""" Classes for SELinux entry support """ import os import re import sys import copy import glob import struct import socket import selinux import seobject import Bcfg2.Client.XML import Bcfg2.Client.Tools from Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX.File import POSIXFile from Bcfg2.Compat import long def pack128(int_val): """ pack a 128-bit integer in big-endian format """ max_word_size = 2 ** 32 - 1 if int_val <= max_word_size: return struct.pack('>L', int_val) words = [] for i in range(4): # pylint: disable=W0612 word = int_val & max_word_size words.append(int(word)) int_val >>= 32 words.reverse() return struct.pack('>4I', *words) def netmask_itoa(netmask, proto="ipv4"): """ convert an integer netmask (e.g., /16) to dotted-quad notation ( or IPv6 prefix notation (ffff::) """ if proto == "ipv4": size = 32 family = socket.AF_INET else: # ipv6 size = 128 family = socket.AF_INET6 try: netmask = int(netmask) except ValueError: return netmask if netmask > size: raise ValueError("Netmask too large: %s" % netmask) res = long(0) for i in range(netmask): res |= 1 << (size - i - 1) netmask = socket.inet_ntop(family, pack128(res)) return netmask class SELinux(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool): """ SELinux entry support """ name = 'SELinux' __handles__ = [('SEBoolean', None), ('SEFcontext', None), ('SEInterface', None), ('SELogin', None), ('SEModule', None), ('SENode', None), ('SEPermissive', None), ('SEPort', None), ('SEUser', None)] __req__ = dict(SEBoolean=['name', 'value'], SEFcontext=['name', 'selinuxtype'], SEInterface=['name', 'selinuxtype'], SELogin=['name', 'selinuxuser'], SEModule=['name'], SENode=['name', 'selinuxtype', 'proto'], SEPermissive=['name'], SEPort=['name', 'selinuxtype'], SEUser=['name', 'roles', 'prefix']) def __init__(self, logger, setup, config): Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.__init__(self, logger, setup, config) self.handlers = {} for handler in self.__handles__: etype = handler[0] self.handlers[etype] = \ globals()["SELinux%sHandler" % etype.title()](self, logger, setup, config) self.txn = False self.post_txn_queue = [] def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("VerifySE"): return self.GenericSEVerify elif attr.startswith("InstallSE"): return self.GenericSEInstall # there's no need for an else here, because python checks for # an attribute in the "normal" ways first. i.e., if self.txn # is used, __getattr__() is never called because txn exists as # a "normal" attribute of this object. See # http://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#object.__getattr__ # for details def BundleUpdated(self, _, states): for handler in self.handlers.values(): handler.BundleUpdated(states) def FindExtra(self): extra = [] for handler in self.handlers.values(): extra.extend(handler.FindExtra()) return extra def canInstall(self, entry): return (Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.canInstall(self, entry) and self.handlers[entry.tag].canInstall(entry)) def primarykey(self, entry): """ return a string that should be unique amongst all entries in the specification """ return self.handlers[entry.tag].primarykey(entry) def Install(self, entries, states): # start a transaction semanage = seobject.semanageRecords("") if hasattr(semanage, "start"): self.logger.debug("Starting SELinux transaction") semanage.start() self.txn = True else: self.logger.debug("SELinux transactions not supported; this may " "slow things down considerably") Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.Install(self, entries, states) if hasattr(semanage, "finish"): self.logger.debug("Committing SELinux transaction") semanage.finish() self.txn = False for func, arg, kwargs in self.post_txn_queue: states[arg] = func(*arg, **kwargs) def GenericSEInstall(self, entry): """Dispatch install to the proper method according to entry tag""" return self.handlers[entry.tag].Install(entry) def GenericSEVerify(self, entry, _): """Dispatch verify to the proper method according to entry tag""" rv = self.handlers[entry.tag].Verify(entry) if entry.get('qtext') and self.setup['interactive']: entry.set('qtext', '%s\nInstall %s: (y/N) ' % (entry.get('qtext'), self.handlers[entry.tag].tostring(entry))) return rv def Remove(self, entries): """Dispatch verify to the proper removal method according to entry tag""" # sort by type types = list() for entry in entries: if entry.tag not in types: types.append(entry.tag) for etype in types: self.handlers[etype].Remove([e for e in entries if e.tag == etype]) class SELinuxEntryHandler(object): """ Generic handler