.. -*- mode: rst -*- ============= Unsorted Docs ============= These docs have yet to be sorted properly. The content for them can be found at the TitleIndex_ page on Trac. Most should be converted to sphinx. Some may not need any conversion (e.g. The Download page). Once converted and put in the proper place, you can remove the item from the list below. .. _TitleIndex: https://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/bcfg2/wiki/TitleIndex * `Agent with ssh` * `Annotated Examples` * `Architecture` * `Audio/Video` * `Bcfg2Doc` * `Bcfg2 Subversion How To` * `Bound Entry` * `Building Debian Packages` * `Building RPM Packages` * `Client/Debugging` * `Client/Metadata` * `ClientTools/RPMng` * `Comparison` * `Configuration Entries` * `Contribute` * `Contributors` * `Converging on verification with RHEL 5` * `Debian Pkgmgr creation script` * `Developing for Bcfg2` * `Development/WritingPlugins` * `Development Tips` * `Doc:Architecture` * `Documentation` * `Download` * `Dynamic groups` * `Emacs snippet support` * `Encap` * `FAQ` * `FeatureWindows` * `Gentoo` * `Group names` * `Help` * `Hostbase` * `HostbaseInstallation` * `Howtos` * `IRCChannel` * `Install` * `IptablesDeadmanScript` * `LearningPython` * `MailingList` * `ManualPages` * `NAT_HOWTO` * `NISAuth` * `NewDynamicReports` * `NewDynamicReportsInstallation` * `News` * `Overview` * `ParanoidMode` * `Plugins` * `Plugins/Account` * `Plugins/Actions` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/kernel.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/moab.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/nagios.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/ntp.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/snmpd.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/torque.xml` * `Plugins/Bundler/examples/yp.xml` * `Plugins/GroupPatterns` * `Plugins/Hostbase` * `Plugins/Metadata` * `Plugins/NagiosGen` * `Plugins/Ohai` * `Plugins/Probes` * `Plugins/Probes/examples` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/current-kernel` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/group` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/grub-serial-order` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/manufacturer` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/producttype` * `Plugins/Probes/examples/serial-console-speed` * `Plugins/Properties` * `Plugins/Rules` * `Plugins/SSHbase` * `Plugins/Snapshots` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/bcfg2_cron` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/clients.xml` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/ganglia` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/grub.conf` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/hosts` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/iptables` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/motd` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/my.cnf` * `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/test` * `Plugins/Trigger` * `PrecompiledPackages` * `Prereqs` * `Publications` * `QuickStart2` * `QuickStart3` * `RecentChanges` * `RefactorClient` * `Reports` * `Reports/Dynamic` * `Reports/Dynamic/Installation` * `Reports/Static` * `SandBox` * `SchemaEvolution` * `SecurityDevPlan` * `ServerSideOverview` * `TGenshi/examples` * `TGenshi/examples/Templated_Access` * `TGenshi/examples/bcfg2_cron` * `TGenshi/examples/clients.xml` * `TGenshi/examples/test` * `TOC` * `TrackingDevelopmentTrunk` * `Troubleshooting` * `UpgradeTesting` * `UsingRcache` * `VimSnippetSupport` * `WritingClientToolDrivers` * `WritingSpecification` * `altsrc` * `mrepo` * `ssl`