GroupLogic schema for bcfg2 A **GroupLogicDeclarationType** declares a Group to be added to a client. The group name The top-level tag of a GroupLogic configuration file. Elements within Group tags only apply to clients that are members of that group (or vice-versa; see #element_negate below) Elements within Client tags only apply to the named client (or vice-versa; see #element_negate below) Nesting GroupLogic tags is allowed in order to support XInclude. A **GroupLogicContainerType** is a tag used to provide logic. Child entries of a GroupLogicContainerType tag only apply to machines that match the condition specified -- either membership in a group, or a matching client name. :xml:attribute:`GroupLogicContainerType:negate` can be set to negate the sense of the match. The group name Negate the sense of this group or client; i.e., entries within this tag are only used on clients that are not members of the group, or that have hostnames that do not match. A GroupLogic file is a genshi file that can be used to dynamically add additional groups to a client.