"""Bcfg2 Support for RPMS""" import os import rpm import Bcfg2.Client.Tools import grp import optparse import pwd import stat import sys try: import hashlib py24compat = False except ImportError: # FIXME: Remove when client python dep is 2.5 or greater py24compat = True import md5 # Determine what prelink tools we have available. # The isprelink module is a python extension that examines the ELF headers # to see if the file has been prelinked. If it is not present a lot of files # are unnecessarily run through the prelink command. try: from isprelink import * isprelink_imported = True except ImportError: isprelink_imported = False # If the prelink command is installed on the system then we need to do # prelink -y on files. if os.access('/usr/sbin/prelink', os.X_OK): prelink_exists = True else: prelink_exists = False # If we don't have isprelink then we will use the prelink configuration file to # filter what we have to put through prelink -y. import re blacklist = [] whitelist = [] try: f = open('/etc/prelink.conf', mode='r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue option, pattern = line.split() if pattern.startswith('*.'): pattern = pattern.replace('*.', '\.') pattern += '$' elif pattern.startswith('/'): pattern = '^' + pattern if option == '-b': blacklist.append(pattern) elif option == '-l': whitelist.append(pattern) f.close() except IOError: pass blacklist_re = re.compile('|'.join(blacklist)) whitelist_re = re.compile('|'.join(whitelist)) # Flags that are not defined in rpm-python. # They are defined in lib/rpmcli.h # Bit(s) for verifyFile() attributes. # RPMVERIFY_NONE = 0 RPMVERIFY_MD5 = 1 # 1 << 0 # from %verify(md5) RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE = 2 # 1 << 1 # from %verify(size) RPMVERIFY_LINKTO = 4 # 1 << 2 # from %verify(link) RPMVERIFY_USER = 8 # 1 << 3 # from %verify(user) RPMVERIFY_GROUP = 16 # 1 << 4 # from %verify(group) RPMVERIFY_MTIME = 32 # 1 << 5 # from %verify(mtime) RPMVERIFY_MODE = 64 # 1 << 6 # from %verify(mode) RPMVERIFY_RDEV = 128 # 1 << 7 # from %verify(rdev) RPMVERIFY_CONTEXTS = 32768 # (1 << 15) # from --nocontexts RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL = 268435456 # (1 << 28) # readlink failed RPMVERIFY_READFAIL = 536870912 # (1 << 29) # file read failed RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL = 1073741824 # (1 << 30) # lstat failed RPMVERIFY_LGETFILECONFAIL = 2147483648 # (1 << 31) # lgetfilecon failed RPMVERIFY_FAILURES = \ (RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL | RPMVERIFY_READFAIL | RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL | RPMVERIFY_LGETFILECONFAIL) # Bit(s) to control rpm_verify() operation. # VERIFY_DEFAULT = 0, # /*!< */ VERIFY_MD5 = 1 << 0 # /*!< from --nomd5 */ VERIFY_SIZE = 1 << 1 # /*!< from --nosize */ VERIFY_LINKTO = 1 << 2 # /*!< from --nolinkto */ VERIFY_USER = 1 << 3 # /*!< from --nouser */ VERIFY_GROUP = 1 << 4 # /*!< from --nogroup */ VERIFY_MTIME = 1 << 5 # /*!< from --nomtime */ VERIFY_MODE = 1 << 6 # /*!< from --nomode */ VERIFY_RDEV = 1 << 7 # /*!< from --nodev */ # /* bits 8-14 unused, reserved for rpmVerifyAttrs */ VERIFY_CONTEXTS = 1 << 15 # /*!< verify: from --nocontexts */ VERIFY_FILES = 1 << 16 # /*!< verify: from --nofiles */ VERIFY_DEPS = 1 << 17 # /*!< verify: from --nodeps */ VERIFY_SCRIPT = 1 << 18 # /*!< verify: from --noscripts */ VERIFY_DIGEST = 1 << 19 # /*!< verify: from --nodigest */ VERIFY_SIGNATURE = 1 << 20 # /*!< verify: from --nosignature */ VERIFY_PATCHES = 1 << 21 # /*!< verify: from --nopatches */ VERIFY_HDRCHK = 1 << 22 # /*!< verify: from --nohdrchk */ VERIFY_FOR_LIST = 1 << 23 # /*!< query: from --list */ VERIFY_FOR_STATE = 1 << 24 # /*!< query: from --state */ VERIFY_FOR_DOCS = 1 << 25 # /*!< query: from --docfiles */ VERIFY_FOR_CONFIG = 1 << 26 # /*!< query: from --configfiles */ VERIFY_FOR_DUMPFILES = 1 << 27 # /*!< query: from --dump */ # /* bits 28-31 used in rpmVerifyAttrs */ # Comes from C cource. lib/rpmcli.h VERIFY_ATTRS = \ (VERIFY_MD5 | VERIFY_SIZE | VERIFY_LINKTO | VERIFY_USER | VERIFY_GROUP | VERIFY_MTIME | VERIFY_MODE | VERIFY_RDEV | VERIFY_CONTEXTS) VERIFY_ALL = \ (VERIFY_ATTRS | VERIFY_FILES | VERIFY_DEPS | VERIFY_SCRIPT | VERIFY_DIGEST | VERIFY_SIGNATURE | VERIFY_HDRCHK) # Some masks for what checks to NOT do on these file types. # The C code actiually resets these up for every file. DIR_FLAGS = ~(RPMVERIFY_MD5 | RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE | RPMVERIFY_MTIME | RPMVERIFY_LINKTO) # These file types all have the same mask, but hopefully this will make the # code more readable. FIFO_FLAGS = CHR_FLAGS = BLK_FLAGS = GHOST_FLAGS = DIR_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS = ~(RPMVERIFY_MD5 | RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE | RPMVERIFY_MTIME | RPMVERIFY_MODE | RPMVERIFY_USER | RPMVERIFY_GROUP) REG_FLAGS = ~(RPMVERIFY_LINKTO) def s_isdev(mode): """ Check to see if a file is a device. """ return stat.S_ISBLK(mode) | stat.S_ISCHR(mode) def rpmpackagelist(rts): """ Equivalent of rpm -qa. Intended for RefreshPackages() in the RPM Driver. Requires rpmtransactionset() to be run first to get a ts. Returns a list of pkgspec dicts. e.g. [{'name':'foo', 'epoch':'20', 'version':'1.2', 'release':'5', 'arch':'x86_64' }, {'name':'bar', 'epoch':'10', 'version':'5.2', 'release':'2', 'arch':'x86_64' }] """ return [ {'name': header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], 'epoch': header[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH], 'version': header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], 'release': header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], 'arch': header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH], 'gpgkeyid': header.sprintf("%|SIGGPG?{%{SIGGPG:pgpsig}}:{None}|").split()[-1]} for header in rts.dbMatch()] def getindexbykeyword(index_ts, **kwargs): """ Return list of indexs from the rpmdb matching keywords ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1') Can be passed any structure that can be indexed by the pkgspec keyswords as other keys are filtered out. """ lst = [] name = kwargs.get('name') if name: index_mi = index_ts.dbMatch(rpm.RPMTAG_NAME, name) else: index_mi = index_ts.dbMatch() if 'epoch' in kwargs: if kwargs['epoch'] is not None and kwargs['epoch'] != 'None': kwargs['epoch'] = int(kwargs['epoch']) else: del(kwargs['epoch']) keywords = [key for key in list(kwargs.keys()) if key in ('name', 'epoch', 'version', 'release', 'arch')] keywords_len = len(keywords) for hdr in index_mi: match = 0 for keyword in keywords: if hdr[keyword] == kwargs[keyword]: match += 1 if match == keywords_len: lst.append(index_mi.instance()) del index_mi return lst def getheadersbykeyword(header_ts, **kwargs): """ Borrowed parts of this from from Yum. Need to fix it though. Epoch is not handled right. Return list of headers from the rpmdb matching keywords ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1') Can be passed any structure that can be indexed by the pkgspec keyswords as other keys are filtered out. """ lst = [] name = kwargs.get('name') if name: header_mi = header_ts.dbMatch(rpm.RPMTAG_NAME, name) else: header_mi = header_ts.dbMatch() if 'epoch' in kwargs: if kwargs['epoch'] is not None and kwargs['epoch'] != 'None': kwargs['epoch'] = int(kwargs['epoch']) else: del(kwargs['epoch']) keywords = [key for key in list(kwargs.keys()) if key in ('name', 'epoch', 'version', 'release', 'arch')] keywords_len = len(keywords) for hdr in header_mi: match = 0 for keyword in keywords: if hdr[keyword] == kwargs[keyword]: match += 1 if match == keywords_len: lst.append(hdr) del header_mi return lst def prelink_md5_check(filename): """ Checks if a file is prelinked. If it is run it through prelink -y to get the unprelinked md5 and file size. Return 0 if the file was not prelinked, otherwise return the file size. Always return the md5. """ prelink = False try: plf = open(filename, "rb") except IOError: return False, 0 if prelink_exists: if isprelink_imported: plfd = plf.fileno() if isprelink(plfd): plf.close() cmd = '/usr/sbin/prelink -y %s 2> /dev/null' \ % (re.escape(filename)) plf = os.popen(cmd, 