""" Frame is the Client Framework that verifies and installs entries, and generates statistics. """ import sys import time import fnmatch import logging import Bcfg2.Client.Tools from Bcfg2.Compat import input, any, all # pylint: disable=W0622 def cmpent(ent1, ent2): """Sort entries.""" if ent1.tag != ent2.tag: return cmp(ent1.tag, ent2.tag) else: return cmp(ent1.get('name'), ent2.get('name')) def matches_entry(entryspec, entry): """ Determine if the Decisions-style entry specification matches the entry. Both are tuples of (tag, name). The entryspec can handle the wildcard * in either position. """ if entryspec == entry: return True return all(fnmatch.fnmatch(entry[i], entryspec[i]) for i in [0, 1]) def matches_white_list(entry, whitelist): """ Return True if (, ) is in the given whitelist. """ return any(matches_entry(we, (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) for we in whitelist) def passes_black_list(entry, blacklist): """ Return True if (, ) is not in the given blacklist. """ return not any(matches_entry(be, (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) for be in blacklist) # pylint: disable=W0702 # in frame we frequently want to catch all exceptions, regardless of # type, so disable the pylint rule that catches that. class Frame(object): """Frame is the container for all Tool objects and state information.""" def __init__(self, config, setup, times, drivers, dryrun): self.config = config self.times = times self.dryrun = dryrun self.times['initialization'] = time.time() self.setup = setup self.tools = [] self.states = {} self.whitelist = [] self.blacklist = [] self.removal = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for driver in drivers[:]: if driver not in Bcfg2.Client.Tools.drivers and \ isinstance(driver, str): self.logger.error("Tool driver %s is not available" % driver) drivers.remove(driver) tclass = {} for tool in drivers: if not isinstance(tool, str): tclass[time.time()] = tool tool_class = "Bcfg2.Client.Tools.%s" % tool try: tclass[tool] = getattr(__import__(tool_class, globals(), locals(), ['*']), tool) except ImportError: continue except: self.logger.error("Tool %s unexpectedly failed to load" % tool, exc_info=1) for tool in list(tclass.values()): try: self.tools.append(tool(self.logger, setup, config)) except Bcfg2.Client.Tools.ToolInstantiationError: continue except: self.logger.error("Failed to instantiate tool %s" % tool, exc_info=1) for tool in self.tools[:]: for conflict in getattr(tool, 'conflicts', []): for item in self.tools: if item.name == conflict: self.tools.remove(item) self.logger.info("Loaded tool drivers:") self.logger.info([tool.name for tool in self.tools]) deprecated = [tool.name for tool in self.tools if tool.deprecated] if deprecated: self.logger.warning("Loaded deprecated tool drivers:") self.logger.warning(deprecated) # find entries not handled by any tools self.unhandled = [entry for struct in config for entry in struct if entry not in self.handled] if self.unhandled: self.logger.error("The following entries are not handled by any " "tool:") for entry in self.unhandled: self.logger.error("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('type'), entry.get('name'))) self.find_dups(config) pkgs = [(entry.get('name'), entry.get('origin')) for struct in config for entry in struct if entry.tag == 'Package'] if pkgs: self.logger.debug("The following packages are specified in bcfg2:") self.logger.debug([pkg[0] for pkg in pkgs if pkg[1] == None]) self.logger.debug("The following packages are prereqs added by " "Packages:") self.logger.debug([pkg[0] for pkg in pkgs if pkg[1] == 'Packages']) def find_dups(self, config): """ Find duplicate entries and warn about them """ entries = dict() for struct in config: for entry in struct: for tool in self.tools: if tool.handlesEntry(entry): pkey = tool.primarykey(entry) if pkey in entries: entries[pkey] += 1 else: entries[pkey] = 1 multi = [e for e, c in entries.items() if c > 1] if multi: self.logger.debug("The following entries are included multiple " "times:") for entry in multi: self.logger.debug(entry) def promptFilter(self, prompt, entries): """Filter a supplied list based on user input.""" ret = [] entries.sort(cmpent) for entry in entries[:]: if entry in self.unhandled: # don't prompt for entries that can't be installed continue if 'qtext' in entry.attrib: iprompt = entry.get('qtext') else: iprompt = prompt % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) try: ans = input(iprompt.