""" A tool to handle creating users and groups with useradd/mod/del and groupadd/mod/del """ import pwd import grp import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Client.XML import Bcfg2.Client.Tools from Bcfg2.Utils import PackedDigitRange def uid_range_type(val): """ Option type to unpack a list of numerical ranges """ return PackedDigitRange(*Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list(val)) class POSIXUsers(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool): """ A tool to handle creating users and groups with useradd/mod/del and groupadd/mod/del """ options = Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'uid_whitelist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="UID ranges the POSIXUsers tool will manage"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'gid_whitelist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="GID ranges the POSIXUsers tool will manage"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'supgid_whitelist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="GID ranges for supplementary groups the POSIXUsers" "tool will manage"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'uid_blacklist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="UID ranges the POSIXUsers tool will not manage"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'gid_blacklist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="GID ranges the POSIXUsers tool will not manage"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('POSIXUsers', 'supgid_blacklist'), default=[], type=uid_range_type, help="GID ranges for supplementary groups the POSIXUsers" "tool will not manage")] __execs__ = ['/usr/sbin/useradd', '/usr/sbin/usermod', '/usr/sbin/userdel', '/usr/sbin/groupadd', '/usr/sbin/groupmod', '/usr/sbin/groupdel'] __handles__ = [('POSIXUser', None), ('POSIXGroup', None)] __req__ = dict(POSIXUser=['name'], POSIXGroup=['name']) #: A mapping of XML entry attributes to the indexes of #: corresponding values in the get{pw|gr}all data structures attr_mapping = dict(POSIXUser=dict(name=0, uid=2, gecos=4, home=5, shell=6), POSIXGroup=dict(name=0, gid=2)) #: A mapping that describes the attribute name of the id of a given #: user or group id_mapping = dict(POSIXUser="uid", POSIXGroup="gid") def __init__(self, config): Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.__init__(self, config) self.set_defaults = dict(POSIXUser=self.populate_user_entry, POSIXGroup=lambda g: g) self._existing = None supgid_whitelist = Bcfg2.Options.setup.supgid_whitelist supgid_blacklist = Bcfg2.Options.setup.supgid_blacklist if supgid_whitelist is None and supgid_blacklist is None: supgid_whitelist = Bcfg2.Options.setup.gid_whitelist supgid_blacklist = Bcfg2.Options.setup.gid_blacklist self._whitelist = dict(POSIXUser=Bcfg2.Options.setup.uid_whitelist, POSIXGroup=Bcfg2.Options.setup.gid_whitelist, POSIXSupGroup=supgid_whitelist) self._blacklist = dict(POSIXUser=Bcfg2.Options.setup.uid_blacklist, POSIXGroup=Bcfg2.Options.setup.gid_blacklist, POSIXSupGroup=supgid_blacklist) @property def existing(self): """ Get a dict of existing users and groups """ if self._existing is None: self._existing = dict(POSIXUser=dict([(u[0], u) for u in pwd.getpwall()]), POSIXGroup=dict([(g[0], g) for g in grp.getgrall()])) return self._existing def _in_managed_range(self, tag, eid): """ Check if the given uid or gid is in the appropriate managed range. This means that either a) a whitelist is defined, and the uid/gid is in that whitelist; or b) no whitelist is defined, and the uid/gid is not in the blacklist. """ if not self._whitelist[tag]: return eid not in self._blacklist[tag] else: return eid in self._whitelist[tag] def canInstall(self, entry): if not Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.canInstall(self, entry): return False eid = entry.get(self.id_mapping[entry.tag]) if eid is not None and not self._in_managed_range(entry.tag, eid): if self._whitelist[entry.tag] is not None: err = "not in whitelist" else: # blacklisted err = "in blacklist" self.logger.debug("%s: %s %s %s: %s" % (self.primarykey(entry), err, self.id_mapping[entry.tag], eid, self._blacklist[entry.tag])) return False return True def Inventory(self, structures=None): if not structures: structures = self.config # we calculate a list of all POSIXUser and POSIXGroup entries, # and then add POSIXGroup entries that are required to create # the primary group for each user to the structures. this is # sneaky and possibly evil, but it works great. groups = [] for struct in structures: groups.extend([e.get("name") for e in struct.findall("POSIXGroup")]) for struct in structures: for entry in struct.findall("POSIXUser"): group = self.set_defaults[entry.tag](entry).get('group') if group and group not in groups: self.logger.debug("POSIXUsers: Adding POSIXGroup entry " "'%s' for user '%s'" % (group, entry.get("name"))) struct.append(Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("POSIXGroup", name=group)) return Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.Inventory(self, structures) Inventory.__doc__ = Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.Inventory.__doc__ def FindExtra(self): extra = [] for handles in self.