'rb') prelink = True elif (whitelist_re.search(filename) and not blacklist_re.search(filename)): plf.close() cmd = '/usr/sbin/prelink -y %s 2> /dev/null' \ % (re.escape(filename)) plf = os.popen(cmd, 'rb') prelink = True fsize = 0 if py24compat: chksum = md5.new() else: chksum = hashlib.md5() while 1: data = plf.read() if not data: break fsize += len(data) chksum.update(data) plf.close() file_md5 = chksum.hexdigest() if prelink: return file_md5, fsize else: return file_md5, 0 def prelink_size_check(filename): """ This check is only done if the prelink_md5_check() is not done first. Checks if a file is prelinked. If it is run it through prelink -y to get the unprelinked file size. Return 0 if the file was not prelinked, otherwise return the file size. """ fsize = 0 try: plf = open(filename, "rb") except IOError: return False if prelink_exists: if isprelink_imported: plfd = plf.fileno() if isprelink(plfd): plf.close() cmd = '/usr/sbin/prelink -y %s 2> /dev/null' \ % (re.escape(filename)) plf = os.popen(cmd, 'rb') while 1: data = plf.read() if not data: break fsize += len(data) elif (whitelist_re.search(filename) and not blacklist_re.search(filename)): plf.close() cmd = '/usr/sbin/prelink -y %s 2> /dev/null' \ % (re.escape(filename)) plf = os.popen(cmd, 'rb') while 1: data = plf.read() if not data: break fsize += len(data) plf.close() return fsize def debug_verify_flags(vflags): """ Decodes the verify flags bits. """ if vflags & RPMVERIFY_MD5: print('RPMVERIFY_MD5') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE: print('RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_LINKTO: print('RPMVERIFY_LINKTO') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_USER: print('RPMVERIFY_USER') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_GROUP: print('RPMVERIFY_GROUP') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_MTIME: print('RPMVERIFY_MTIME') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_MODE: print('RPMVERIFY_MODE') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_RDEV: print('RPMVERIFY_RDEV') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_CONTEXTS: print('RPMVERIFY_CONTEXTS') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL: print('RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_READFAIL: print('RPMVERIFY_READFAIL') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL: print('RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL') if vflags & RPMVERIFY_LGETFILECONFAIL: print('RPMVERIFY_LGETFILECONFAIL') def debug_file_flags(fflags): """ Decodes the file flags bits. """ if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG: print('rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_DOC: print('rpm.RPMFILE_DOC') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_ICON: print('rpm.RPMFILE_ICON') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_MISSINGOK: print('rpm.RPMFILE_MISSINGOK') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_NOREPLACE: print('rpm.RPMFILE_NOREPLACE') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST: print('rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_LICENSE: print('rpm.RPMFILE_LICENSE') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_README: print('rpm.RPMFILE_README') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_EXCLUDE: print('rpm.RPMFILE_EXLUDE') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_UNPATCHED: print('rpm.RPMFILE_UNPATCHED') if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_PUBKEY: print('rpm.RPMFILE_PUBKEY') def rpm_verify_file(fileinfo, rpmlinktos, omitmask): """ Verify all the files in a package. Returns a list of error flags, the file type and file name. The list entries are strings that are the same as the labels for the bitwise flags used in the C code. """ (fname, fsize, fmode, fmtime, fflags, frdev, finode, fnlink, fstate, vflags, fuser, fgroup, fmd5) = fileinfo # 1. rpmtsRootDir stuff. What does it do and where to I get it from? file_results = [] flags = vflags # Check to see if the file was installed - if not pretend all is ok. # This is what the rpm C code does! if fstate != rpm.RPMFILE_STATE_NORMAL: return file_results # Get the installed files stats try: lstat = os.lstat(fname) except OSError: if not (fflags & (rpm.RPMFILE_MISSINGOK | rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST)): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL') #file_results.append(fname) return file_results # 5. Contexts? SELinux stuff? # Setup what checks to do. This is straight out of the C code. if stat.S_ISDIR(lstat.st_mode): flags &= DIR_FLAGS elif stat.S_ISLNK(lstat.st_mode): flags &= LINK_FLAGS elif stat.S_ISFIFO(lstat.st_mode): flags &= FIFO_FLAGS elif stat.S_ISCHR(lstat.st_mode): flags &= CHR_FLAGS elif stat.S_ISBLK(lstat.st_mode): flags &= BLK_FLAGS else: flags &= REG_FLAGS if (fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST): flags &= GHOST_FLAGS flags &= ~(omitmask | RPMVERIFY_FAILURES) # 8. SELinux stuff. prelink_size = 0 if flags & RPMVERIFY_MD5: prelink_md5, prelink_size = prelink_md5_check(fname) if prelink_md5 is False: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_MD5') file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_READFAIL') elif prelink_md5 != fmd5: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_MD5') if flags & RPMVERIFY_LINKTO: linkto = os.readlink(fname) if not linkto: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL') file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_LINKTO') else: if len(rpmlinktos) == 0 or linkto != rpmlinktos: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_LINKTO') if flags & RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE: if not (flags & RPMVERIFY_MD5): # prelink check hasn't been done. prelink_size = prelink_size_check(fname) if (prelink_size != 0): # This is a prelinked file. if (prelink_size != fsize): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE') elif lstat.st_size != fsize: # It wasn't a prelinked file. file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE') if flags & RPMVERIFY_MODE: metamode = fmode filemode = lstat.st_mode # Comparing the type of %ghost files is meaningless, but perms are ok. if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST: metamode &= ~0xf000 filemode &= ~0xf000 if (stat.S_IFMT(metamode) != stat.S_IFMT(filemode)) or \ (stat.S_IMODE(metamode) != stat.S_IMODE(filemode)): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_MODE') if flags & RPMVERIFY_RDEV: if (stat.S_ISCHR(fmode) != stat.S_ISCHR(lstat.st_mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(fmode) != stat.S_ISBLK(lstat.st_mode)): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_RDEV') elif (s_isdev(fmode) & s_isdev(lstat.st_mode)): st_rdev = lstat.st_rdev if frdev != st_rdev: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_RDEV') if flags & RPMVERIFY_MTIME: if lstat.st_mtime != fmtime: file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_MTIME') if flags & RPMVERIFY_USER: try: user = pwd.getpwuid(lstat.st_uid)[0] except KeyError: user = None if not user or not fuser or (user != fuser): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_USER') if flags & RPMVERIFY_GROUP: try: group = grp.getgrgid(lstat.st_gid)[0] except KeyError: group = None if not group or not fgroup or (group != fgroup): file_results.append('RPMVERIFY_GROUP') return file_results def rpm_verify_dependencies(header): """ Check package dependencies. Header is an rpm.hdr. Don't like opening another ts to do this, but it was the only way I could find of clearing the ts out. Have asked on the rpm-maint list on how to do this the right way (28 Feb 2007). ts.check() returns: ((name, version, release), (reqname, reqversion), \ flags, suggest, sense) """ _ts1 = rpmtransactionset() _ts1.addInstall(header, 'Dep Check', 'i') dep_errors = _ts1.check() _ts1.closeDB() return dep_errors def rpm_verify_package(vp_ts, header, verify_options): """ Verify a single package specified by header. Header is an rpm.hdr. If errors are found it returns a dictionary of errors. """ # Set some transaction level flags. vsflags = 0 if 'nodigest' in verify_options: vsflags |= rpm._RPMVSF_NODIGESTS if 'nosignature' in verify_options: vsflags |= rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES ovsflags = vp_ts.setVSFlags(vsflags) # Map from the Python options to the rpm bitwise flags. omitmask = 0 if 'nolinkto' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_LINKTO if 'nomd5' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_MD5 if 'nosize' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_SIZE if 'nouser' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_USER if 'nogroup' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_GROUP if 'nomtime' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_MTIME if 'nomode' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_MODE if 'nordev' in verify_options: omitmask |= VERIFY_RDEV omitmask = ((~omitmask & VERIFY_ATTRS) ^ VERIFY_ATTRS) package_results = {} # Check Signatures and Digests. # No idea what this might return. Need to break something to see. # Setting the vsflags above determines what gets checked in the header. hdr_stat = vp_ts.hdrCheck(header.unload()) if hdr_stat: package_results['hdr'] = hdr_stat # Check Package Depencies. if 'nodeps' not in verify_options: dep_stat = rpm_verify_dependencies(header) if dep_stat: package_results['deps'] = dep_stat # Check all the package files. if 'nofiles' not in verify_options: vp_fi = header.fiFromHeader() for fileinfo in vp_fi: # Do not bother doing anything with ghost files. # This is what RPM does. if fileinfo[4] & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST: continue # This is only needed because of an inconsistency in the # rpm.fi interface. linktos = vp_fi.FLink() file_stat = rpm_verify_file(fileinfo, linktos, omitmask) #if len(file_stat) > 0 or options.verbose: if len(file_stat) > 0: fflags = fileinfo[4] if fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG: file_stat.append('c') elif fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_DOC: file_stat.append('d') elif fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST: file_stat.append('g') elif fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_LICENSE: file_stat.append('l') elif fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_PUBKEY: file_stat.append('P') elif fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_README: file_stat.append('r') else: file_stat.append(' ') file_stat.append(fileinfo[0]) # The filename. package_results.setdefault('files', []).append(file_stat) # Run the verify script if there is one. # Do we want this? #if 'noscripts' not in verify_options: # script_stat = rpmVerifyscript() # if script_stat: # package_results['script'] = script_stat # If there have been any errors, add the package nevra to the result. if len(package_results) > 0: package_results.setdefault('nevra', (header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], header[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH], header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])) else: package_results = None # Put things back the way we found them. vsflags = vp_ts.setVSFlags(ovsflags) return package_results def rpm_verify(verify_ts, verify_pkgspec, verify_options=[]): """ Requires rpmtransactionset() to be run first to get a ts. pkgspec is a dict specifying the package e.g.: For a single package { name='foo', epoch='20', version='1', release='1', arch='x86_64'} For all packages {} Or any combination of keywords to select one or more packages to verify. options is a list of 'rpm --verify' options. Default is to check everything. e.g.: [ 'nodeps', 'nodigest', 'nofiles', 'noscripts', 'nosignature', 'nolinkto' 'nomd5', 'nosize', 'nouser', 'nogroup', 'nomtime', 'nomode', 'nordev' ] Returns a list. One list entry per package. Each list entry is a dictionary. Dict keys are 'files', 'deps', 'nevra' and 'hdr'. Entries only get added for the failures. If nothing failed, None is returned. Its all a bit messy and probably needs reviewing. [ { 'hdr': [???], 'deps: [((name, version, release), (reqname, reqversion), flags, suggest, sense), .... ] 'files': [ ['filename1', 'RPMVERIFY_GROUP', 'RPMVERIFY_USER' ], ['filename2', 'RPMVERFIY_LSTATFAIL']] 'nevra': ['name1', 'epoch1', 'version1', 'release1', 'arch1'] } { 'hdr': [???], 'deps: [((name, version, release), (reqname, reqversion), flags, suggest, sense), .... ] 'files': [ ['filename', 'RPMVERIFY_GROUP', 'RPMVERIFY_USER" ], ['filename2', 'RPMVERFIY_LSTATFAIL']] 'nevra': ['name2', 'epoch2', 'version2', 'release2', 'arch2'] } ] """ verify_results = [] headers = getheadersbykeyword(verify_ts, **verify_pkgspec) for header in headers: result = rpm_verify_package(verify_ts, header, verify_options) if result: verify_results.append(result) return verify_results def rpmtransactionset(): """ A simple wrapper for rpm.TransactionSet() to keep everthiing together. Might use it to set some ts level flags later. """ ts = rpm.TransactionSet() return ts class Rpmtscallback(object): """ Callback for ts.run(). Used for adding, upgrading and removing packages. Starting with all possible reasons codes, but bcfg2 will probably only make use of a few of them. Mostly just printing stuff at the moment to understand how the callback is used. """ def __init__(self): self.fdnos = {} def callback(self, reason, amount, total, key, client_data): """ Generic rpmts call back. """ if reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_START: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS or \ reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: pass # rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS' elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_START: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_PROGRESS: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_STOP: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_PROGRESS: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_STOP: pass # How do we get at this? # RPM.modified += key elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR: pass elif reason == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNKNOWN: pass else: print('ERROR - Fell through callBack') def rpm_erase(erase_pkgspecs, erase_flags): """ pkgspecs is a list of pkgspec dicts specifying packages e.g.: For a single package { name='foo', epoch='20', version='1', release='1', arch='x86_64'} """ erase_ts_flags = 0 if 'noscripts' in erase_flags: erase_ts_flags |= rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_NOSCRIPTS if 'notriggers' in erase_flags: erase_ts_flags |= rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_NOTRIGGERS if 'repackage' in erase_flags: erase_ts_flags |= rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_REPACKAGE erase_ts = rpmtransactionset() erase_ts.setFlags(erase_ts_flags) for pkgspec in erase_pkgspecs: idx_list = getindexbykeyword(erase_ts, **pkgspec) if len(idx_list) > 1 and not 'allmatches' in erase_flags: #pass print(('ERROR - Multiple package match for erase', pkgspec)) else: for idx in idx_list: erase_ts.addErase(idx) #for te in erase_ts: erase_problems = [] if 'nodeps' not in erase_flags: erase_problems = erase_ts.check() if erase_problems == []: erase_ts.order() erase_callback = Rpmtscallback() erase_ts.run(erase_callback.callback, 'Erase') #else: erase_ts.closeDB() del erase_ts return erase_problems def display_verify_file(file_results): ''' Display file results similar to rpm --verify. ''' filename = file_results[-1] filetype = file_results[-2] result_string = '' if 'RPMVERIFY_LSTATFAIL' in file_results: result_string = 'missing ' else: if 'RPMVERIFY_FILESIZE' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'S' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_MODE' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'M' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_MD5' in file_results: if 'RPMVERIFY_READFAIL' in file_results: result_string = result_string + '?' else: result_string = result_string + '5' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_RDEV' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'D' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_LINKTO' in file_results: if 'RPMVERIFY_READLINKFAIL' in file_results: result_string = result_string + '?' else: result_string = result_string + 'L' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_USER' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'U' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_GROUP' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'G' else: result_string = result_string + '.' if 'RPMVERIFY_MTIME' in file_results: result_string = result_string + 'T' else: result_string = result_string + '.' print((result_string + ' ' + filetype + ' ' + filename)) sys.stdout.flush() #============================================================================= # Some options and output to assist with development and testing. # These are not intended for normal use. if __name__ == "__main__": p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('--name', action='store', default=None, help='''Package name to verify. ****************************************** NOT SPECIFYING A NAME MEANS 'ALL' PACKAGES. ****************************************** The specified operation will be carried out on all instances of packages that match the package specification (name, epoch, version, release, arch).''') p.add_option('--epoch', action='store', default=None, help='''Package epoch.''') p.add_option('--version', action='store', default=None, help='''Package version.''') p.add_option('--release', action='store', default=None, help='''Package release.''') p.add_option('--arch', action='store', default=None, help='''Package arch.''') p.add_option('--erase', '-e', action='store_true', default=None, help= '''**************************************************** REMOVE PACKAGES. THERE ARE NO WARNINGS. MULTIPLE PACKAGES WILL BE REMOVED IF A FULL PACKAGE SPEC IS NOT GIVEN. E.G. IF JUST A NAME IS GIVEN ALL INSTALLED INSTANCES OF THAT PACKAGE WILL BE REMOVED PROVIDED DEPENDENCY CHECKS PASS. IF JUST AN EPOCH IS GIVEN ALL PACKAGE INSTANCES WITH THAT EPOCH WILL BE REMOVED. ****************************************************''') p.add_option('--list', '-l', action='store_true', help='''List package identity info. rpm -qa ish equivalent intended for use in RefreshPackages().''') p.add_option('--verify', action='store_true', help='''Verify Package(s). Output is only produced after all packages has been verified. Be patient.''') p.add_option('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='''Verbose output for --verify option. Output is the same as rpm -v --verify.''') p.add_option('--nodeps', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not do dependency testing.') p.add_option('--nodigest', action='store_true', help='Do not check package digests.') p.add_option('--nofiles', action='store_true', help='Do not do file checks.') p.add_option('--noscripts', action='store_true', help='Do not run verification scripts.') p.add_option('--nosignature', action='store_true', help='Do not do package signature verification.') p.add_option('--nolinkto', action='store_true', help='Do not do symlink tests.') p.add_option('--nomd5', action='store_true', help='''Do not do MD5 checksums on files. Note that this does not work for prelink files yet.''') p.add_option('--nosize', action='store_true', help='''Do not do file size tests. Note that this does not work for prelink files yet.''') p.add_option('--nouser', action='store_true', help='Do not check file user ownership.') p.add_option('--nogroup', action='store_true', help='Do not check file group ownership.') p.add_option('--nomtime', action='store_true', help='Do not check file modification times.') p.add_option('--nomode', action='store_true', help='Do not check file modes (permissions).') p.add_option('--nordev', action='store_true', help='Do not check device node.') p.add_option('--notriggers', action='store_true', help='Do not do not generate triggers on erase.') p.add_option('--repackage', action='store_true', help='''Do repackage on erase.i Packages are put in /var/spool/repackage.''') p.add_option('--allmatches', action='store_true', help= '''Remove all package instances that match the pkgspec. *************************************************** NO WARNINGS ARE GIVEN. IF THERE IS NO PACKAGE SPEC THAT MEANS ALL PACKAGES!!!! ***************************************************''') options, arguments = p.parse_args() pkgspec = {} rpm_options = [] if options.nodeps: rpm_options.append('nodeps') if options.nodigest: rpm_options.append('nodigest') if options.nofiles: rpm_options.append('nofiles') if options.noscripts: rpm_options.append('noscripts') if options.nosignature: rpm_options.append('nosignature') if options.nolinkto: rpm_options.append('nolinkto') if options.nomd5: rpm_options.append('nomd5') if options.nosize: rpm_options.append('nosize') if options.nouser: rpm_options.append('nouser') if options.nogroup: rpm_options.append('nogroup') if options.nomtime: rpm_options.append('nomtime') if options.nomode: rpm_options.append('nomode') if options.nordev: rpm_options.append('nordev') if options.repackage: rpm_options.append('repackage') if options.allmatches: rpm_options.append('allmatches') main_ts = rpmtransactionset() cmdline_pkgspec = {} if options.name != 'all': if options.name: cmdline_pkgspec['name'] = str(options.name) if options.epoch: cmdline_pkgspec['epoch'] = str(options.epoch) if options.version: cmdline_pkgspec['version'] = str(options.version) if options.release: cmdline_pkgspec['release'] = str(options.release) if options.arch: cmdline_pkgspec['arch'] = str(options.arch) if options.verify: results = rpm_verify(main_ts, cmdline_pkgspec, rpm_options) for r in results: files = r.get('files', '') for f in files: display_verify_file(f) elif options.list: for p in rpmpackagelist(main_ts): print(p) elif options.erase: if options.name: rpm_erase([cmdline_pkgspec], rpm_options) else: print('You must specify the "--name" option') class RPM(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.PkgTool): """Support for RPM packages.""" options = Bcfg2.Client.Tools.PkgTool.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('RPM', 'installonlypackages'), dest="rpm_installonly", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, default=['kernel', 'kernel-bigmem', 'kernel-enterprise', 'kernel-smp', 'kernel-modules', 'kernel-debug', 'kernel-unsupported', 'kernel-devel', 'kernel-source', 'kernel-default', 'kernel-largesmp-devel', 'kernel-largesmp', 'kernel-xen', 'gpg-pubkey'], help='RPM install-only packages'), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('RPM', 'pkg_checks'), default=True, dest="rpm_pkg_checks", help="Perform RPM package checks"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('RPM', 'pkg_verify'), default=True, dest="rpm_pkg_verify", help="Perform RPM package verify"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('RPM', 'install_missing'), default=True, dest="rpm_install_missing", help="Install missing packages"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('RPM', 'erase_flags'), default=["allmatches"], dest="rpm_erase_flags", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, help="RPM erase flags"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('RPM', 'fix_version'), default=True, dest="rpm_fix_version", help="Fix (upgrade or downgrade) packages with the wrong version"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('RPM', 'reinstall_broken'), default=True, dest="rpm_reinstall_broken", help="Reinstall packages that fail to verify"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=('RPM', 'verify_flags'), default=[], dest="rpm_verify_flags", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, help="RPM verify flags")] __execs__ = ['/bin/rpm', '/var/lib/rpm'] __handles__ = [('Package', 'rpm')] __req__ = {'Package': ['name', 'version']} __ireq__ = {'Package': ['url']} __new_req__ = {'Package': ['name'], 'Instance': ['version', 'release', 'arch']} __new_ireq__ = {'Package': ['uri'], 'Instance': ['simplefile']} __gpg_req__ = {'Package': ['name', 'version']} __gpg_ireq__ = {'Package': ['name', 'version']} __new_gpg_req__ = {'Package': ['name'], 'Instance': ['version', 'release']} __new_gpg_ireq__ = {'Package': ['name'], 'Instance': ['version', 'release']} pkgtype = 'rpm' pkgtool = ("rpm --oldpackage --replacepkgs --quiet -U %s", ("%s", ["url"])) def __init__(self, config): Bcfg2.Client.Tools.PkgTool.