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace')) if ans in ['y', 'Y']: ret.append(entry) except EOFError: # python 2.4.3 on CentOS doesn't like ^C for some reason break except: print("Error while reading input") continue return ret def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ['extra', 'handled', 'modified', '__important__']: ret = [] for tool in self.tools: ret += getattr(tool, name) return ret elif name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] raise AttributeError(name) def InstallImportant(self): """Install important entries We also process the decision mode stuff here because we want to prevent non-whitelisted/blacklisted 'important' entries from being installed prior to determining the decision mode on the client. """ # Need to process decision stuff early so that dryrun mode # works with it self.whitelist = [entry for entry in self.states \ if not self.states[entry]] if not self.setup['file']: if self.setup['decision'] == 'whitelist': dwl = self.setup['decision_list'] w_to_rem = [e for e in self.whitelist \ if not matches_white_list(e, dwl)] if w_to_rem: self.logger.info("In whitelist mode: " "suppressing installation of:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in w_to_rem]) self.whitelist = [x for x in self.whitelist \ if x not in w_to_rem] elif self.setup['decision'] == 'blacklist': b_to_rem = \ [e for e in self.whitelist if not passes_black_list(e, self.setup['decision_list'])] if b_to_rem: self.logger.info("In blacklist mode: " "suppressing installation of:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in b_to_rem]) self.whitelist = [x for x in self.whitelist if x not in b_to_rem] # take care of important entries first if not self.dryrun: for cfile in self.config.findall(".//Path"): if (cfile.get('name') not in self.__important__ or cfile.get('type') != 'file' or cfile not in self.whitelist): continue parent = cfile.getparent() if ((parent.tag == "Bundle" and ((self.setup['bundle'] and parent.get("name") not in self.setup['bundle']) or (self.setup['skipbundle'] and parent.get("name") in self.setup['skipbundle']))) or (parent.tag == "Independent" and (self.setup['bundle'] or self.setup['skipindep']))): continue tools = [t for t in self.tools if t.handlesEntry(cfile) and t.canVerify(cfile)] if tools: if (self.setup['interactive'] and not self.promptFilter("Install %s: %s? (y/N):", [cfile])): self.whitelist.remove(cfile) continue try: self.states[cfile] = tools[0].InstallPath(cfile) if self.states[cfile]: tools[0].modified.append(cfile) except: self.logger.error("Unexpected tool failure", exc_info=1) cfile.set('qtext', '') if tools[0].VerifyPath(cfile, []): self.whitelist.remove(cfile) def Inventory(self): """ Verify all entries, find extra entries, and build up workqueues """ # initialize all states for struct in self.config.getchildren(): for entry in struct.getchildren(): self.states[entry] = False for tool in self.tools: try: tool.Inventory(self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.Inventory() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def Decide(self): # pylint: disable=R0912 """Set self.whitelist based on user interaction.""" prompt = "Install %s: %s? (y/N): " rprompt = "Remove %s: %s? (y/N): " if self.setup['remove']: if self.setup['remove'] == 'all': self.removal = self.extra elif self.setup['remove'] in ['services', 'Services']: self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra if entry.tag == 'Service'] elif self.setup['remove'] in ['packages', 'Packages']: self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra if entry.tag == 'Package'] candidates = [entry for entry in self.states if not self.states[entry]] if self.dryrun: if self.whitelist: self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: " "suppressing entry installation for:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) for entry in self.whitelist]) self.whitelist = [] if self.removal: self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: " "suppressing entry removal for:") self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) for entry in self.removal]) self.removal = [] # Here is where most of the work goes # first perform bundle filtering all_bundle_names = [b.get('name') for b in self.config.findall('./Bundle')] bundles = self.config.getchildren() if self.setup['bundle']: # warn if non-existent bundle given for bundle in self.setup['bundle']: if bundle not in all_bundle_names: self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle) bundles = filter(lambda b: b.get('name') in self.setup['bundle'], bundles) elif self.setup['indep']: bundles = filter(lambda b: b.tag != 'Bundle', bundles) if self.setup['skipbundle']: # warn if non-existent bundle given if not self.setup['bundle_quick']: for bundle in self.setup['skipbundle']: if bundle not in all_bundle_names: self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle) bundles = filter(lambda b: b.get('name') not in self.setup['skipbundle'], bundles) if self.setup['skipindep']: bundles = filter(lambda b: b.tag == 'Bundle', bundles) self.whitelist = [e for e in self.whitelist if True in [e in b for b in bundles]] # first process prereq actions for bundle in bundles[:]: if bundle.tag != 'Bundle': continue bmodified = len([item for item in bundle if item in self.whitelist]) actions = [a for a in bundle.findall('./Action') if (a.get('timing') != 'post' and (bmodified or a.get('when') == 'always'))] # now we process all "always actions" if self.setup['interactive']: self.promptFilter(prompt, actions) self.DispatchInstallCalls(actions) # need to test to fail entries in whitelist if False in [self.states[a] for a in actions]: # then display bundles forced off with entries self.logger.info("Bundle %s failed prerequisite action" % (bundle.get('name'))) bundles.remove(bundle) b_to_remv = [ent for ent in self.whitelist if ent in bundle] if b_to_remv: self.logger.info("Not installing entries from Bundle %s" % (bundle.get('name'))) self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name')) for e in b_to_remv]) for ent