PYVERSION := $(shell /usr/bin/python -c "import sys; print sys.version[0:3]") PYMAJORVERSION := $(shell /usr/bin/python -c "import sys; print sys.version[0:1]") PYMINORVERSION := $(shell /usr/bin/python -c "import sys; print sys.version[2:3]") PREFLIGHT = preflight POSTFLIGHT = postflight PKGROOT = bcfg2pkg PKGTMP = bcfg2tmp FILTERS = --filter Hostbase \ --filter Reports \ --filter Server \ --filter xsd \ --filter xsl \ --filter bcfg2-admin \ --filter bcfg2-build-reports \ --filter bcfg2-info \ --filter bcfg2-ping-sweep \ --filter bcfg2-repo-validate \ --filter bcfg2-reports \ --filter bcfg2-server CONF = bcfg2.conf DATADIR = /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current LAUNCHD = gov.anl.mcs.bcfg2-daily.plist PACKAGEMAKER = /Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker PROTO_PLIST = PackageInfo.plist SITELIBDIR = /Library/Python/${PYVERSION}/site-packages # Symlinks cannot be specified on the command line, therefore, we create # an Info.plist file for packagemaker to look at for package creation # and substitute the version strings. Major/Minor versions can only be # integers (e.g. "1" and "00" for bcfg2 version 1.0.0. BCFGVER = $(shell /usr/bin/grep version ../ | cut -d\" -f2) BCFGVER1 = $(shell /bin/echo ${BCFGVER} | /usr/bin/cut -d"." -f1) BCFGVER2 = $(shell /bin/echo ${BCFGVER} | /usr/bin/cut -d"." -f2) BCFGVER3 = $(shell /bin/echo ${BCFGVER} | /usr/bin/cut -d"." -f3) BCFGVER3I = $(shell /usr/bin/python -c "import sys; print sys.argv[1][0:1]" ${BCFGVER3}) MAJOR = ${BCFGVER1} MINOR = ${BCFGVER2}${BCFGVER3I} default: clean client install: echo "Installing Bcfg2 to ${PKGROOT}" mkdir ${PKGROOT} cd ../ && /usr/bin/python install \ --root="osx/${PKGROOT}" \ --install-lib="${SITELIBDIR}" \ --install-data="${DATADIR}" #/usr/sbin/chown -R root:admin "${PKGROOT}" prepare: install mkdir ${PKGTMP} cp ${PROTO_PLIST} ${PKGTMP} sed -i '' "s/{SHORTVERSION}/${BCFGVER}/g" "${PKGTMP}/${PROTO_PLIST}" sed -i '' "s/{MAJORVERSION}/${MAJOR}/g" "${PKGTMP}/${PROTO_PLIST}" sed -i '' "s/{MINORVERSION}/${MINOR}/g" "${PKGTMP}/${PROTO_PLIST}" # create a preflight script to remove traces of previous # bcfg2 installs due to limitations in Apple's pkg format mkdir -p "${PKGTMP}/scripts" cp "${PREFLIGHT}" "${PKGTMP}/scripts" cp "${POSTFLIGHT}" "${PKGTMP}/scripts" # substitute in the {sitelib,data}dir specified above on the assumption that # this is where any previous bcfg2 install exists that should be cleaned out. sed -i '' "s|{SITELIBDIR}|${SITELIBDIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${PREFLIGHT}" sed -i '' "s|{SITELIBDIR}|${SITELIBDIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${POSTFLIGHT}" sed -i '' "s|{DATADIR}|${DATADIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${PREFLIGHT}" sed -i '' "s|{DATADIR}|${DATADIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${POSTFLIGHT}" # substitute in the bindir specified on the assumption that this is where # any old executables that have moved from bindir->sbindir should be # cleaned out from. sed -i '' "s|{BINDIR}|${BINDIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${PREFLIGHT}" sed -i '' "s|{BINDIR}|${BINDIR}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${POSTFLIGHT}" sed -i '' "s|{LAUNCHD}|${LAUNCHD}|g" "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${POSTFLIGHT}" # {pre,post}flight scripts must be 770 to execute chmod 0770 "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${PREFLIGHT}" chmod 0770 "${PKGTMP}/scripts/${POSTFLIGHT}" # add in M2Crypto if python version is less than 2.6 if [[ ${PYMAJORVERSION} == 2 ]]; then if [[ ${PYMINORVERSION} -lt 6 ]]; then cp "M2Crypto-0.20.2-py2.5-macosx-10.5-ppc.egg" "${PKGROOT}/${SITELIBDIR}" && cp "easy-install.pth" "${PKGROOT}/${SITELIBDIR}"; fi ; fi # add default bcfg2.conf mkdir -p "${PKGROOT}/etc" cp "${CONF}" "${PKGROOT}/etc/${CONF}" # add default launchd cron job mkdir -p "${PKGROOT}/Library/LaunchDaemons" cp "${LAUNCHD}" "${PKGROOT}/Library/LaunchDaemons/${LAUNCHD}" client: prepare rm -rf `pwd`/bcfg2-${BCFGVER}.pkg echo "Building package" echo "Note that packagemaker is reknowned for spurious errors. Don't panic." "${PACKAGEMAKER}" --root "${PKGROOT}" \ --info "${PKGTMP}/${PROTO_PLIST}" \ --scripts "${PKGTMP}/scripts" \ ${FILTERS} \ --verbose \ --title "bcfg2" \ --out `pwd`/bcfg2-${BCFGVER}.pkg server: prepare rm -rf `pwd`/bcfg2-${BCFGVER}.pkg echo "Building package" echo "Note that packagemaker is reknowned for spurious errors. Don't panic." "${PACKAGEMAKER}" --root "${PKGROOT}" \ --info "${PKGTMP}/${PROTO_PLIST}" \ --scripts "${PKGTMP}/scripts" \ --verbose \ --title "bcfg2" \ --out `pwd`/bcfg2-${BCFGVER}.pkg clean: rm -rf bcfg2tmp bcfg2pkg