[[TracNav]] EncapPackages | '''EncapReadme''' | EncapPlatforms | EncapInstall | EncapHowto ---- = EncapReadme: Encap based bootstrap for bcfg2 and complete bcfg2 toolchain = This code is a method for getting bcfg2, including all dependencies, up and running on many platforms as quickly as possible, from source. == What you get == The end result is a self-extracting/self-installing bcfg2 client distribution that does a complete client install, which includes: * The epkg encap package manager * All software on which bcfg2 depends * Bcfg2 itself * Ostiary to kick off bcfg2 client runs remotely * Runit to run bcfg2 client as a periodic service with logging * All with site-specific configuration parameters, set at build time in a single unified build-time configuration file, site-settings.conf * Optional install-time entry of bcfg2 and ostiary passwords, interactively or via environment variables As well as: * Encaps of optional documentation packages * Optionally you can build the software the bcfg2 server requires (cd to the encap/src/encap-packages/server directory and type "make") == Internet resources == For a more general overview, see http://www.bcfg2.org/wiki/EncapPackages You can obtain the latest version of the code from bcfg2 svn: * `svn co https://svn.mcs.anl.gov/repos/bcfg/trunk/bcfg2/encap` == Operation notes == Using the encap package manager this code automatically downloads, builds and creates encap packages for bcfg2 and dependencies to `/usr/local/encap`, and installs symbolic links to these packages from `/usr/local` (the usual encap thing). It attempts to be as self contained as possible; everything gets linked to under `/usr/local/lib/bcfg2`, except for bcfg2 itself and some dependent software, which is prefixed by `b2-` (`b2-python` etc.). To run the bcfg2 server, you also need to install gamin, which supports a subset of the platforms bcfg2 client will work on, including GNU/Linux (but first install glib, on which gamin depends). You also need to install the cheetah templating system on the bcfg2 server if you wish to use the bcfg2 templating functionality. == Important differences from upstream sources == * In general, everything is under `/usr/local` instead of `/` * `/usr/local/etc/bcfg2.conf` is used instead of `/etc/bcfg2.conf` == Environment variables and Sentinel files == Before the initial make/gmake and before the client install, you can set some environment variables to control some behaviors: * `DEST=""` - Set where the final build output goes. Default is `./DIST` * `REPLACE_CONFIG="yes"` - Unconditionally replace local configuration files for bcfg2 and ostiary with those included in the distribution. The old files are saved to -. * `LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD=""` , `LOC_OST_PASSWD=""` - Set the bcfg2 server and ostiaryd daemon passwords, to avoid being interactively prompted for them. There are also some "sentinel files" (zero byte files that only indicate state) that you can create to control the operation of the install. This is mostly useful so that installs don't clobber local changes / changes made by bcfg2. Sentinel file names: * `.SENTINEL_SITE` - Indicates that the bcfg2 client has been previously installed. * `.SENTINEL_BCFG2` - Indicates that the files have been modified by bcfg2 itself. (If you change any of the config files mentioned below via bcfg2, you'll want to put this sentinel file in the appropriate directory with bcfg2 as well). If either of these files exist, the install will not overwrite the existing config files unless `REPLACE_CONFIG="yes"` is set. {{{ Directory with sentinel file(s) Covered config files ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- /usr/local/etc bcfg2.conf , ostiary.conf /usr/local/etc/default/bcfg2-client env/RUN_INTERVAL_SECONDS , env/OPTIONS /usr/local/etc/default/bcfg2-server env/OPTIONS /usr/local/sbin ost-bcfg2.sh }}} == About runit integration == In order to avoid a lot of platform/distribution-specific code, the encap bcfg2 distribution includes and uses [http://smarden.org/runit/useinit.html runit] instead of init scripts and cron. The bcfg2 client (.run) distribution uses runit to run ostiary, and to run the bcfg2 client periodically. On the server, edit `/usr/local/etc/default/bcfg2-server/env/OPTIONS` to include the options you want to start up the bcfg2 server with, and then do {{{ ln -s /usr/local/etc/sv/bcfg2-server /usr/local/var/service/ }}} to enable the service. You can use `sv status /usr/local/var/service/bcfg2-server` to see the status, and `rm /usr/local/var/service/bcfg2-server` to remove it. Logs for all runit services are under `/usr/local/var/svlogd`. == About ostiary integration == In order to enable the remote kickoff of bcfg2 client runs, the bcfg2 client distribution includes [http://ingles.homeunix.org/software/ost/ ostiary], a simple, very security-paranoid daemon that runs a script with fixed arguments based on a password hash it receives. The following actions are available via ostiary; you can add more by editing `/usr/local/etc/ostiary.cfg`. The is a value you set during compile-time or (preferably) .run file install time. * `-bcfg2-dvqn` : Run `bcfg2-client -d -v -q -n` * `-bcfg2-dvn` : Run `bcfg2-client -d -v -n` * `-bcfg2-dvq` : Run `bcfg2-client -d -v -q` * `-bcfg2-dv` : Run `bcfg2-client -d -v` * `-bcfg2-vq` : Run `bcfg2-client -v -q` * `-bcfg2-v` : Run `bcfg2-client -v` * `-bcfg2-restart` : Restart the bcfg2-client runit service There are plans for the future for a bcfg2 plugin that will set per-machine passwords after the initial install, however as with cfengine the worst that someone can do if they find your password is to bring your host into a cleaner state. To execute one of these actions, you use the `ostclient` command, i.e.: {{{ ostclient -a
-p }}} where
is the address of the machine you want to run the bcfg2 client on, and is the ostiary port number you set during the INSTALL procedure. You will then be prompted to `Enter command secret: `, at which point you will enter one of the above-listed values, such as `-bcfg2-dvqn` (the command to run and the password are integrated into the same string). Another useful way of running ostiary is to put the password in a text file (on the local filesystem with appropriate permissions) and then do: {{{ for HOST in $(bcfg2-query -u); do printf "$HOST: " ostclient -a $HOST:1711 -f 0 < file-with-password.txt sleep 1 done }}} This will run the ostiary command associated with the password in "file-with-password.txt" on all hosts bcfg2 thinks are up. The sleep delay is arbitrary and not really required, but can be useful if you are monitoring the bcfg2 server logs interactively for client connections. Logs of bcfg2-client runs kicked off via ostiary are in `/usr/local/var/svlogd/bcfg2-client-ostiary` == Encap profile (.ep) documentation == Note that the doc for the encap profile format is in [wiki:EncapManEncapProfile `man 5 encap_profile`]. == Next steps == 1. You can check to see if your platform has been successfully bootstrapped before; see [wiki:EncapPlatforms PLATFORMS] 1. Build and install; see [wiki:EncapInstall INSTALL] 1. Set up your server and clients; see [wiki:EncapHowto HOWTO] == Documentation Version == * This is a copy of: $Id$ * Most recent version: http://www.bcfg2.org/browser/trunk/bcfg2/encap/README