.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _unsorted-nisauth: ================== NIS Authentication ================== '''Edit Django settings''' Django allows for custom authentication backends to its login procedure. Hostbase has an NIS authentication backend that verifies a user to be in the unix group allowed to modify Hostbase. To enable this feature: * first edit your {{{Hostbase/settings.py}}} file and uncomment the line {{{'Hostbase.backends.NISBackend',}}} in the list of {{{AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS}}} * enter the name of the unix group you want to give access to Hostbase in the {{{AUTHORIZED_GROUP}}} variable * in your {{{Hostbase/hostbase/views.py}}} file at the very bottom, uncomment the block(s) of lines that give you the desired level of access Hostbase will now direct the user to a login page if he or she is not authorized to view a certain page. Users should log in with their regular Unix username and password.