.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _unsorted-install: ============ Installation ============ Prerequisites ============= First, install the prerequisite libraries. See the [wiki:Prereqs] page for more information. Bcfg2 ===== Before installing, you will need to choose a machine to be the Bcfg2 server. We recommend a Linux-based machine for this purpose, but the server will work on any supported operating system. Note that you may eventually want to run a web server on this machine for reporting and serving up package repositories. * '''From packages:''' The easiest way to install Bcfg2 is from packages for your operating system. You can grab packages (and source packages) for various OSes from the [wiki:Download] page. Install them as you would any other packages. The server package only needs to be installed on your designated Bcfg2 server machine; the clients package needs to be installed on any machine you plan to manage by Bcfg2. * '''From source:''' The Bcfg2 source tarball can also be grabbed from the [wiki:Download] page. After untarring the file, you can build Bcfg2 with {{{python setup.py install --prefix=/install/prefix}}} This will install both the client and server on that machine. Configuration ============= Once Bcfg2 is installed, head over to the [wiki:QuickStart] to get it configured and up-and-running. OS X ==== Using native OS X python ------------------------ First, make sure you have Xcode installed as you need `packagemaker` which comes bundled in the Developer tools. Clone the git source:: git clone git://git.mcs.anl.gov/bcfg2.git Change to the osx directory and type make. Your new package should be located at bcfg2-'''$VERSION'''.pkg (where '''$VERSION''' is that which is specified in setup.py). Using macports -------------- Once macports is installed:: port install bcfg2