""" Base class for tools that handle POSIX (Path) entries """ import os import sys import pwd import grp import stat import shutil import Bcfg2.Client.Tools import Bcfg2.Client.XML try: import selinux HAS_SELINUX = True except ImportError: HAS_SELINUX = False try: import posix1e HAS_ACLS = True # map between permissions characters and numeric ACL constants ACL_MAP = dict(r=posix1e.ACL_READ, w=posix1e.ACL_WRITE, x=posix1e.ACL_EXECUTE) except ImportError: HAS_ACLS = False ACL_MAP = dict(r=4, w=2, x=1) # map between dev_type attribute and stat constants device_map = dict(block=stat.S_IFBLK, # pylint: disable=C0103 char=stat.S_IFCHR, fifo=stat.S_IFIFO) class POSIXTool(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool): """ Base class for tools that handle POSIX (Path) entries """ def fully_specified(self, entry): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ return True if the entry is fully specified """ # checking is done by __req__ return True def verify(self, entry, modlist): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ return True if the entry is correct on disk """ if not self._verify_metadata(entry): return False if entry.get('recursive', 'false').lower() == 'true': # verify ownership information recursively for root, dirs, files in os.walk(entry.get('name')): for path in dirs + files: if not self._verify_metadata(entry, path=os.path.join(root, path)): return False return True def install(self, entry): """ Install the given entry. Return True on success. """ rv = True rv &= self._set_perms(entry) if entry.get('recursive', 'false').lower() == 'true': # set metadata recursively for root, dirs, files in os.walk(entry.get('name')): for path in dirs + files: rv &= self._set_perms(entry, path=os.path.join(root, path)) return rv def _exists(self, entry, remove=False): """ check for existing paths and optionally remove them. if the path exists, return the lstat of it """ try: ondisk = os.lstat(entry.get('name')) if remove: if os.path.isdir(entry.get('name')): remove = shutil.rmtree else: remove = os.unlink try: remove(entry.get('name')) return None except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.warning('POSIX: Failed to unlink %s: %s' % (entry.get('name'), err)) return ondisk # probably still exists else: return ondisk except OSError: return None def _set_perms(self, entry, path=None): """ set permissions on the given entry, or on the given path according to the given entry """ if path is None: path = entry.get("name") rv = True if entry.get("owner") and entry.get("group"): try: self.logger.debug("POSIX: Setting ownership of %s to %s:%s" % (path, self._norm_entry_uid(entry), self._norm_entry_gid(entry))) os.chown(path, self._norm_entry_uid(entry), self._norm_entry_gid(entry)) except KeyError: self.logger.error('POSIX: Failed to change ownership of %s' % path) rv = False os.chown(path, 0, 0) except OSError: self.logger.error('POSIX: Failed to change ownership of %s' % path) rv = False if entry.get("perms"): wanted_perms = int(entry.get('perms'), 8) if entry.get('dev_type'): wanted_perms |= device_map[entry.get('dev_type')] try: self.logger.debug("POSIX: Setting permissions on %s to %s" % (path, oct(wanted_perms))) os.chmod(path, wanted_perms) except (OSError, KeyError): self.logger.error('POSIX: Failed to change permissions on %s' % path) rv = False if entry.get('mtime'): try: os.utime(entry.get('name'), (int(entry.get('mtime')), int(entry.get('mtime')))) except OSError: self.logger.error("POSIX: Failed to set mtime of %s" % path) rv = False rv &= self._set_secontext(entry, path=path) rv &= self._set_acls(entry, path=path) return rv def _apply_acl(self, acl, path, atype=posix1e.ACL_TYPE_ACCESS): """ Apply the given ACL to the given path """ if atype == posix1e.ACL_TYPE_ACCESS: atype_str = "access" else: atype_str = "default" if acl.valid(): self.logger.debug("POSIX: Applying %s ACL to %s:" % (atype_str, path)) for line in str(acl).splitlines(): self.logger.debug(" " + line) try: