SELinux element definitions for bcfg2 Concrete SELinux boolean entry Name of the boolean Value of the boolean Concrete SELinux port entry Port number or range and protocol SELinux type to apply to this port Port number or range and protocol for SEPort entries. ``<port>/<proto>`` or ``<start>-<end>/<proto>`` Concrete SELinux file context ("fcontext") entry Regular expression file specification SELinux type to apply to files matching this specification File type to match Concrete SELinux node entry IP address and netmask of node SELinux type to apply to this node Protocol IP address and netmask for SENode entries. Netmask can be numeric or dotted-quad. ``<addr>/<netmask>``. Netmask can be numeric (``/16``) or dotted-quad (``/``). Concrete SELinux login entry Unix username SELinux username Concrete SELinux user entry SELinux username Space-separated list of rules Home directory context prefix Concrete SELinux interface entry Interface name SELinux type to apply to this interface Concrete SELinux permissive domain entry SELinux type to make permissive Concrete SELinux module entry SELinux module name or filename Disable this module