""" Frame is the Client Framework that verifies and installs entries, and generates statistics. """ import time import fnmatch import logging import Bcfg2.Client.Tools from Bcfg2.Client import prompt from Bcfg2.Compat import any, all, cmp # pylint: disable=W0622 def cmpent(ent1, ent2): """Sort entries.""" if ent1.tag != ent2.tag: return cmp(ent1.tag, ent2.tag) else: return cmp(ent1.get('name'), ent2.get('name')) def matches_entry(entryspec, entry): """ Determine if the Decisions-style entry specification matches the entry. Both are tuples of (tag, name). The entryspec can handle the wildcard * in either position. """ if entryspec == entry: return True return all(fnmatch.fnmatch(entry[i], entryspec[i]) for i in [0, 1]) def matches_white_list(entry, whitelist): """ Return True if (, ) is in the given whitelist. """ return any(matches_entry(we, (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) for we in whitelist) def passes_black_list(entry, blacklist): """ Return True if (, ) is not in the given blacklist. """ return not any(matches_entry(be, (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) for be in blacklist) # pylint: disable=W0702 # in frame we frequently want to catch all exceptions, regardless of # type, so disable the pylint rule that catches that. class Frame(object): """Frame is the container for all Tool objects and state information.""" def __init__(self, config, setup, times, drivers, dryrun): self.config = config self.times = times self.dryrun = dryrun self.times['initialization'] = time.time() self.setup = setup self.tools = [] self.states = {} self.whitelist = [] self.blacklist = [] self.removal = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for driver in drivers[:]: if (driver not in Bcfg2.Client.Tools.drivers and isinstance(driver, str)): self.logger.error("Tool driver %s is not available" % driver) drivers.remove(driver) tclass = {} for tool in drivers: if not isinstance(tool, str): tclass[time.time()] = tool tool_class = "Bcfg2.Client.Tools.%s" % tool try: tclass[tool] = getattr(__import__(tool_class, globals(), locals(), ['*']), tool) except ImportError: continue except: self.logger.error("Tool %s unexpectedly failed to load" % tool, exc_info=1) for tool in list(tclass.values()): try: self.tools.append(tool(self.logger, setup, config)) except Bcfg2.Client.Tools.ToolInstantiationError: continue except: self.logger.error("Failed to instantiate tool %s" % tool, exc_info=1) for tool in self.tools[:]: for conflict in getattr(tool, 'conflicts', []): for item in self.tools: if item.name == conflict: self.tools.remove(item) self.logger.info("Loaded tool drivers:") self.logger.info([tool.name for tool in self.tools]) deprecated = [tool.name for tool in self.tools if tool.deprecated] if deprecated: self.logger.warning("Loaded deprecated tool drivers:") self.logger.warning(deprecated) experimental = [tool.name for tool in self.tools if tool.experimental] if experimental: self.logger.warning("Loaded experimental tool drivers:") self.logger.warning(experimental) # find entries not handled by any tools self.unhandled = [entry for struct in config for entry in struct if entry not in self.handled] if self.unhandled: self.logger.error("The following entries are not handled by any " "tool:") for entry in self.unhandled: self.logger.error("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('type'), entry.get('name'))) self.find_dups(config) pkgs = [(entry.get('name'), entry.get('origin')) for struct in config for entry in struct if entry.tag == 'Package'] if pkgs: self.logger.debug("The following packages are specified in bcfg2:") self.logger.debug([pkg[0] for pkg in pkgs if pkg[1] is None]) self.logger.debug("The following packages are prereqs added by " "Packages:") self.logger.debug([pkg[0] for pkg in pkgs if pkg[1] == 'Packages']) def find_dups(self, config): """ Find duplicate entries and warn about them """ entries = dict() for struct in config: for entry in struct: for tool in self.tools: if tool.handlesEntry(entry): pkey = tool.primarykey(entry) if pkey in entries: entries[pkey] += 1 else: entries[pkey] = 1 multi = [e for e, c in entries.items() if c > 1] if multi: self.logger.debug("The following entries are included multiple " "times:") for entry in multi: self.logger.debug(entry) def promptFilter(self, msg, entries): """Filter a supplied list based on user input.""" ret = [] entries.sort(cmpent) for entry in entries[:]: if entry in self.unhandled: # don't prompt for entries that can't be installed continue if 'qtext' in entry.attrib: iprompt = entry.get('qtext') else: iprompt = msg % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) if prompt(iprompt): ret.append(entry) return ret def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ['extra', 'handled', 'modified', '__important__']: ret = [] for tool in self.tools: ret += getattr(tool, name) return ret elif name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] raise AttributeError(name) def InstallImportant(self): """Install important entries We also process the decision mode stuff here because we want to prevent non-whitelisted/blacklisted 'important' entries from being installed prior to determining the decision mode on the client. """ # Need to process decision stuff early so that dryrun mode # works with it self.whitelist = [entry for entry in self.states if not self.states[entry]] if not