__init__(self, config) # create a global ignore list used when ignoring particular # files during package verification self.ignores = [entry.get('name') for struct in config for entry in struct if entry.get('type') == 'ignore'] self.instance_status = {} self.extra_instances = [] self.modlists = {} self.gpg_keyids = self.getinstalledgpg() self.installOnlyPkgs = Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_installonly if 'gpg-pubkey' not in self.installOnlyPkgs: self.installOnlyPkgs.append('gpg-pubkey') self.verify_flags = Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_verify_flags if '' in self.verify_flags: self.verify_flags.remove('') self.logger.debug('%s: installOnlyPackages = %s' % (self.name, self.installOnlyPkgs)) self.logger.debug('%s: erase_flags = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_erase_flags)) self.logger.debug('%s: pkg_checks = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_checks)) self.logger.debug('%s: pkg_verify = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_verify)) self.logger.debug('%s: install_missing = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_install_missing)) self.logger.debug('%s: fix_version = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_fix_version)) self.logger.debug('%s: reinstall_broken = %s' % (self.name, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_reinstall_broken)) self.logger.debug('%s: verify_flags = %s' % (self.name, self.verify_flags)) # Force a re- prelink of all packages if prelink exists. # Many, if not most package verifies can be caused by out of # date prelinking. if (os.path.isfile('/usr/sbin/prelink') and not Bcfg2.Options.setup.dry_run): rv = self.cmd.run('/usr/sbin/prelink -a -mR') if rv.success: self.logger.debug('Pre-emptive prelink succeeded') else: # FIXME : this is dumb - what if the output is huge? self.logger.error('Pre-emptive prelink failed: %s' % rv.error) def RefreshPackages(self): """ Creates self.installed{} which is a dict of installed packages. The dict items are lists of nevra dicts. This loosely matches the config from the server and what rpmtools uses to specify pacakges. e.g. self.installed['foo'] = [ {'name':'foo', 'epoch':None, 'version':'1', 'release':2, 'arch':'i386'}, {'name':'foo', 'epoch':None, 'version':'1', 'release':2, 'arch':'x86_64'} ] """ self.installed = {} refresh_ts = rpmtransactionset() # Don't bother with signature checks at this stage. The GPG keys might # not be installed. refresh_ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NODIGESTS | rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) for nevra in rpmpackagelist(refresh_ts): self.installed.setdefault(nevra['name'], []).append(nevra) if Bcfg2.Options.setup.debug: print("The following package instances are installed:") for name, instances in list(self.installed.items()): self.logger.debug(" " + name) for inst in instances: self.logger.debug(" %s" % self.str_evra(inst)) refresh_ts.closeDB() del refresh_ts def VerifyPackage(self, entry, modlist, pinned_version=None): """ Verify Package status for entry. Performs the following: - Checks for the presence of required Package Instances. - Compares the evra 'version' info against self.installed{}. - RPM level package verify (rpm --verify). - Checks for the presence of unrequired package instances. Produces the following dict and list for RPM.Install() to use: For installs/upgrades/fixes of required instances: instance_status = { : { 'installed': True|False, 'version_fail': True|False, 'verify_fail': True|False, 'pkg': , 'modlist': [ , ... ], 'verify' : [ ] }, ...... } For deletions of unrequired instances: extra_instances = [ , ..... ] Constructs the text prompts for interactive mode. """ instances = [inst for inst in entry if inst.tag == 'Instance' or inst.tag == 'Package'] if instances == []: # We have an old style no Instance entry. Convert it to new style. instance = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(entry, 'Package') for attrib in list(entry.attrib.keys()): instance.attrib[attrib] = entry.attrib[attrib] if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_checks and entry.get('pkg_checks', 'true').lower() == 'true'): if 'any' in [entry.get('version'), pinned_version]: version, release = 'any', 'any' elif entry.get('version') == 'auto': if pinned_version is not None: version, release = pinned_version.split('-') else: return False else: version, release = entry.get('version').split('-') instance.set('version', version) instance.set('release', release) if entry.get('verify', 'true') == 'false': instance.set('verify', 'false') instances = [instance] self.logger.debug("Verifying package instances for %s" % entry.get('name')) package_fail = False qtext_versions = '' if entry.get('name') in self.installed: # There is at least one instance installed. if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_checks and entry.get('pkg_checks', 'true').lower() == 'true'): rpmTs = rpm.TransactionSet() rpmHeader = None for h in rpmTs.dbMatch(rpm.RPMTAG_NAME, entry.get('name')): if rpmHeader is None or \ rpm.versionCompare(h, rpmHeader) > 0: rpmHeader = h rpmProvides = [h['provides'] for h in rpmTs.dbMatch(rpm.RPMTAG_NAME, entry.get('name'))] rpmIntersection = set(rpmHeader['provides']) & \ set(self.installOnlyPkgs) if len(rpmIntersection) > 0: # Packages that should only be installed or removed. # e.g. kernels. self.logger.debug(" Install only package.") for inst in instances: self.instance_status.setdefault(inst, {})['installed']\ = False self.instance_status[inst]['version_fail'] = False if inst.tag == 'Package' and \ len(self.installed[entry.get('name')]) > 1: self.logger.error("WARNING: Multiple instances of " "package %s are installed." % (entry.get('name'))) for pkg in self.installed[entry.get('name')]: if inst.get('version') == 'any' or \ self.pkg_vr_equal(inst, pkg) or \ self.inst_evra_equal(inst, pkg): if inst.get('version') == 'any': self.logger.error("got any version") self.logger.debug(" %s" % self.str_evra(inst)) self.instance_status[inst]['installed'] = True if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_verify and inst.get('pkg_verify', 'true').lower() == 'true'): flags = inst.get('verify_flags', '').split(',') + \ self.verify_flags if pkg.get('gpgkeyid', '')[-8:] not in self.gpg_keyids and \ entry.get('name') != 'gpg-pubkey': flags += ['nosignature', 'nodigest'] self.logger.debug('WARNING: Package ' '%s %s requires GPG ' 'Public key with ID ' '%s' % (pkg.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkg), pkg.get('gpgkeyid', ''))) self.logger.debug(' Disabling ' 'signature check.') if Bcfg2.Options.setup.quick: if prelink_exists: flags += ['nomd5', 'nosize'] else: flags += ['nomd5'] self.logger.debug(" verify_flags = " "%s" % flags) if inst.get('verify', 'true') == 'false': self.instance_status[inst]['verify'] =\ None else: vp_ts = rpmtransactionset() self.instance_status[inst]['verify'] =\ rpm_verify(vp_ts, pkg, flags) vp_ts.closeDB() del vp_ts if not self.instance_status[inst]['installed']: self.logger.info(" Package %s %s not " "installed." % (entry.get('name'), self.str_evra(inst))) qtext_versions = qtext_versions + 'I(%s) ' % \ self.str_evra(inst) entry.set('current_exists', 'false') else: # Normal Packages that can be upgraded. for inst in instances: self.instance_status.setdefault(inst, {})['installed']\ = False self.instance_status[inst]['version_fail'] = False # only installed packages with the same architecture # are relevant. if inst.get('arch', None) is None: arch_match = self.installed[entry.get('name')] else: arch_match = [pkg for pkg in self.installed[entry.get('name')] if pkg.get('arch', None) == inst.get('arch', None)] if len(arch_match) > 1: self.logger.error("Multiple instances of package " "%s installed with the same " "achitecture." % (entry.get('name'))) elif len(arch_match) == 1: # There is only one installed like there should be. # Check that it is the right version. for pkg in arch_match: if inst.get('version') == 'any' or \ self.pkg_vr_equal(inst, pkg) or \ self.inst_evra_equal(inst, pkg): self.logger.debug(" %s" % self.str_evra(inst)) self.instance_status[inst]['installed'] = \ True if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_verify and inst.get( 'pkg_verify', 'true').lower() == 'true'): flags = inst.get('verify_flags', '').split(',') + \ self.verify_flags if pkg.get('gpgkeyid', '')[-8:] not in\ self.gpg_keyids and 'nosignature'\ not in flags: flags += ['nosignature', 'nodigest'] self.logger.info( 'WARNING: Package %s %s ' 'requires GPG Public key with ' 'ID %s' % (pkg.