acl.applyto(path, atype) return True except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Failed to set ACLs on %s: %s" % (path, err)) return False else: self.logger.warning("POSIX: %s ACL created for %s was invalid:" % (atype_str.title(), path)) for line in str(acl).splitlines(): self.logger.warning(" " + line) return False def _set_acls(self, entry, path=None): # pylint: disable=R0912 """ set POSIX ACLs on the file on disk according to the config """ if not HAS_ACLS: if entry.findall("ACL"): self.logger.debug("POSIX: ACLs listed for %s but no pylibacl " "library installed" % entry.get('name')) return True if path is None: path = entry.get("name") try: acl = posix1e.ACL(file=path) except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err.errno == 95: # fs is mounted noacl self.logger.error("POSIX: Cannot set ACLs on filesystem " "mounted without ACL support: %s" % path) else: self.logger.error("POSIX: Error getting current ACLS on %s: %s" % (path, err)) return False # clear ACLs out so we start fresh -- way easier than trying # to add/remove/modify ACLs for aclentry in acl: if aclentry.tag_type in [posix1e.ACL_USER, posix1e.ACL_GROUP]: acl.delete_entry(aclentry) if os.path.isdir(path): defacl = posix1e.ACL(filedef=path) if not defacl.valid(): # when a default ACL is queried on a directory that # has no default ACL entries at all, you get an empty # ACL, which is not valid. in this circumstance, we # just copy the access ACL to get a base valid ACL # that we can add things to. defacl = posix1e.ACL(acl=acl) else: for aclentry in defacl: if aclentry.tag_type in [posix1e.ACL_USER, posix1e.ACL_GROUP]: defacl.delete_entry(aclentry) else: defacl = None for aclkey, perms in self._list_entry_acls(entry).items(): atype, scope, qualifier = aclkey if atype == "default": if defacl is None: self.logger.warning("POSIX: Cannot set default ACLs on " "non-directory %s" % path) continue aclentry = posix1e.Entry(defacl) else: aclentry = posix1e.Entry(acl) for perm in ACL_MAP.values(): if perm & perms: aclentry.permset.add(perm) aclentry.tag_type = scope try: if scope == posix1e.ACL_USER: scopename = "user" aclentry.qualifier = self._norm_uid(qualifier) elif scope == posix1e.ACL_GROUP: scopename = "group" aclentry.qualifier = self._norm_gid(qualifier) except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Could not resolve %s %s: %s" % (scopename, qualifier, err)) continue acl.calc_mask() rv = self._apply_acl(acl, path) if defacl: defacl.calc_mask() rv &= self._apply_acl(defacl, path, posix1e.ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) return rv def _set_secontext(self, entry, path=None): """ set the SELinux context of the file on disk according to the config""" if not HAS_SELINUX: return True if path is None: path = entry.get("name") context = entry.get("secontext") if context is None: # no context listed return True if context == '__default__': try: selinux.restorecon(path) rv = True except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Failed to restore SELinux context " "for %s: %s" % (path, err)) rv = False else: try: rv = selinux.lsetfilecon(path, context) == 0 except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Failed to restore SELinux context " "for %s: %s" % (path, err)) rv = False return rv def _norm_gid(self, gid): """ This takes a group name or gid and returns the corresponding gid. """ try: return int(gid) except ValueError: return int(grp.getgrnam(gid)[2]) def _norm_entry_gid(self, entry): """ Given an entry, return the GID number of the desired group """ try: return self._norm_gid(entry.get('group')) except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error('POSIX: GID normalization failed for %s on %s: ' '%s' % (entry.get('group'), entry.get('name'), err)) return 0 def _norm_uid(self, uid): """ This takes a username or uid and returns the corresponding uid. """ try: return int(uid) except ValueError: return int(pwd.getpwnam(uid)[2]) def _norm_entry_uid(self, entry): """ Given