenshi`_). It would be possible to copy this template into the proper location for each file, but that requires proper synchronization upon modification and knowing up front what the files will all be called. Instead, the following bundle allows the use of a single template for all proper config file instances. .. code-block:: xml altsrc can be used as a parameter for any entry type, and can be used in any structure, including `Bundler`_ and `Base`_.