Writing Bcfg2 Specifications The Bcfg2 specification is a set of directives that describe how hosts should be configured. This information is used to generate client configurations. This section describes the steps taken during the composition of bcfg2 specifications. All parts of the specification will correspond to some subset of the clients that bcfg2 has record of. Find or create a group corresponding to the target of this specification. Add each new configuration entry to the "abstract configuration" for the target group. This can be done in one of two ways. If the new configuration has to do with a service, or some other piece of inter-dependent configuration, write a bundle. If not, add the extra configuration entries to the base. Add configuration data for the above entries that apply only to the target group. Verify that clients not in the target group remain unaffected by these changes. Re-validate the bcfg2 repository by running bcfg2-repo-validate.
Interacting with Client Groups in Bcfg2 Bcfg2 uses an aspect-based classing mechanism to describe configuration patterns in its specifications. Each class describes particular aspects of client configurations. The Bcfg2 metadata mechanism has two types of information, client metadata and group metadata. Client metadata describes what top level group a client is associated with. Its configuration is derived from a combination of its host information and this group. Group definitions describe groups in terms of what bundles they include and other groups they include. Groups have a set of properties that describe how they can be used. (Starred values are defaults) Bcfg2 Group Parameters NameDescription ValuesprofileIf a client can be directly associated with this group(True|False*)publicIf a client can freely associate itself with this group(True|False*)toolset Describes which client-side logic should be used to make configuration changes(rh|debian|solaris)category A group can only contain one instance of a group in any category. This provides the basis for representing groups which are conjugates of one another in a rigorous way. It also provides the basis for negation.string
When a client's configuration is generated, its metadata is fetched. This includes a list of all groups recursively dereferenced, and all bundles included by those groups. This collection has already been processed using the group category rules, so only one instance from each group category is included. This metadata is used throughout the rest of the configuration generation process; it defines the client's abstract configuration and specifies all literal contents of all configuration entities.
Adding to the Abstract Configuration When writing bcfg2 specification, administrators primarily perform one of two operations: addition of new configuration entities or the modification of existing entries. If new entities need to be added, then they must be added to the abstract configuration. This is the inventory of configuration entities that should be installed on a client. Two plugins provide the basis for the abstract configuration, the bundler and base. The bundler builds descriptions of interrelated configuration entities. These are typically used for the representation of services, or other complex groups of entities. Base provides a laundry list of configuration entities that need to be installed on hosts. These entities are independent from one another, and can be installed individually without worrying about the impact on other entities. Entities in the abstract configuration (and correspondingly in the literal configuration) can have one of several types. In the abstract configuration, each of these entities only has a tag and the name attribute set. Bcfg2 Configuration Entity Types NameDescriptionPackageSoftware PackageConfigFileConfiguration FileService Persistent system services and daemonsDirectoryFilesystem DirectoriesSymLinkSymbolic linksPermissions The permissions (not contents) of a POSIX path
Writing Bundles Bundles consist of a set of configuration entities. These entities are grouped together due to a configuration-time interdependency. Basic services tend to be the simplest example of these: they consist of some software package(s) some configuration files and an indication that some service should be activated. If any of these pieces are installed or updated, all should be re-checked and any associated services should be restarted. Bundles can also contain conditonal entries that are only used for hosts in some particular groups. This is useful when a service name varies from platform to platform. A group is defined for each platform, hence a different service can be associated with the bundle for clients in the different groups. Conditional additions can also add extra functionality to services as needed. This has proven useful in the case of configuring webservers; php and ssl can be configured as extra features that some webservers have and others do not. At the same time, all configuration-time interdependencies are maintained.
Using Base The Base plugin provides a mechanism to add independent configuration entities to a client's abstract configuration. All files in the Base/ subdirectory of the respository are processed, and all entries that fall within the scope of the client metadata are included in its abstract configuration. These files are similar to those used by the Bundler, Svcmgr, and Pkgmgr, without the need for prioritization used by the later two.
Adding to the Literal Configuration During the construction of the literal configuration, first the abstract configuration is built, and then explicit data is bound in to each entity. The previous section describes how the first stage works, and this section describes the second stage. Each entity will be served by one plugin. This plugin will decide what explicit data should be bound in to a particular entity for a given client. Each of these plugins has a specific area of the configuration repository, corresponding to its name. This section describes how several of the basic plugins works.
Cfg The Cfg plugin provides a configuration file repository that uses literal file contents to provide client-tailored configuration file entries. It chooses which data to provide for a given client based on the aspect-based metadata system used for high-level client configuration. The Cfg repository is structured much like the filesystem hierarchy being configured. Each configuration file being served has a corresponding directory in the configuration repository. These directories have the same relative path as the absolute path of the configuration file on the target system. For example, if Cfg was serving data for the configuration file /etc/services, then its directory would be in the relative path ./etc/services inside of the Cfg repository. Inside of this file-specific directory, three types of files may exist. Base files are complete instances of configuration file. Deltas are differences between a base file and the target file contents. Base files and deltas are tagged with metadata specifiers, which describe which groups of clients the fragment pertains to. Configuration files are constructed by finding the most specific base file and applying any more specific deltas. Specifiers are embedded in fragment filenames. For example, in the fragment services.G99_webserver, "G99_webserver" is the specifier. This specifier applies to the group (G) webserver with a priority of 99. Files can also be tagged with a host-specific (H) specifier.Global files are the least specific. Priorities are used as to break ties. Info files, named :info are used to specify target configuration file metadata, such as owner, group and permissions. If no :info is provided, targets are installed with default information. Default metadata is root ownership, root group memberships, and 0644 file permissions. This file can also contain an encoding parameter (ascii|base64) and a paranoid flag that causes diffs to be logged on clients. Cfg/filepath/:info owner:root group:root perms:0755 Cfg/etc/passwd/ $ ls passwd.H_adenine passwd passwd.G99_chiba passwd.H_bio-debian passwd.H_cvstest passwd.H_foxtrot passwd.H_reboot passwd.H_rudy2 passwd.G98_netserv passwd.G99_tacacs-server.cat :info In the previous example, there exists files with each of the characteristics mentioned above. All files ending in ".cat" are deltas; ones with ".H_" are host specific files. There exists a base file, a :info file, two class-specified base files, and a bundle-specified base file.