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkg), pkg.get('gpgkeyid', ''))) self.logger.info( ' Disabling signature ' 'check.') if Bcfg2.Options.setup.quick: if prelink_exists: flags += ['nomd5', 'nosize'] else: flags += ['nomd5'] self.logger.debug( " verify_flags = %s" % flags) if inst.get('verify', 'true') == \ 'false': self.instance_status[inst]['verify'] = None else: vp_ts = rpmtransactionset() self.instance_status[inst]['verify'] = rpm_verify(vp_ts, pkg, flags) vp_ts.closeDB() del vp_ts else: # Wrong version installed. self.instance_status[inst]['version_fail']\ = True self.logger.info(" Wrong version " "installed. Want %s, but " "have %s" % (self.str_evra(inst), self.str_evra(pkg))) qtext_versions = qtext_versions + \ 'U(%s -> %s) ' % (self.str_evra(pkg), self.str_evra(inst)) elif len(arch_match) == 0: # This instance is not installed. self.instance_status[inst]['installed'] = False self.logger.info(" %s is not installed." % self.str_evra(inst)) qtext_versions = qtext_versions + \ 'I(%s) ' % self.str_evra(inst) # Check the rpm verify results. for inst in instances: instance_fail = False # Dump the rpm verify results. #****Write something to format this nicely.***** if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.debug and self.instance_status[inst].get('verify', None)): self.logger.debug(self.instance_status[inst]['verify']) self.instance_status[inst]['verify_fail'] = False if self.instance_status[inst].get('verify', None): if len(self.instance_status[inst].get('verify')) > 1: self.logger.info("WARNING: Verification of more " "than one package instance.") for result in self.instance_status[inst]['verify']: # Check header results if result.get('hdr', None): instance_fail = True self.instance_status[inst]['verify_fail'] = \ True # Check dependency results if result.get('deps', None): instance_fail = True self.instance_status[inst]['verify_fail'] = \ True # check the rpm verify file results against # the modlist and entry and per Instance Ignores. ignores = [ig.get('name') for ig in entry.findall('Ignore')] + \ [ig.get('name') for ig in inst.findall('Ignore')] + \ self.ignores for file_result in result.get('files', []): if file_result[-1] not in modlist + ignores: instance_fail = True self.instance_status[inst]['verify_fail'] \ = True else: self.logger.debug(" Modlist/Ignore " "match: %s" % (file_result[-1])) if instance_fail: self.logger.debug("*** Instance %s failed RPM " "verification ***" % self.str_evra(inst)) qtext_versions = qtext_versions + \ 'R(%s) ' % self.str_evra(inst) self.modlists[entry] = modlist # Attach status structure for reporting. inst.set('verify_status', str(self.instance_status[inst])) version_fail = self.instance_status[inst].get( 'version_fail', False) verify_fail = self.instance_status[inst].get( 'verify_fail', False) if not self.instance_status[inst]['installed'] or \ version_fail or verify_fail: package_fail = True self.instance_status[inst]['pkg'] = entry self.modlists[entry] = modlist # Find Installed Instances that are not in the Config. extra_installed = self.FindExtraInstances( entry, self.installed[entry.get('name')]) if extra_installed is not None: package_fail = True self.extra_instances.append(extra_installed) for inst in extra_installed.findall('Instance'): qtext_versions = qtext_versions + \ 'D(%s) ' % self.str_evra(inst) self.logger.debug("Found Extra Instances %s" % qtext_versions) if package_fail: self.logger.info(" Package %s failed verification." % (entry.get('name'))) qtext = 'Install/Upgrade/delete Package %s instance(s) - '\ '%s (y/N) ' % (entry.get('name'), qtext_versions) entry.set('qtext', qtext) bcfg2_versions = '' for bcfg2_inst in [inst for inst in instances if inst.tag == 'Instance']: bcfg2_versions = bcfg2_versions + \ '(%s) ' % self.str_evra(bcfg2_inst) if bcfg2_versions != '': entry.set('version', bcfg2_versions) installed_versions = '' for installed_inst in self.installed[entry.get('name')]: installed_versions = installed_versions + \ '(%s) ' % self.str_evra(installed_inst) entry.set('current_version', installed_versions) return False else: # There are no Instances of this package installed. self.logger.debug("Package %s has no instances installed" % (entry.get('name'))) entry.set('current_exists', 'false') bcfg2_versions = '' for inst in instances: qtext_versions = qtext_versions + \ 'I(%s) ' % self.str_evra(inst) self.instance_status.setdefault(inst, {})['installed'] = False self.modlists[entry] = modlist self.instance_status[inst]['pkg'] = entry if inst.tag == 'Instance': bcfg2_versions = bcfg2_versions + \ '(%s) ' % self.str_evra(inst) if bcfg2_versions != '': entry.set('version', bcfg2_versions) entry.set('qtext', "Install Package %s Instance(s) %s? (y/N) " % (entry.get('name'), qtext_versions)) return False return True def Remove(self, packages): """ Remove specified entries. packages is a list of Package Entries with Instances generated by FindExtra(). """ self.logger.debug('Running RPM.Remove()') pkgspec_list = [] for pkg in packages: for inst in pkg: if pkg.get('name') != 'gpg-pubkey': pkgspec = {'name': pkg.get('name'), 'epoch': inst.get('epoch', None), 'version': inst.get('version'), 'release': inst.get('release'), 'arch': inst.get('arch')} pkgspec_list.append(pkgspec) else: pkgspec = {'name': pkg.get('name'), 'version': inst.get('version'), 'release': inst.get('release')} self.logger.info("WARNING: gpg-pubkey package not in " "configuration %s %s" % (pkgspec.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkgspec))) self.logger.info(" This package will be deleted " "in a future version of the RPM driver.") #pkgspec_list.append(pkg_spec) erase_results = rpm_erase(pkgspec_list, Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_erase_flags) if erase_results == []: self.modified += packages for pkg in pkgspec_list: self.logger.info("Deleted %s %s" % (pkg.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkg))) else: self.logger.info("Bulk erase failed with errors:") self.logger.debug("Erase results = %s" % erase_results) self.logger.info("Attempting individual erase for each package.") pkgspec_list = [] for pkg in packages: pkg_modified = False for inst in pkg: if pkg.get('name') != 'gpg-pubkey': pkgspec = {'name': pkg.get('name'), 'epoch': inst.get('epoch', None), 'version': inst.get('version'), 'release': inst.get('release'), 'arch': inst.get('arch')} pkgspec_list.append(pkgspec) else: pkgspec = {'name': pkg.get('name'), 'version': inst.get('version'), 'release': inst.get('release')} self.logger.info("WARNING: gpg-pubkey package not in " "configuration %s %s" % (pkgspec.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkgspec))) self.logger.info(" This package will be " "deleted in a future version of the " "RPM driver.") continue # don't delete the gpg-pubkey packages erase_results = rpm_erase( [pkgspec], Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_erase_flags) if erase_results == []: pkg_modified = True self.logger.info("Deleted %s %s" % (pkgspec.