:ref:`AWSTags <server-plugins-connectors-awstags>` config schema for bcfg2 The group to assign to machines with tags that match the enclosing Tag expression. More than one group can be specified. The name pattern to match against. This is a regular expression. It is not anchored. The value pattern to match against. This is a regular expression. It is not anchored. Top-level tag for ``AWSTags/config.xml``. Representation of a pattern that matches AWS tags. Tags can be matched in one of two ways: * If only :xml:attribute:`TagType:name` is specified, then AWSTags will only look for a tag with a matching name, and the value of tags is ignored. * If both :xml:attribute:`TagType:name` and :xml:attribute:`TagType:value` are specified, a tag must have a matching name *and* a matching value.