__handles__: tag = handles[0] specified = [] for entry in self.getSupportedEntries(): if entry.tag == tag: specified.append(entry.get("name")) for name, data in self.existing[tag].items(): eid = data[self.attr_mapping[tag][self.id_mapping[tag]]] if name not in specified and self._in_managed_range(tag, eid): extra.append(Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element(tag, name=name)) return extra def populate_user_entry(self, entry): """ Given a POSIXUser entry, set all of the 'missing' attributes with their defaults """ defaults = dict(group=entry.get('name'), gecos=entry.get('name'), shell='/bin/bash') if entry.get('name') == 'root': defaults['home'] = '/root' else: defaults['home'] = '/home/%s' % entry.get('name') for key, val in defaults.items(): if entry.get(key) is None: entry.set(key, val) if entry.get('group') in self.existing['POSIXGroup']: entry.set('gid', str(self.existing['POSIXGroup'][entry.get('group')][2])) return entry def user_supplementary_groups(self, entry): """ Get a list of supplmentary groups that the user in the given entry is a member of """ return [g for g in self.existing['POSIXGroup'].values() if entry.get("name") in g[3] and self._in_managed_range('POSIXSupGroup', g[2])] def VerifyPOSIXUser(self, entry, _): """ Verify a POSIXUser entry """ rv = self._verify(self.populate_user_entry(entry)) if entry.get("current_exists", "true") == "true": # verify supplemental groups actual = [g[0] for g in self.user_supplementary_groups(entry)] expected = [e.get("group", e.text).strip() for e in entry.findall("MemberOf")] if set(expected) != set(actual): entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get('qtext', '')] + ["%s %s has incorrect supplemental group " "membership. Currently: %s. Should be: %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get("name"), actual, expected)])) rv = False if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive and not rv: entry.set('qtext', '%s\nInstall %s %s: (y/N) ' % (entry.get('qtext', ''), entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) return rv def VerifyPOSIXGroup(self, entry, _): """ Verify a POSIXGroup entry """ rv = self._verify(entry) if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive and not rv: entry.set('qtext', '%s\nInstall %s %s: (y/N) ' % (entry.get('qtext', ''), entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) return rv def _verify(self, entry): """ Perform most of the actual work of verification """ errors = [] if entry.get("name") not in self.existing[entry.tag]: entry.set('current_exists', 'false') errors.append("%s %s does not exist" % (entry.tag, entry.get("name"))) else: for attr, idx in self.attr_mapping[entry.tag].items(): val = str(self.existing[entry.tag][entry.get("name")][idx]) entry.set("current_%s" % attr, val) if attr in ["uid", "gid"]: if entry.get(attr) is None: # no uid/gid specified, so we let the tool # automatically determine one -- i.e., it always # verifies continue entval = entry.get(attr) if not isinstance(entval, str): entval = entval.encode('utf-8') if val != entval: errors.append("%s for %s %s is incorrect. Current %s is " "%s, but should be %s" % (attr.title(), entry.tag, entry.get("name"), attr, val, entry.get(attr))) if errors: for error in errors: self.logger.debug("%s: %s" % (self.name, error)) entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get('qtext', '')] + errors)) return len(errors) == 0 def Install(self, entries): states = dict() for entry in entries: # install groups first, so that all groups exist for # users that might need them if entry.tag == 'POSIXGroup': states[entry] = self._install(entry) for entry in entries: if entry.tag == 'POSIXUser': states[entry] = self._install(entry) self._existing = None return states def _install(self, entry): """ add or modify a user or group using the appropriate command """ if entry.get("name") not in self.existing[entry.tag]: action = "add" else: action = "mod" rv = self.cmd.run(self._get_cmd(action, self.set_defaults[entry.tag](entry))) if rv.success: self.modified.append(entry) else: self.logger.error("POSIXUsers: Error creating %s %s: %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get("name"), rv.error)) return rv.success def _get_cmd(self, action, entry): """ Get a command to perform the appropriate action (add, mod, del) on the given entry. The command is always the same; we set all attributes on a given user or group when modifying it rather than checking which ones need to be changed. This makes things fail as a unit (e.g., if a user is logged in, you can't change its home dir, but you could change its GECOS, but the whole operation fails), but it also makes this function a lot, lot easier and simpler.""" cmd = ["/usr/sbin/%s%s" % (entry.tag[5:].lower(), action)] if action != 'del': if entry.tag == 'POSIXGroup': if entry.get('gid'): cmd.extend(['-g', entry.get('gid')]) elif entry.tag == 'POSIXUser': if entry.get('uid'): cmd.extend(['-u', entry.get('uid')]) cmd.extend(['-g', entry.get('group')]) extras = [e.get("group", e.text).strip() for e in entry.findall("MemberOf")] if extras: cmd.extend(['-G', ",".join(extras)]) cmd.extend(['-d', entry.get('home')]) cmd.extend(['-s', entry.get('shell')]) cmd.extend(['-c', entry.get('gecos')]) cmd.append(entry.get('name')) return cmd def Remove(self, entries): for entry in entries: # remove users first, so that all users have been removed # from groups before we remove them if entry.tag == 'POSIXUser': self._remove(entry) for entry in entries: if entry.tag == 'POSIXGroup': try: grp.getgrnam(entry.get("name")) self._remove(entry) except KeyError: # at least some versions of userdel automatically # remove the primary group for a user if the group # name is the same as the username, and no other # users are in the group self.logger.info("POSIXUsers: Group %s does not exist. " "It may have already been removed when " "its users were deleted" % entry.get("name")) self._existing = None self.extra = self.FindExtra() def _remove(self, entry): """ Remove an entry """ rv = self.cmd.run(self._get_cmd("del", entry)) if not rv.success: self.logger.error("POSIXUsers: Error deleting %s %s: %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get("name"), rv.error)) return rv.success