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkgspec))) else: self.logger.error("unable to delete %s %s" % (pkgspec.get('name'), self.str_evra(pkgspec))) self.logger.debug("Failure = %s" % erase_results) if pkg_modified: self.modified.append(pkg) self.RefreshPackages() self.extra = self.FindExtra() def FixInstance(self, instance, inst_status): """ Control if a reinstall of a package happens or not based on the results from RPM.VerifyPackage(). Return True to reinstall, False to not reintstall. """ fix = False if not inst_status.get('installed', False): if (instance.get('install_missing', 'true').lower() == "true" and Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_install_missing): fix = True else: self.logger.debug('Installed Action for %s %s is to not ' 'install' % (inst_status.get('pkg').get('name'), self.str_evra(instance))) elif inst_status.get('version_fail', False): if (instance.get('fix_version', 'true').lower() == "true" and Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_fix_version): fix = True else: self.logger.debug('Version Fail Action for %s %s is to ' 'not upgrade' % (inst_status.get('pkg').get('name'), self.str_evra(instance))) elif inst_status.get('verify_fail', False): if (instance.get('reinstall_broken', 'true').lower() == "true" and Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_reinstall_broken): for inst in inst_status.get('verify'): # This needs to be a for loop rather than a straight get() # because the underlying routines handle multiple packages # and return a list of results. self.logger.debug('reinstall_check: %s %s:%s-%s.%s' % inst.get('nevra')) if inst.get("hdr", False): fix = True elif inst.get('files', False): # Parse rpm verify file results for file_result in inst.get('files', []): self.logger.debug('reinstall_check: file: %s' % file_result) if file_result[-2] != 'c': fix = True break # Shouldn't really need this, but included for clarity. elif inst.get("deps", False): fix = False else: self.logger.debug('Verify Fail Action for %s %s is to not ' 'reinstall' % (inst_status.get('pkg').get('name'), self.str_evra(instance))) return fix def Install(self, packages): """ Try and fix everything that RPM.VerifyPackages() found wrong for each Package Entry. This can result in individual RPMs being installed (for the first time), reinstalled, deleted, downgraded or upgraded. packages is a list of Package Elements that has states[] == False The following effects occur: - states{} is conditionally updated for each package. - self.installed{} is rebuilt, possibly multiple times. - self.instance_statusi{} is conditionally updated for each instance of a package. - Each package will be added to self.modified[] if its states{} entry is set to True. """ self.logger.info('Runing RPM.Install()') states = dict() install_only_pkgs = [] gpg_keys = [] upgrade_pkgs = [] # Remove extra instances. # Can not reverify because we don't have a package entry. if len(self.extra_instances) > 0: if (Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove in ['all', 'packages'] and not Bcfg2.Options.setup.dry_run): self.Remove(self.extra_instances) else: self.logger.info("The following extra package instances will " "be removed by the '-r' option:") for pkg in self.extra_instances: for inst in pkg: self.logger.info(" %s %s" % (pkg.get('name'), self.str_evra(inst))) # Figure out which instances of the packages actually need something # doing to them and place in the appropriate work 'queue'. for pkg in packages: for inst in [instn for instn in pkg if instn.tag in ['Instance', 'Package']]: if self.FixInstance(inst, self.instance_status[inst]): if pkg.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': gpg_keys.append(inst) elif pkg.get('name') in self.installOnlyPkgs: install_only_pkgs.append(inst) else: upgrade_pkgs.append(inst) # Fix installOnlyPackages if len(install_only_pkgs) > 0: self.logger.info("Attempting to install 'install only packages'") install_args = " ".join(os.path.join( self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri'), inst.get('simplefile')) for inst in install_only_pkgs) if self.cmd.run("rpm --install --quiet --oldpackage --replacepkgs " "%s" % install_args): # The rpm command succeeded. All packages installed. self.logger.info("Single Pass for InstallOnlyPkgs Succeded") self.RefreshPackages() else: # The rpm command failed. No packages installed. # Try installing instances individually. self.logger.error("Single Pass for InstallOnlyPackages Failed") installed_instances = [] for inst in install_only_pkgs: pkguri = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri') pkgname = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name') install_args = os.path.join(pkguri, inst.get('simplefile')) if self.cmd.run("rpm --install --quiet --oldpackage " "--replacepkgs %s" % install_args): installed_instances.append(inst) else: self.logger.debug("InstallOnlyPackage %s %s would not " "install." % (pkgname, self.str_evra(inst))) install_pkg_set = set([self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg') for inst in install_only_pkgs]) self.RefreshPackages() # Install GPG keys. if len(gpg_keys) > 0: for inst in gpg_keys: self.logger.info("Installing GPG keys.") pkguri = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri') pkgname = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name') key_arg = os.path.join(pkguri, inst.get('simplefile')) if not self.cmd.run("rpm --import %s" % key_arg): self.logger.debug("Unable to install %s-%s" % (pkgname, self.str_evra(inst))) else: self.logger.debug("Installed %s-%s-%s" % (pkgname, inst.get('version'), inst.get('release'))) self.RefreshPackages() self.gpg_keyids = self.getinstalledgpg() pkg = self.instance_status[gpg_keys[0]].get('pkg') states[pkg] = self.VerifyPackage(pkg, []) # Fix upgradeable packages. if len(upgrade_pkgs) > 0: self.logger.info("Attempting to upgrade packages") upgrade_args = " ".join([os.path.join( self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri'), inst.get('simplefile')) for inst in upgrade_pkgs]) if self.cmd.run("rpm --upgrade --quiet --oldpackage --replacepkgs " "%s" % upgrade_args): # The rpm command succeeded. All packages upgraded. self.logger.info("Single Pass for Upgraded Packages Succeded") upgrade_pkg_set = set([self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg') for inst in upgrade_pkgs]) self.RefreshPackages() else: # The rpm command failed. No packages upgraded. # Try upgrading instances individually. self.logger.error("Single Pass for Upgrading Packages Failed") upgraded_instances = [] for inst in upgrade_pkgs: upgrade_args = os.path.join( self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri'), inst.get('simplefile')) #self.logger.debug("rpm --upgrade --quiet --oldpackage " # "--replacepkgs %s" % upgrade_args) if self.cmd.run("rpm --upgrade --quiet --oldpackage " "--replacepkgs %s" % upgrade_args): upgraded_instances.append(inst) else: self.logger.debug( "Package %s %s would not upgrade." % (self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name'), self.str_evra(inst))) upgrade_pkg_set = set([self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg') for inst in upgrade_pkgs]) self.RefreshPackages() if not Bcfg2.Options.setup.kevlar: for pkg_entry in packages: self.logger.debug("Reverifying Failed Package %s" % (pkg_entry.get('name'))) states[pkg_entry] = self.VerifyPackage( pkg_entry, self.modlists.get(pkg_entry, [])) self.modified.extend(ent for ent in packages if states[ent]) return states def _log_incomplete_entry_install(self, etag, ename): self.logger.error("Incomplete information for entry %s:%s; " "cannot install" % (etag, ename)) return def canInstall(self, entry): """Test if entry has enough information to be installed.""" if not self.handlesEntry(entry): return False if 'failure' in entry.attrib: self.logger.error("Cannot install entry %s:%s with bind failure" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) return False instances = entry.findall('Instance') # If the entry wasn't verifiable, then we really don't want to try # and fix something that we don't know is broken. if not self.canVerify(entry): self.logger.debug("WARNING: Package %s was not verifiable, not " "passing to Install()" % entry.get('name')) return False if not instances: # Old non Instance format, unmodified. if entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': # gpg-pubkey packages aren't really pacakges, so we have to do # something a little different. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__gpg_ireq__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False else: if [attr for attr in self.