tools-build ----------- Tools used during the build process; should be built before anything else. * m4 - The macro processor, used by mkencap, which is used by everything. * makeself - A utility to create self-extracting archives, used by the top-level Makefile to create the bcfg2-*.run distributions. * patch - Used to patch daemontools and ostiary sources before they build. bcfg2-client ------------ bcfg2 gettext libgcc libiconv libstdc++ libxml2 libxslt lxml openssl pkg-config pyopenssl pyrex python zlib bcfg2-cheetah ------------- The cheetah python-powered templating system. Used as a build tool by bcfg2-site, and by bcfg2-server. Build order: bcfg2-python-apt ---------------- Needed for bcfg2 clients that use the "Advanced Packaging Tool" (apt), such as Debian and Ubuntu. bcfg2-server ------------ Gamin (and glib, upon which it depends), which are needed by the bcfg2 server. Only for GNU/Linux. bcfg2-site ---------- Tools to make an encap package with your site-specific bcfg2.conf, custom bcfg2 generators, bcfg2 client run frequency, etc. tools-deploy/daemontools ------------------------ D. J. Bernstein's daemontools - a collection of tools for managing UNIX services the same way across all UNIX platforms. Used by bcfg2-site to run ostiary and bcfg2-client; may also be used to run bcfg2-server. tools-deploy/ostiary -------------------- Ray Ingles' ostiary - simple, secure remote script execution. Used by bcfg2-site to enable the remote kickoff of bcfg2-client runs. bcfg2-python-apt ---------------- Before building this, make sure that you have these libraries installed: * /usr/lib/libapt-pkg* (Part of the "apt" package on Debian) * /usr/lib/libapt-inst* (Part of the "apt-utils" package on Debian) You also must have the "libapt-pkg-dev" package installed. To see if your Debian variant is supported, do "grep ifeq Makefile" and see if any of those strings match "cat /etc/issue". It should be pretty trivial to add new Debian platforms; if you have any issues, mail the bcfg2-dev list or open a ticket.