Schema for metadata-based client ACLs: :ref:`server-plugins-misc-acl` ``metadata.xml`` An **MetadataACLGroupType** is a tag used to provide logic. Child entries of a MetadataACLGroupType tag only apply to machines that match the condition specified -- either membership in a group, or a matching client name. :xml:attribute:`MetadataACLGroupType:negate` can be set to negate the sense of the match. The name of the client or group to match on. Child entries will only apply to this client or group (unless :xml:attribute:`MetadataACLGroupType:negate` is set). Negate the sense of the match, so that child entries only apply to a client if it is not a member of the given group or does not have the given name. The name of the XML-RPC method to allow or deny. Limited wildcards are supported. Top-level tag for describing metadata-based client ACLs.