an entry, return the UID number of the desired owner """ try: return self._norm_uid(entry.get("owner")) except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error('POSIX: UID normalization failed for %s on %s: ' '%s' % (entry.get('owner'), entry.get('name'), err)) return 0 def _norm_acl_perms(self, perms): """ takes a representation of an ACL permset and returns a digit representing the permissions entailed by it. representations can either be a single octal digit, a string of up to three 'r', 'w', 'x', or '-' characters, or a posix1e.Permset object""" if hasattr(perms, 'test'): # Permset object return sum([p for p in ACL_MAP.values() if perms.test(p)]) try: # single octal digit rv = int(perms) if rv > 0 and rv < 8: return rv else: self.logger.error("POSIX: Permissions digit out of range in " "ACL: %s" % perms) return 0 except ValueError: # couldn't be converted to an int; process as a string if len(perms) > 3: self.logger.error("POSIX: Permissions string too long in ACL: " "%s" % perms) return 0 rv = 0 for char in perms: if char == '-': continue elif char not in ACL_MAP: self.logger.warning("POSIX: Unknown permissions character " "in ACL: %s" % char) elif rv & ACL_MAP[char]: self.logger.warning("POSIX: Duplicate permissions " "character in ACL: %s" % perms) else: rv |= ACL_MAP[char] return rv def _acl2string(self, aclkey, perms): """ Get a string representation of the given ACL. aclkey must be a tuple of (, , ) """ atype, scope, qualifier = aclkey acl_str = [] if atype == 'default': acl_str.append(atype) if scope == posix1e.ACL_USER: acl_str.append("user") elif scope == posix1e.ACL_GROUP: acl_str.append("group") acl_str.append(qualifier) acl_str.append(self._acl_perm2string(perms)) return ":".join(acl_str) def _acl_perm2string(self, perm): """ Turn an octal permissions integer into a string suitable for use with ACLs """ rv = [] for char in 'rwx': if ACL_MAP[char] & perm: rv.append(char) else: rv.append('-') return ''.join(rv) def _gather_data(self, path): """ Get data on the existing state of -- e.g., whether or not it exists, owner, group, permissions, etc. """ try: ondisk = os.stat(path) except OSError: self.logger.debug("POSIX: %s does not exist" % path) return (False, None, None, None, None, None) try: owner = str(ondisk[stat.ST_UID]) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.debug("POSIX: Could not get current owner of %s: %s" % (path, err)) owner = None except KeyError: self.logger.error('POSIX: User resolution failed for %s' % path) owner = None try: group = str(ondisk[stat.ST_GID]) except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.debug("POSIX: Could not get current group of %s: %s" % (path, err)) group = None except KeyError: self.logger.error('POSIX: Group resolution failed for %s' % path) group = None try: perms = oct(ondisk[stat.ST_MODE])[-4:] except (OSError, KeyError, TypeError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.debug("POSIX: Could not get current permissions of " "%s: %s" % (path, err)) perms = None if HAS_SELINUX: try: secontext = selinux.getfilecon(path)[1].split(":")[2] except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.debug("POSIX: Could not get current SELinux " "context of %s: %s" % (path, err)) secontext = None else: secontext = None if HAS_ACLS: acls = self._list_file_acls(path) else: acls = None return (ondisk, owner, group, perms, secontext, acls) def _verify_metadata(self, entry, path=None): # pylint: disable=R0912 """ generic method to verify perms, owner, group, secontext, acls, and mtime """ # allow setting an alternate path for recursive permissions checking if path is None: path = entry.get('name') attrib = dict() ondisk, attrib['current_owner'], attrib['current_group'], \ attrib['current_perms'], attrib['current_secontext'] = \ self._gather_data(path)[0:5] if not ondisk: entry.set('current_exists', 'false') return False # we conditionally verify every bit of metadata only if it's # specified on the entry. consequently, canVerify() and # fully_specified() are preconditions of _verify_metadata(), # since they will ensure that everything that needs to be # specified actually is. this lets us gracefully handle # symlink and hardlink entries, which have SELinux contexts # but not other permissions, optional secontext and mtime # attrs, and so on. wanted_owner, wanted_group, wanted_perms, mtime = None, None, None, -1 if entry.get('mtime', '-1') != '-1': mtime = str(ondisk[stat.ST_MTIME]) if entry.get("owner"): wanted_owner = str(self._norm_entry_uid(entry)) if entry.get("group"): wanted_group = str(self._norm_entry_gid(entry)) if entry.get("perms"): while len(entry.get('perms', '')) < 4: entry.set('perms', '0' + entry.get('perms', '')) wanted_perms = int(entry.get('perms'), 8) errors = [] if wanted_owner and attrib['current_owner'] != wanted_owner: errors.append("Owner for path %s is incorrect. " "Current owner is %s but should be %s" % (path, attrib['current_owner'], entry.get('owner'))) if wanted_group and attrib['current_group'] != wanted_group: errors.append("Group for path %s is incorrect. " "Current group is %s but should be %s" % (path, attrib['current_group'], entry.get('group'))) if (wanted_perms and oct(int(attrib['current_perms'], 8)) != oct(wanted_perms)): errors.append("Permissions for path %s are incorrect. " "Current permissions are %s but should be %s" % (path, attrib['current_perms'], entry.get('perms'))) if entry.get('mtime'): attrib['current_mtime'] = mtime if mtime != entry.get('mtime', '-1'): errors.append("mtime for path %s is incorrect. " "Current mtime is %s but should be %s" % (path, mtime, entry.get('mtime'))) if HAS_SELINUX and entry.get("secontext"): if entry.get("secontext") == "__default__": wanted_secontext = \ selinux.matchpathcon(path, 0)[1].split(":")[2] else: wanted_secontext = entry.get("secontext") if attrib['current_secontext'] != wanted_secontext: errors.append("SELinux context for path %s is incorrect. " "Current context is %s but should be %s" % (path, attrib['current_secontext'], wanted_secontext)) if errors: for error in errors: self.logger.debug("POSIX: " + error) entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get('qtext', '')] + errors)) if path == entry.get("name"): for attr, val in attrib.items(): if val is not None: entry.set(attr, str(val)) return self._verify_acls(entry, path=path) and len(errors) == 0 def _list_entry_acls(self, entry): """ Given an entry, get a dict of POSIX ACLs described in that entry. """ wanted = dict() for acl in entry.findall("ACL"): if acl.get("scope") == "user": scope = posix1e.ACL_USER elif acl.get("scope") == "group": scope = posix1e.ACL_GROUP else: self.logger.error("POSIX: Unknown ACL scope %s" % acl.get("scope")) continue wanted[(acl.get("type"), scope, acl.get(acl.get("scope")))] = \ self._norm_acl_perms(acl.get('perms')) return wanted def _list_file_acls(self, path): """ Given a path, get a dict of existing POSIX ACLs on that path. The dict keys are a tuple of (, , . values are the permissions of the described ACL. """ def _process_acl(acl, atype): """ Given an ACL object, process it appropriately and add it to the return value """ try: if acl.tag_type == posix1e.ACL_USER: qual = pwd.getpwuid(acl.qualifier)[0] elif acl.tag_type == posix1e.ACL_GROUP: qual = grp.getgrgid(acl.qualifier)[0] else: return except (OSError, KeyError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Lookup of %s %s failed: %s" % (atype, acl.qualifier, err)) qual = acl.qualifier existing[(atype, acl.tag_type, qual)] = \ self._norm_acl_perms(acl.permset) existing = dict() try: for acl in posix1e.ACL(file=path): _process_acl(acl, "access") except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err.errno == 95: # fs is mounted noacl self.logger.debug("POSIX: Filesystem mounted without ACL " "support: %s" % path) else: self.logger.error("POSIX: Error getting current ACLS on %s: %s" % (path, err)) return existing if os.path.isdir(path): for acl in