Augeas commands Implementation of the Augeas ``rm`` command. Delete nodes (and all children) matching the given Augeas path expression. Implementation of the Augeas ``mv`` command. Move the node matching this path expression. ``source`` must match exactly one node. Move the node to this location. ``destination`` must match either zero or one nodes. Implementation of the Augeas ``set`` command. Path to set the value for. If the path does not exist, it and all of its ancestors will be created. Value to set. Implementation of the Augeas ``clear`` command. Path whose value will be set to ``NULL``. If the path does not exist, it and all of its ancestors will be created. Set multiple node values at once. The base path. ``sub`` will be used as an expression relative to each node that matches the :xml:attribute:`AugeasSetMultiCommand:base` expression. The value to set on all nodes that match :xml:attribute:`AugeasSetMultiCommand:sub` relative to each node matching :xml:attribute:`AugeasSetMultiCommand:base`. Implementation of the Augeas ``ins`` command. The path to a node that will be the sibling of the new node. The label of the new node to be created. Where to create the node: ``before`` or ``after`` the sibling given in :xml:attribute:`AugeasInsertCommand:path`. All available Augeas commands. Implementation of the Augeas ``rm`` command. Implementation of the Augeas ``mv`` command. Implementation of the Augeas ``set`` command. Implementation of the Augeas ``clear`` command. Set multiple node values at once. Implementation of the Augeas ``ins`` command.