self.setup['file']: if self.setup['decision'] == 'whitelist': dwl = self.setup['decision_list'] w_to_rem = [e for e in self.whitelist if not matches_white_list(e, dwl)] if w_to_rem: self.logger.info("In whitelist mode: " "suppressing installation of:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in w_to_rem]) self.whitelist = [x for x in self.whitelist if x not in w_to_rem] elif self.setup['decision'] == 'blacklist': b_to_rem = \ [e for e in self.whitelist if not passes_black_list(e, self.setup['decision_list'])] if b_to_rem: self.logger.info("In blacklist mode: " "suppressing installation of:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in b_to_rem]) self.whitelist = [x for x in self.whitelist if x not in b_to_rem] # take care of important entries first if not self.dryrun: for parent in self.config.findall(".//Path/.."): if ((parent.tag == "Bundle" and ((self.setup['bundle'] and parent.get("name") not in self.setup['bundle']) or (self.setup['skipbundle'] and parent.get("name") in self.setup['skipbundle']))) or (parent.tag == "Independent" and (self.setup['bundle'] or self.setup['skipindep']))): continue for cfile in parent.findall("./Path"): if (cfile.get('name') not in self.__important__ or cfile.get('type') != 'file' or cfile not in self.whitelist): continue tools = [t for t in self.tools if t.handlesEntry(cfile) and t.canVerify(cfile)] if not tools: continue if (self.setup['interactive'] and not self.promptFilter("Install %s: %s? (y/N):", [cfile])): self.whitelist.remove(cfile) continue try: self.states[cfile] = tools[0].InstallPath(cfile) if self.states[cfile]: tools[0].modified.append(cfile) except: self.logger.error("Unexpected tool failure", exc_info=1) cfile.set('qtext', '') if tools[0].VerifyPath(cfile, []): self.whitelist.remove(cfile) def Inventory(self): """ Verify all entries, find extra entries, and build up workqueues """ # initialize all states for struct in self.config.getchildren(): for entry in struct.getchildren(): self.states[entry] = False for tool in self.tools: try: tool.Inventory(self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.Inventory() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def Decide(self): # pylint: disable=R0912 """Set self.whitelist based on user interaction.""" iprompt = "Install %s: %s? (y/N): " rprompt = "Remove %s: %s? (y/N): " if self.setup['remove']: if self.setup['remove'] == 'all': self.removal = self.extra elif self.setup['remove'].lower() == 'services': self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra if entry.tag == 'Service'] elif self.setup['remove'].lower() == 'packages': self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra if entry.tag == 'Package'] elif self.setup['remove'].lower() == 'users': self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra if entry.tag in ['POSIXUser', 'POSIXGroup']] candidates = [entry for entry in self.states if not self.states[entry]] if self.dryrun: if self.whitelist: self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: " "suppressing entry installation for:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) for entry in self.whitelist]) self.whitelist = [] if self.removal: self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: " "suppressing entry removal for:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) for entry in self.removal]) self.removal = [] # Here is where most of the work goes # first perform bundle filtering all_bundle_names = [b.get('name') for b in self.config.findall('./Bundle')] bundles = self.config.getchildren() if self.setup['bundle']: # warn if non-existent bundle given for bundle in self.setup['bundle']: if bundle not in all_bundle_names: self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle) bundles = [b for b in bundles if b.get('name') in self.setup['bundle']] elif self.setup['indep']: bundles = [b for b in bundles if b.tag != 'Bundle'] if self.setup['skipbundle']: # warn if non-existent bundle given if not self.setup['bundle_quick']: for bundle in self.setup['skipbundle']: if bundle not in all_bundle_names: self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle) bundles = [b for b in bundles if b.get('name') not in self.setup['skipbundle']] if self.setup['skipindep']: bundles = [b for b in bundles if b.tag == 'Bundle'] self.whitelist = [e for e in self.whitelist if any(e in b for b in bundles)] # first process prereq actions for bundle in bundles[:]: if bundle.tag != 'Bundle': continue bmodified = len([item for item in bundle if item in self.whitelist]) actions = [a for a in bundle.findall('./Action') if (a.get('timing') != 'post' and (bmodified or a.get('when') == 'always'))] # now we process all "always actions" if self.setup['interactive']: self.promptFilter(iprompt, actions) self.DispatchInstallCalls(actions) # need to test to fail entries in whitelist if False in [self.states[a] for a in actions]: # then display bundles forced off with entries self.logger.info("Bundle %s failed prerequisite action" % (bundle.get('name'))) bundles.remove(bundle) b_to_remv = [ent for ent in self.whitelist if ent in bundle] if b_to_remv: self.logger.info("Not installing entries from Bundle %s" % (bundle.get('name'))) self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in b_to_remv]) for ent in b_to_remv: self.whitelist.remove(ent) self.logger.debug("Installing entries in the following bundle(s):") self.logger.debug(" %s" % ", ".join(b.get("name") for