posix1e.ACL(filedef=path): _process_acl(acl, "default") return existing def _verify_acls(self, entry, path=None): """ verify POSIX ACLs on the given entry. return True if all ACLS are correct, false otherwise """ if not HAS_ACLS: if entry.findall("ACL"): self.logger.debug("POSIX: ACLs listed for %s but no pylibacl " "library installed" % entry.get('name')) return True if path is None: path = entry.get("name") # create lists of normalized representations of the ACLs we want # and the ACLs we have. this will make them easier to compare # than trying to mine that data out of the ACL objects and XML # objects and compare it at the same time. wanted = self._list_entry_acls(entry) existing = self._list_file_acls(path) missing = [] extra = [] wrong = [] for aclkey, perms in wanted.items(): if aclkey not in existing: missing.append(self._acl2string(aclkey, perms)) elif existing[aclkey] != perms: wrong.append((self._acl2string(aclkey, perms), self._acl2string(aclkey, existing[aclkey]))) if path == entry.get("name"): atype, scope, qual = aclkey aclentry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("ACL", type=atype, perms=str(perms)) if scope == posix1e.ACL_USER: aclentry.set("scope", "user") elif scope == posix1e.ACL_GROUP: aclentry.set("scope", "group") else: self.logger.debug("POSIX: Unknown ACL scope %s on %s" % (scope, path)) continue aclentry.set(aclentry.get("scope"), qual) entry.append(aclentry) for aclkey, perms in existing.items(): if aclkey not in wanted: extra.append(self._acl2string(aclkey, perms)) msg = [] if missing: msg.append("%s ACLs are missing: %s" % (len(missing), ", ".join(missing))) if wrong: msg.append("%s ACLs are wrong: %s" % (len(wrong), "; ".join(["%s should be %s" % (e, w) for w, e in wrong]))) if extra: msg.append("%s extra ACLs: %s" % (len(extra), ", ".join(extra))) if msg: msg.insert(0, "POSIX: ACLs for %s are incorrect." % path) self.logger.debug(msg[0]) for line in msg[1:]: self.logger.debug(" " + line) entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get("qtext", '')] + msg)) return False return True def _makedirs(self, entry, path=None): """ os.makedirs helpfully creates all parent directories for us, but it sets permissions according to umask, which is probably wrong. we need to find out which directories were created and set permissions on those (http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/bcfg2/ticket/1125) """ created = [] if path is None: path = entry.get("name") cur = path while cur != '/': if not os.path.exists(cur): created.append(cur) cur = os.path.dirname(cur) rv = True try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error('POSIX: Failed to create directory %s: %s' % (path, err)) rv = False for cpath in created: rv &= self._set_perms(entry, path=cpath) return rv class POSIXLinkTool(POSIXTool): """ Base handler for link (symbolic and hard) entries """ __req__ = ['name', 'to'] __linktype__ = None def verify(self, entry, modlist): rv = True try: if not self._verify(entry): msg = "%s %s is incorrect" % (self.__linktype__.title(), entry.get('name')) self.logger.debug("POSIX: " + msg) entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get('qtext', ''), msg])) rv = False except OSError: self.logger.debug("POSIX: %s %s does not exist" % (entry.tag, entry.get("name"))) entry.set('current_exists', 'false') return False return POSIXTool.verify(self, entry, modlist) and rv def _verify(self, entry): """ perform actual verification of the link entry """ raise NotImplementedError def install(self, entry): ondisk = self._exists(entry, remove=True) if ondisk: self.logger.info("POSIX: %s %s cleanup failed" % (self.__linktype__.title(), entry.get('name'))) try: self._link(entry) rv = True except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("POSIX: Failed to create %s %s to %s: %s" % (self.__linktype__, entry.get('name'), entry.get('to'), err)) rv = False return POSIXTool.install(self, entry) and rv def _link(self, entry): """ create the link """ raise NotImplementedError