bcfg2-python-apt ---------------- Needed for bcfg2 clients that use the "Advanced Packaging Tool" (apt). bcfg2-server ------------ Encaps for bcfg2 server deps. Only for GNU/Linux. bcfg2-site ---------- Tools to make an encap package with your site-specific bcfg2.conf, custom bcfg2 generators, bcfg2 client run frequency, etc. daemontools - http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html ---------------------------------------------- D. J. Bernstein's daemontools - a collection of tools for managing UNIX services the same way across all UNIX platforms. May be useful to set up one-time run of bcfg2 client at startup, or to run ostiary. epkg - http://www.encap.org/epkg -------------------------------- Mark D. Roth's epkg - an encap pacakage manager. Needed to build the *.ep and *.sh files, although in most cases epkg binaries for your platform will already exist. ostiary - http://ingles.homeunix.org/software/ost ------------------------------------------------- Ray Ingles' ostiary - simple, secure remote script execution. May be useful if you like/are used to being able to kick off a config update on a config client from a config server, like with cfengine.