Pkgmgr The Pkgmgr plugin is responsible for providing package version and installation information. In the case of each "Package" entity in the configuration, it binds in information needed to detect, verify and install the package. It has a similar format to the files used by Base and Bundler, but with a few differences. First, each file has a priority. This allows the same entity to be served by multiple files. The priorities can be used to break ties in the case that multiple files serve data for the same package. The other difference is that automatic deriviation of package information from the file attribute. The Pkgmgr has a set of regular expressions that can split package names for several formats. The filenames are used to construct installation URLs, and set several important fields like package name and version. Package Entity Attributes NameDescriptionnamePackage NameversionPackage Versionuri URL-style location of file repository (typically http)filePackage file name. Several other attributes (name, version, url) can be automatically defined based on regular expressions definied in the Pkgmgr plugin.simplefilePackage file name. No name parsing is performed, so no extra fields get set
Svcmgr The Svcmgr plugin describes where services should be active and inactive. Its files have a similar form to those used by the Pkgmgr. Several files in the Svcmgr repository can contain overlapping definitions, and a per-file priority is used to determine precedence, the highest priority file serving data for a particular service wins, on a service by service basis. These files also have a similar set of semantics to those used by the Pkgmgr. Entries in the top level element (Services) are global definitions. Group elements describe additional conditions that must be matched for that definition to supercede less specific ones. Deeply nested definitions must have their parent condition matched, plus all parent conditions as well. For example, the following declaration turns ssh on by default, disables it if the client is a part of group a, and reenables it if the client is a part of both groups a and b. Group nesting provides a conjunctive function. Svcmgr/ssh.xml ]]> The files used by this plugin can be structured in a number of ways. The most common method is to use one large file, but this can be inconvenience due to the large size of the file. The data can also be split up using any convenient mechanism: per-service, per-administrator, etc.
SSHbase The SSHbase plugin implements ssh public and private key management functionality. This means that a central record of ssh host keys is maintained. Also, a correct ssh_known_hosts file is maintained. This means that the keys for new hosts are added to this configuration, and also that a correct line for localhost is created. SSHbase will generate a new key for any hosts that doesn't already have a key stored in the repository, so it should be pre-seeded with the keys (public and private) of pre-existing clients.
Checking Group-External Clients for Unintended Changes Any configuration change will apply to some set of clients. Often, repository changes can have unintended consequences to clients not included in the target group. To address this issue, consider the changes performed, and if they can affect clients in unexpected ways.
Validating the Bcfg2 Repository Bcfg2 includes a repository validation tool that will check all XML files in the repository against included XML schemas. It is critical to run this command, bcfg2-repo-valdate after any modifications to XML files. If all files validate properly, then no output will be returned. It takes a "-v" option that prints out a line for each file that is validated. This can be used to ensure that all files are checked.
Annotated Configuration Examples In addition to the description of the abstract process above, we present several examples of the thought process and actions taken to achieve a particular configuration goal. These will start simple, but become more complex.
Configuring /etc/motd on all hosts The goal for this example is to install a uniform copy of a specified /etc/motd on all hosts. In this case, the target group is all clients, since we want this version of /etc/motd. As mentioned earlier, the global group is handled specially, so that all new clients, even newly created ones, are in it. Since /etc/motd is not interdependent with any other configuration entities, it can be installed using Base instead of using Bundler. The ConfigFile entity should be placed in the globally scoped section of a base file. This adds the configuration file to the abstract configuration. A file with the correct contents for /etc/motd should be installed in the Cfg repository area as a global file. This will provide the right literal configuration specification for each client. Since this change is globally scoped, there are not any clients that should not be affected. Finally, bcfg2-repo-validate should be run to catch typos.
Configuring NTP for a network The goal for this example is to configure NTP for an entire network. This implies several things. All clients should run NTP as clients. Some hosts should run NTP as a server, and other hosts should use local NTP service instead of an external server. Two discrete groups are used for the different parts of the desired configuration state. The first is the global group, handling the "all clients run ntp" part of the configuration specification. The other part corresponds to a new group "ntp-server", which contains only clients that should function as an ntp server. This configuration specification describes configuration entities that have interdependencies, so a bundle should be used. This bundle should contain the ntp software, the ntp configuration file, and the ntpd service. The literal portions of three different configuration entities need to be represented. First, the Pkgmgr needs to be configured to bind a package entity named ntp. Next, the Svcmgr needs to have a global declaration that the service ntpd should be on. Finally, two different configuration files should be added to Cfg. The global version of /etc/ntp.conf should have an ntp configuration that points hosts at the local ntp server. The group "ntp-server" specific version of this file should have the proper configuration for local ntp servers. A quick inspection of these configuration changes show only minor possibilities for bad interactions. All machines should run ntp, and the only scope where bad interactions can occur is on ntp servers. Finally, run bcfg2-repo-validate. It will validate the new bundle that has been added, and changes to the Svcmgr and Pkgmgr indices.