# $Id$ .PHONY : test log all install clean distclean uninstall encaps rename bcfg2only bcfg2bump .SUFFIXES : .SUFFIXES : .ep .sh .installed .packaged .d export BASEDIR = /usr/local export ENCAPDIR := ${BASEDIR}/encap export EPKG := ${BASEDIR}/bin/epkg export MKENCAP := ${BASEDIR}/bin/mkencap export SHELL = /bin/sh srcdir = . export EP2TARGET := $(srcdir)/ep2target PAGER ?= more BCFG2 := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep)) BCFG2_CHEETAH := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-cheetah-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep)) BCFG2_ELEMENTTREE := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-elementtree-*.ep)) BCFG2_GZIP := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-gzip-*.ep)) BCFG2_M2CRYPTO := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-m2crypto-*.ep)) BCFG2_OPENSSL := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-openssl-*.ep)) BCFG2_PKG_CONFIG := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-pkg-config-*.ep)) BCFG2_PYTHON := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-python-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep)) BCFG2_READLINE := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-readline-*.ep)) BCFG2_SETUPTOOLS := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-setuptools-*.ep)) BCFG2_SWIG := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-swig-*.ep)) BCFG2_ZLIB := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-zlib-*.ep)) M4 := $(basename $(wildcard m4-*.sh)) MAKESELF := $(basename $(wildcard makeself-*.ep)) OSTIARTY := $(basename $(wildcard ostiary-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep)) PATCH := $(basename $(wildcard patch-*.ep)) RUNIT := $(basename $(wildcard runit-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep)) sources_ep := $(sort $(BCFG2) $(BCFG2_CHEETAH) $(BCFG2_ELEMENTTREE) $(BCFG2_GZIP) $(BCFG2_M2CRYPTO) $(BCFG2_OPENSSL) $(BCFG2_PKG_CONFIG) $(BCFG2_PYTHON) $(BCFG2_READLINE) $(BCFG2_SETUPTOOLS) $(BCFG2_SWIG) $(BCFG2_ZLIB) $(MAKESELF) $(OSTIARTY) $(PATCH) $(RUNIT)) sources_sh := $(M4) # Only compile bcfg2-python-apt on known Debian and Ubuntu # systems (as python-apt is distribution-specific) UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) DISTRO := $(shell cat /etc/issue | grep ^[a-zA-Z] | head -1) endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 \n \l) BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-0.5.10 OS ?= linux_debian_sarge endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 \n \l) BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-0.6.19 OS ?= linux_debian_etch endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable \n \l) BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-0.6.19 OS ?= linux_debian_sid endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l) BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt- OS ?= linux_ubuntu_dapper endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)) OS ?= linux_redhat_60 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)) OS ?= linux_redhat_72 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)) OS ?= linux_redhat_rhel4 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5)) OS ?= linux_redhat_rhel4 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Welcome to SuSE SLES 8 (powered by UnitedLinux 1.0) (i586)) OS ?= linux_suse_sles8 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586) - Kernel \r (\l).) OS ?= linux_suse_sles10 endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).) OS ?= linux_suse_sles10 endif ifdef BCFG2_PYTHON_APT sources_ep += $(BCFG2_PYTHON_APT) endif # List of all sources... sources := $(sort $(sources_ep) $(sources_sh)) %.installed : %.ep # Clean, compile and install an encap package @printf "***** START .ep.installed for |$*| ***** \n" -$(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$* -rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$* -$(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -DUP $(srcdir)/$*.ep > ./$*.log 2>&1 -$(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -T $(srcdir)/$*.ep >> ./$*.log 2>&1 $(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -CBI $(srcdir)/$*.ep >> ./$*.log 2>&1 $(EPKG) -q -i $(ENCAPDIR)/$* test -h $(BASEDIR)/var/encap/$* touch ./$*.installed @printf "***** STOP .ep.installed for |$*| ***** \n" %.installed : %.sh # Create and install a "fake" encap package @printf "***** START .sh.installed for |$*| ***** \n" -$(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$* -rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$* chmod 755 $(srcdir)/$*.sh && $(srcdir)/$*.sh $(EPKG) -q -i $(ENCAPDIR)/$* test -h $(BASEDIR)/var/encap/$* touch ./$*.installed @printf "***** STOP .sh.installed for |$*| ***** \n" %.packaged : %.installed # Create .tar.gz encap packages @printf "***** START .installed.packaged for |$*| ***** \n" -rm $(ENCAPDIR)/$*-*.tar.gz -(cd $(ENCAPDIR) && $(MKENCAP) -e $*) -(cd $(ENCAPDIR) && $(MKENCAP) -c $*) mv $(ENCAPDIR)/$*-encap-*.tar.gz ./ touch ./$*.packaged @printf "***** STOP .installed.packaged for |$*| ***** \n" %.d : %.ep # Create dependancy files from .ep files @printf "***** START .d.ep for |$*| ***** \n" chmod 755 $(EP2TARGET) && $(EP2TARGET) $< > $@ @printf "***** STOP .d.ep for |$*| ***** \n" %.d : %.sh # Create dependancy files from .sh files @printf "***** START .d.sh for |$*| ***** \n" chmod 755 $(EP2TARGET) && $(EP2TARGET) $< > $@ @printf "***** STOP .d.sh for |$*| ***** \n" log : ( $(MAKE) install > ./make.log 2>&1 \ && $(MAKE) encaps >> ./make.log 2>&1 \ && $(MAKE) rename >> ./make.log 2>&1 ) & all : install encaps rename .DELETE_ON_ERROR : # delete the target of a rule if it has changed and its # commands exit with a nonzero exit status install : $(EPKG) $(MKENCAP) $(EP2TARGET) $(M4).installed $(addsuffix .installed,$(sources)) encaps : $(EPKG) $(MKENCAP) $(EP2TARGET) $(addsuffix .packaged,$(sources)) rename : encaps if [ "$(OS)x" != "x" ]; then OS="$(OS)"; fi && \ if [ "$${OS}x" != "x" ]; then \ for OLDNAME in `(ls . | grep .*-encap-.*.tar.gz) || break`; do \ NEWNAME="`printf "%s\n" "$${OLDNAME}" \ | awk -F- '{$$NF = "OSDIST.tar.gz" ; print}' \ | sed s:\ :-:g | sed s:OSDIST:\$${OS}:g`" ; \ if [ "$${OLDNAME}x" != "$${NEWNAME}x" ]; then \ mv ./$${OLDNAME} ./$${NEWNAME}; \ fi; \ done; \ fi for OLDNAME in `(ls . | grep .*-doc-.*-encap-.*.tar.gz) || break`; do \ NEWNAME="`printf "%s\n" "$${OLDNAME}" \ | awk -F- '{$$NF = "OSDIST.tar.gz" ; print}' \ | sed s:\ :-:g | sed s:OSDIST:share:g`" ; \ if [ "$${OLDNAME}x" != "$${NEWNAME}x" ]; then \ mv ./$${OLDNAME} ./$${NEWNAME}; \ fi; \ done clean : -(rm ./*.log; rm ./*.packaged; rm ./*.gz; rm ./*~) distclean : clean -rm ./*.d uninstall : distclean -(find $(BASEDIR)/lib/bcfg2 | grep "\.pyc" | xargs -n1 rm) -(ENCAPS="m4 patch runit makeself ostiary bcfg2"; \ for ENCAP in $${ENCAPS}; do \ $(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$${ENCAP}-*; \ rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$${ENCAP}-*; \ rm ./$${ENCAP}-*.installed; \ done) -rm -rf $(BASEDIR)/lib/bcfg2 bcfg2only : $(MAKE) -t; sleep 2; touch $(srcdir)/$(BCFG2).ep; $(MAKE) bcfg2bump : @if [ "$(NEW)x" != "x" ]; then NEW="$(NEW)"; fi && \ if [ "$(OLD)x" != "x" ]; then OLD="$(OLD)"; fi && \ if [ "$(FORCE)x" != "x" ]; then FORCE="$(FORCE)"; fi && \ if [ "$${OLD}x" != "x" -a "$${NEW}x" != "x" ]; then \ OLDBASE="`printf "%s\n" "$${OLD}" | sed 's:\.ep::g'`"; \ NEWBASE="`printf "%s\n" "$${NEW}" | sed 's:\.ep::g'`"; \ if [ "$${FORCE}x" != "yesmamx" ]; then \ printf "About to 'svn mv %s %s'\n" "$$OLD" "$$NEW"; \ printf "\tand edit the later as appropriate.\n"; \ printf "And then 'rm %s%s'...\n" "$$OLDBASE" ".*"; \ printf "Press 'return' to continue, or 'ctrl-c' to exit. "; \ read THROWAWAY; \ fi; \ svn mv $${OLD} $${NEW} && \ sed s:$${OLDBASE}:$${NEWBASE}:g $${NEW} > $${NEW}.tmp && \ mv $${NEW}.tmp $${NEW} && \ rm $${OLDBASE}.*; \ printf "Changes to %s are:\n" "$${NEW}"; \ if [ "$${FORCE}x" != "yesmamx" ]; then \ svn diff $${NEW} | $(PAGER); \ printf "'svn commit %s %s -m \"EncapPackages: Bumped bcfg2 .ep version to %s\"'? \n" "$${OLD}" "$${NEW}" "$${NEW}"; \ printf "Press 'return' to commit, or 'ctrl-c' to exit. "; \ read THROWAWAY; \ else \ svn diff $${NEW}; \ fi; \ svn commit $${OLD} $${NEW} -m "EncapPackages: Bumped bcfg2 .ep version to $${NEW}"; \ else \ printf "Set the OLD, NEW (and optionally FORCE) environment "; \ printf "variables. Example:\n"; \ printf "\tOLD=bcfg2-0.8.3pre5.ep NEW=bcfg2-0.8.3.ep $(MAKE) bcfg2bump\n";\ fi include $(addsuffix .d,$(sources))