1. what we aren't I feel the need to write this to describe why our approach isn't the same as the LDAP approach. When designing any metadata-based configuration management system, there is substantial temptation to start describing all aspects of the system that are relevant to system configuration. This approach leads to a few things. First, there are many long discussions that center around the proper representation for particular constructs. (ie, what attributes does a network interface have) The second outcome is that configuration details that might get used are typically included. This stems from the desire to have a comprehensive solution. The third, and most useful outcome is a large knowledge base from which many details of system configuration can be queried. This, in general, is a noble goal, but tends to require a lot of pain to get there. Switching to a BCFG1 install involved a good amount of pain/effort in order to classify software components into categories dictated by our model. I am not sure how well a more complicated process would be accepted by any user community. 2. how to do better Any system will have complex portions of configuration, and site-specific oddities. A single, simple description scheme certainly won't provide the flexibility required to model complex interdependencies. The approach we are taking is to provide a simple scheme while allow arbitrary logic to be embedded. (generators) Using this scheme, simple configurations remain simple, and complex configurations are possible.