__ireq__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False else: if entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': # gpg-pubkey packages aren't really pacakges, so we have to do # something a little different. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__new_gpg_ireq__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False # check that the Instance level has # what we need for verification. for inst in instances: if [attr for attr in self.__new_gpg_ireq__[inst.tag] if attr not in inst.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install(inst.tag, entry.get('name')) return False else: # New format with Instances. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__new_ireq__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) self.logger.error(" Required attributes that " "may not be present are %s" % (self.__new_ireq__[entry.tag])) return False # check that the Instance level has # what we need for verification. for inst in instances: if inst.tag == 'Instance': if [attr for attr in self.__new_ireq__[inst.tag] if attr not in inst.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_install( inst.tag, entry.get('name')) self.logger.error(" Required attributes " "that may not be present are %s" % (self.__new_ireq__[inst.tag])) return False return True def _log_incomplete_entry_verify(self, etag, ename): self.logger.error("Incomplete information for entry %s:%s; " "cannot verify" % (etag, ename)) return def canVerify(self, entry): """ Test if entry has enough information to be verified. Three types of entries are checked. Old style Package New style Package with Instances pgp-pubkey packages Also the old style entries get modified after the first VerifyPackage() run, so there needs to be a second test. """ if not self.handlesEntry(entry): return False if 'failure' in entry.attrib: self.logger.error("Entry %s:%s reports bind failure: %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), entry.get('failure'))) return False # we don't want to do any checks so # we don't care what the entry has in it. if (not Bcfg2.Options.setup.rpm_pkg_checks or entry.get('pkg_checks', 'true').lower() == 'false'): return True instances = entry.findall('Instance') if not instances: # Old non Instance format, unmodified. if entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': # gpg-pubkey packages aren't really pacakges, so we have to do # something a little different. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__gpg_req__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False elif entry.tag == 'Path' and entry.get('type') == 'ignore': # ignored Paths are only relevant during failed package # verification pass else: if [attr for attr in self.__req__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False else: if entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': # gpg-pubkey packages aren't really pacakges, so we have to do # something a little different. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__new_gpg_req__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False # check that the Instance level has # what we need for verification. for inst in instances: if [attr for attr in self.__new_gpg_req__[inst.tag] if attr not in inst.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(inst.tag, inst.get('name')) return False else: # new format with Instances, or old style modified. # check that the Package level has # what we need for verification. if [attr for attr in self.__new_req__[entry.tag] if attr not in entry.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(entry.tag, entry.get('name')) return False # check that the Instance level has # what we need for verification. for inst in instances: if inst.tag == 'Instance': if [attr for attr in self.__new_req__[inst.tag] if attr not in inst.attrib]: self._log_incomplete_entry_verify(inst.tag, inst.get('name')) return False return True def _get_tmp_entry(self, extra_entry, inst): tmp_entry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(extra_entry, 'Instance', version=inst.get('version'), release=inst.get('release')) if inst.get('epoch', None) is not None: tmp_entry.set('epoch', str(inst.get('epoch'))) if installed_inst.get('arch', None) is not None: tmp_entry.set('arch', inst.get('arch')) return def FindExtra(self): """Find extra packages.""" packages = [entry.get('name') for entry in self.getSupportedEntries()] extras = [] for (name, instances) in list(self.installed.items()): if name not in packages: extra_entry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element('Package', name=name, type=self.pkgtype) for installed_inst in instances: if Bcfg2.Options.setup.extra: self.logger.info("Extra Package %s %s." % (name, self.str_evra(installed_inst))) self._get_tmp_entry(extra_entry, installed_inst) extras.append(extra_entry) return extras def FindExtraInstances(self, pkg_entry, installed_entry): """ Check for installed instances that are not in the config. Return a Package Entry with Instances to remove, or None if there are no Instances to remove. """ name = pkg_entry.get('name') extra_entry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element('Package', name=name, type=self.pkgtype) instances = [inst for inst in pkg_entry if inst.tag == 'Instance' or inst.tag == 'Package'] if name in self.installOnlyPkgs: for installed_inst in installed_entry: not_found = True for inst in instances: if self.pkg_vr_equal(inst, installed_inst) or \ self.inst_evra_equal(inst, installed_inst): not_found = False break if not_found: # Extra package. self.logger.info("Extra InstallOnlyPackage %s %s." % (name, self.str_evra(installed_inst))) self._get_tmp_entry(extra_entry, installed_inst) else: # Normal package, only check arch. for installed_inst in installed_entry: not_found = True for inst in instances: if (installed_inst.get('arch', None) == inst.get('arch', None) or inst.tag == 'Package'): not_found = False break if not_found: self.logger.info("Extra Normal Package Instance %s %s" % (name, self.str_evra(installed_inst))) self._get_tmp_entry(extra_entry, installed_inst) if len(extra_entry) == 0: extra_entry = None return extra_entry def str_evra(self, instance): """Convert evra dict entries to a string.""" if instance.get('epoch', '*') in ['*', None]: return '%s-%s.%s' % (instance.get('version', '*'), instance.get('release', '*'), instance.get('arch', '*')) else: return '%s:%s-%s.%s' % (instance.get('epoch', '*'), instance.get('version', '*'), instance.get('release', '*'), instance.get('arch', '*')) def pkg_vr_equal(self, config_entry, installed_entry): ''' Compare old style entry to installed entry. Which means ignore the epoch and arch. ''' if (config_entry.tag == 'Package' and config_entry.get('version') == installed_entry.get('version') and config_entry.get('release') == installed_entry.get('release')): return True else: return False def inst_evra_equal(self, config_entry, installed_entry): """Compare new style instance to installed entry.""" if config_entry.get('epoch', None) is not None: epoch = int(config_entry.get('epoch')) else: epoch = None if (config_entry.tag == 'Instance' and (epoch == installed_entry.get('epoch', 0) or (epoch == 0 and installed_entry.get('epoch', 0) is None) or (epoch is None and installed_entry.get('epoch', 0) == 0)) and config_entry.get('version') == installed_entry.get('version') and config_entry.get('release') == installed_entry.get('release') and config_entry.get('arch', None) == installed_entry.get('arch', None)): return True else: return False def getinstalledgpg(self): """ Create a list of installed GPG key IDs. The pgp-pubkey package version is the least significant 4 bytes (big-endian) of the key ID which is good enough for our purposes. """ init_ts = rpmtransactionset() init_ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NODIGESTS | rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) gpg_hdrs = getheadersbykeyword(init_ts, **{'name': 'gpg-pubkey'}) keyids = [header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION] for header in gpg_hdrs] keyids.append('None') init_ts.closeDB() del init_ts return keyids def VerifyPath(self, entry, _): """ We don't do anything here since all Paths are processed in __init__ """ return True