Schema for :ref:`server-plugins-generators-cfg-sshkeys` ``privkey.xml`` A **PrivateKeyGroupType** is a tag used to provide logic. Child entries of a PrivateKeyGroupType tag only apply to machines that match the condition specified -- either membership in a group, or a matching client name. :xml:attribute:`PrivateKeyGroupType:negate` can be set to negate the sense of the match. The name of the client or group to match on. Child entries will only apply to this client or group (unless :xml:attribute:`PrivateKeyGroupType:negate` is set). Negate the sense of the match, so that child entries only apply to a client if it is not a member of the given group or does not have the given name. Available private key formats Specify the private key passphrase. The name of the passphrase to use to encrypt this private key on the filesystem (in Bcfg2). Specify parameters for creating the private key Number of bits in the key. See :manpage:`ssh-keygen(1)` for defaults. Key type to create. Top-level tag for describing a generated SSH key pair. Create keys on a per-host basis (rather than on a per-group basis). Create keys specific to the given category, instead of specific to the category given in ``bcfg2.conf``. Create group-specific keys with the given priority. Override the global strict/lax decryption setting in ``bcfg2.conf``.