in b_to_remv: self.whitelist.remove(ent) self.logger.debug("Installing entries in the following bundle(s):") self.logger.debug(" %s" % ", ".join(bundles)) if self.setup['interactive']: self.whitelist = self.promptFilter(prompt, self.whitelist) self.removal = self.promptFilter(rprompt, self.removal) for entry in candidates: if entry not in self.whitelist: self.blacklist.append(entry) def DispatchInstallCalls(self, entries): """Dispatch install calls to underlying tools.""" for tool in self.tools: handled = [entry for entry in entries if tool.canInstall(entry)] if not handled: continue try: tool.Install(handled, self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.Install() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def Install(self): """Install all entries.""" self.DispatchInstallCalls(self.whitelist) mods = self.modified mbundles = [struct for struct in self.config.findall('Bundle') if \ [mod for mod in mods if mod in struct]] if self.modified: # Handle Bundle interdeps if mbundles: self.logger.info("The Following Bundles have been modified:") self.logger.info([mbun.get('name') for mbun in mbundles]) tbm = [(t, b) for t in self.tools for b in mbundles] for tool, bundle in tbm: try: tool.Inventory(self.states, [bundle]) except: self.logger.error("%s.Inventory() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) clobbered = [entry for bundle in mbundles for entry in bundle \ if (not self.states[entry] and entry not in self.blacklist)] if clobbered: self.logger.debug("Found clobbered entries:") self.logger.debug(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) \ for entry in clobbered]) if not self.setup['interactive']: self.DispatchInstallCalls(clobbered) for bundle in self.config.findall('.//Bundle'): if self.setup['bundle'] and \ bundle.get('name') not in self.setup['bundle']: # prune out unspecified bundles when running with -b continue for tool in self.tools: try: if bundle in mbundles: tool.BundleUpdated(bundle, self.states) else: tool.BundleNotUpdated(bundle, self.states) except: self.logger.error("%s.BundleNotUpdated() call failed:" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def Remove(self): """Remove extra entries.""" for tool in self.tools: extras = [entry for entry in self.removal if tool.handlesEntry(entry)] if extras: try: tool.Remove(extras) except: self.logger.error("%s.Remove() failed" % tool.name, exc_info=1) def CondDisplayState(self, phase): """Conditionally print tracing information.""" self.logger.info('Phase: %s' % phase) self.logger.info('Correct entries: %d' % list(self.states.values()).count(True)) self.logger.info('Incorrect entries: %d' % list(self.states.values()).count(False)) if phase == 'final' and list(self.states.values()).count(False): for entry in self.states.keys(): if not self.states[entry]: etype = entry.get('type') if etype: self.logger.info("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, etype, entry.get('name'))) else: self.logger.info(" %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) self.logger.info('Total managed entries: %d' % len(list(self.states.values()))) self.logger.info('Unmanaged entries: %d' % len(self.extra)) if phase == 'final' and self.setup['extra']: for entry in self.extra: etype = entry.get('type') if etype: self.logger.info("%s:%s:%s" % (entry.tag, etype, entry.get('name'))) else: self.logger.info(" %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) if ((list(self.states.values()).count(False) == 0) and not self.extra): self.logger.info('All entries correct.') def ReInventory(self): """Recheck everything.""" if not self.dryrun and self.setup['kevlar']: self.logger.info("Rechecking system inventory") self.Inventory() def Execute(self): """Run all methods.""" self.Inventory() self.times['inventory'] = time.time() self.CondDisplayState('initial') self.InstallImportant() self.Decide() self.Install() self.times['install'] = time.time() self.Remove() self.times['remove'] = time.time() if self.modified: self.ReInventory() self.times['reinventory'] = time.time() self.times['finished'] = time.time() self.CondDisplayState('final') def GenerateStats(self): """Generate XML summary of execution statistics.""" feedback = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("upload-statistics") stats = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement( feedback, 'Statistics', total=str(len(self.states)), version='2.0', revision=self.config.get('revision', '-1')) good_entries = [key for key, val in list(self.states.items()) if val] good = len(good_entries) stats.set('good', str(good)) if any(not val for val in list(self.states.values())): stats.set('state', 'dirty') else: stats.set('state', 'clean') # List bad elements of the configuration for (data, ename) in [(self.modified, 'Modified'), (self.extra, "Extra"), (good_entries, "Good"), ([entry for entry in self.states if not self.states[entry]], "Bad")]: container = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(stats, ename) for item in data: item.set('qtext', '') container.append(item) item.text = None timeinfo = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("OpStamps") feedback.append(stats) for (event, timestamp) in list(self.times.items()): timeinfo.set(event, str(timestamp)) stats.append(timeinfo) return feedback