If you can't find an epkg binary compiled with all of the extra libraries for your platform, you can use this Makefile (which will probably require a little bit of editing for platforms other than Solaris/x86 10) to compile it. You'll need to manually download the versions of packages you want to this directory, edit the Makefile to refer to those versions, decompress/Guntar the distributions, and then run make (or gmake on non-GNU platforms) All of the software is available from http://www.dclark.us/mirror (or google for it). Once you have a working epkg distribution, you should: * cd /usr/local/encap * mkencap -c epkg-x.y.z * Rename the tar.gz file with the appropriate encap string (i.e. mv epkg-x.y.z.tar.gz epkg-x.y.z-encap-i386-solaris10.tar.gz) * Upload that file to the encap repository at: http://www.encap.org/search/upload.fcgi * Update the ticket at http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/bcfg2/ticket/74 with a quick note stating you've done the encap upload so it can be mirrored at http://www.dclark.us/mirror/epkg-contrib