b in bundles if b.get("name"))) if self.setup['interactive']: self.whitelist = self.promptFilter(iprompt, self.whitelist) self.removal = self.promptFilter(rprompt, self.removal) for entry in candidates: if entry not in self.whitelist: self.blacklist.append(entry) def DispatchInstallCalls(self, entries): """Dispatch install calls to underlying tools.""" for tool in self.tools: handled = [entry for entry in entries if tool.canInstall(entry)] if not handled: continue try: tool.Install(handled, self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.Install() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def Install(self): """Install all entries.""" self.DispatchInstallCalls(self.whitelist) mods = self.modified mbundles = [struct for struct in self.config.findall('Bundle') if any(True for mod in mods if mod in struct)] if self.modified: # Handle Bundle interdeps if mbundles: self.logger.info("The Following Bundles have been modified:") self.logger.info([mbun.get('name') for mbun in mbundles]) tbm = [(t, b) for t in self.tools for b in mbundles] for tool, bundle in tbm: try: tool.Inventory(self.states, [bundle]) except: self.logger.error("%s.Inventory() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) clobbered = [entry for bundle in mbundles for entry in bundle if (not self.states[entry] and entry not in self.blacklist)] if clobbered: self.logger.debug("Found clobbered entries:") self.logger.debug(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) for entry in clobbered]) if not self.setup['interactive']: self.DispatchInstallCalls(clobbered) for bundle in self.config.findall('.//Bundle'): if (self.setup['bundle'] and bundle.get('name') not in self.setup['bundle']): # prune out unspecified bundles when running with -b continue if bundle in mbundles: self.logger.debug("Bundle %s was modified" % bundle) func = "BundleUpdated" else: self.logger.debug("Bundle %s was not modified" % bundle) func = "BundleNotUpdated" for tool in self.tools: try: getattr(tool, func)(bundle, self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.%s() call failed:" % (tool.name, func), exc_info=1) def Remove(self): """Remove extra entries.""" for tool in self.tools: extras = [entry for entry in self.removal if tool.handlesEntry(entry)] if extras: try: tool.Remove(extras) except: self.logger.error("%s.Remove() failed" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def CondDisplayState(self, phase): """Conditionally print tracing information.""" self.logger.info('Phase: %s' % phase) self.logger.info('Correct entries: %d' % list(self.states.values()).count(True)) self.logger.info('Incorrect entries: %d' % list(self.states.values()).count(False)) if phase == 'final' and list(self.states.values()).count(False): for entry in self.states.keys(): if not self.states[entry]: etype = entry.get('type') if etype: self.logger.info("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, etype, entry.get('name'))) else: self.logger.info(" %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) self.logger.info('Total managed entries: %d' % len(list(self.states.values()))) self.logger.info('Unmanaged entries: %d' % len(self.extra)) if phase == 'final' and self.setup['extra']: for entry in sorted(self.extra, key=lambda e: e.tag + ":" + e.get('name')): etype = entry.get('type') if etype: self.logger.info("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, etype, entry.get('name'))) else: self.logger.info(" %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) if ((list(self.states.values()).count(False) == 0) and not self.extra): self.logger.info('All entries correct.') def ReInventory(self): """Recheck everything.""" if not self.dryrun and self.setup['kevlar']: self.logger.info("Rechecking system inventory") self.Inventory() def Execute(self): """Run all methods.""" self.Inventory() self.times['inventory'] = time.time() self.CondDisplayState('initial') self.InstallImportant() self.Decide() self.Install() self.times['install'] = time.time() self.Remove() self.times['remove'] = time.time() if self.modified: self.ReInventory() self.times['reinventory'] = time.time() self.times['finished'] = time.time() self.CondDisplayState('final') def GenerateStats(self): """Generate XML summary of execution statistics.""" feedback = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("upload-statistics") stats = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement( feedback, 'Statistics', total=str(len(self.states)), version='2.0', revision=self.config.get('revision', '-1')) good_entries = [key for key, val in list(self.states.items()) if val] good = len(good_entries) stats.set('good', str(good)) if any(not val for val in list(self.states.values())): stats.set('state', 'dirty') else: stats.set('state', 'clean') # List bad elements of the configuration for (data, ename) in [(self.modified, 'Modified'), (self.extra, "Extra"), (good_entries, "Good"), ([entry for entry in self.states if not self.states[entry]], "Bad")]: container = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(stats, ename) for item in data: item.set('qtext', '') container.append(item) item.text = None timeinfo = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("OpStamps") feedback.append(stats) for (event, timestamp) in list(self.times.items()): timeinfo.set(event, str(timestamp)) stats.append(timeinfo) return feedback