for all SELinux entries """ etype = None key_format = ("name",) value_format = () str_format = '%(name)s' custom_re = re.compile(r' (?P\S+)$') custom_format = None def __init__(self, tool, logger, setup, config): self.tool = tool self.logger = logger self.setup = setup self.config = config self._records = None self._all = None if not self.custom_format: self.custom_format = self.key_format @property def records(self): """ return the records object for this entry type """ if self._records is None: self._records = getattr(seobject, "%sRecords" % self.etype)("") return self._records @property def all_records(self): """ get a dict of all defined records for this entry type """ if self._all is None: self._all = self.records.get_all() return self._all @property def custom_records(self): """ try to get a dict of all customized records for this entry type, if the records object supports the customized() method """ if hasattr(self.records, "customized") and self.custom_re: return dict([(k, self.all_records[k]) for k in self.custom_keys]) else: # ValueError is really a pretty dumb exception to raise, # but that's what the seobject customized() method raises # if it's defined but not implemented. yeah, i know, wtf. raise ValueError("custom_records") @property def custom_keys(self): """ get a list of keys for selinux records of this entry type that have been customized """ keys = [] for cmd in self.records.customized(): match = self.custom_re.search(cmd) if match: if (len(self.custom_format) == 1 and self.custom_format[0] == "name"): keys.append(match.group("name")) else: keys.append(tuple([match.group(k) for k in self.custom_format])) return keys def tostring(self, entry): """ transform an XML SELinux entry into a human-readable string """ return self.str_format % entry.attrib def keytostring(self, key): """ transform a SELinux record key into a human-readable string """ return self.str_format % self._key2attrs(key) def _key(self, entry): """ Generate an SELinux record key from an XML SELinux entry """ if len(self.key_format) == 1 and self.key_format[0] == "name": return entry.get("name") else: rv = [] for key in self.key_format: rv.append(entry.get(key)) return tuple(rv) def _key2attrs(self, key): """ Generate an XML attribute dict from an SELinux record key """ if isinstance(key, tuple): rv = dict((self.key_format[i], key[i]) for i in range(len(self.key_format)) if self.key_format[i]) else: rv = dict(name=key) if self.value_format: vals = self.all_records[key] rv.update(dict((self.value_format[i], vals[i]) for i in range(len(self.value_format)) if self.value_format[i])) return rv def key2entry(self, key): """ Generate an XML entry from an SELinux record key """ attrs = self._key2attrs(key) return Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("SE%s" % self.etype.title(), **attrs) def _args(self, entry, method): """ Get the argument list for invoking _modify or _add, or _delete methods """ if hasattr(self, "_%sargs" % method): return getattr(self, "_%sargs" % method)(entry) elif hasattr(self, "_defaultargs"): # default args return self._defaultargs(entry) # pylint: disable=E1101 else: raise NotImplementedError def _deleteargs(self, entry): """ Get the argument list for invoking delete methods """ return (self._key(entry)) def canInstall(self, entry): """ return True if this entry is complete and can be installed """ return bool(self._key(entry)) def primarykey(self, entry): """ return a string that should be unique amongst all entries in the specification. some entry types are not universally disambiguated by tag:type:name alone """ return ":".join([entry.tag, entry.get("name")]) def exists(self, entry): """ return True if the entry already exists in the record list """ if self._key(entry) not in self.all_records: self.logger.debug("SELinux %s %s does not exist" % (self.etype, self.tostring(entry))) return False return True def Verify(self, entry): """ verify that the entry is correct on the client system """ if not self.exists(entry): entry.set('current_exists', 'false') return False errors = [] current_attrs = self._key2attrs(self._key(entry)) desired_attrs = entry.attrib for attr in self.value_format: if not attr: continue if current_attrs[attr] != desired_attrs[attr]: entry.set('current_%s' % attr, current_attrs[attr]) errors.append("%s %s has wrong %s: %s, should be %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), attr, current_attrs[attr], desired_attrs[attr])) if errors: for error in errors: self.logger.debug(error) entry.set('qtext', "\n".join([entry.get('qtext', '')] + errors)) return False else: return True def Install(self, entry, method=None): """ install the entry on the client system """ if not method: if self.exists(entry): method = "modify" else: method = "add" self.logger.debug("%s SELinux %s %s" % (method.title(), self.etype, self.tostring(entry))) try: getattr(self.records, method)(*self._args(entry, method)) self._all = None return True except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.info("Failed to %s SELinux %s %s: %s" % (method, self.etype, self.tostring(entry), err)) return False def Remove(self, entries): """ remove the entry from the client system """ for entry in entries: try: self.records.delete(*self._args(entry, "delete")) self._all = None except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.info("Failed to remove SELinux %s %s: %s" % (self.etype, self.tostring(entry), err)) def FindExtra(self): """ find extra entries of this entry type """ specified = [self._key(e) for e in self.tool.getSupportedEntries() if e.tag == "SE%s" % self.etype.title()] try: records = self.custom_records except ValueError: records = self.all_records return [self.key2entry(key) for key in records.keys() if key not in specified] def BundleUpdated(self, states): """ perform any additional magic tasks that need to be run when a bundle is updated """ pass class SELinuxSebooleanHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux boolean entries """ etype = "boolean" value_format = ("value",) @property def all_records(self): # older versions of selinux return a single 0/1 value for each # bool, while newer versions return a list of three 0/1 values # representing various states. we don't care about the latter # two values, but it's easier to coerce the older format into # the newer format as far as interoperation with the rest of # SELinuxEntryHandler goes rv = SELinuxEntryHandler.all_records.fget(self) if rv.values()[0] in [0, 1]: for key, val in rv.items(): rv[key] = [val, val, val] return rv def _key2attrs(self, key): rv = SELinuxEntryHandler._key2attrs(self, key) status = self.all_records[key][0] if status: rv['value'] = "on" else: rv['value'] = "off" return rv def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying and deleting entries """ # the only values recognized by both new and old versions of # selinux are the strings "0" and "1". old selinux accepts # ints or bools as well, new selinux accepts "on"/"off" if entry.get("value").lower() == "on": value = "1" else: value = "0" return (entry.get("name"), value) def canInstall(self, entry): if entry.get("value").lower() not in ["on", "off"]: self.logger.debug("SELinux %s %s has a bad value: %s" % (self.etype, self.tostring(entry), entry.get("value"))) return False return (self.exists(entry) and SELinuxEntryHandler.canInstall(self, entry)) class SELinuxSeportHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux port entries """ etype = "port" value_format = ('selinuxtype', None) custom_re = re.compile(r'-p (?Ptcp|udp).*? ' r'(?P\d+)(?:-(?P\d+))?$') @property def custom_keys(self): keys = [] for cmd in self.records.customized(): match = self.custom_re.search(cmd) if match: if match.group('end'): keys.append((int(match.group('start')), int(match.group('end')), match.group('proto'))) else: keys.append((int(match.group('start')), int(match.group('start')), match.group('proto'))) return keys @property def all_records(self): if self._all is None: # older versions of selinux use (startport, endport) as # they key for the ports.get_all() dict, and (type, proto, # level) as the value; this is obviously broken, so newer # versions use (startport, endport, proto) as the key, and # (type, level) as the value. abstracting around this # sucks. ports = self.records.get_all() if len(ports.keys()[0]) == 3: self._all = ports else: # uglist list comprehension ever? self._all = dict([((k[0], k[1], v[1]), (v[0], v[2])) for k, v in ports.items()]) return self._all def _key(self, entry): try: (port, proto) = entry.get("name").split("/") except ValueError: self.logger.error("Invalid SELinux node %s: no protocol specified" % entry.get("name")) return if "-" in port: start, end = port.split("-") else: start = port end = port return (int(start), int(end), proto) def _key2attrs(self, key): if key[0] == key[1]: port = str(key[0]) else: port = "%s-%s" % (key[0], key[1]) vals = self.all_records[key] return dict(name="%s/%s" % (port, key[2]), selinuxtype=vals[0]) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding and modifying entries """ (port, proto) = entry.get("name").split("/") return (port, proto, '', entry.get("selinuxtype")) def _deleteargs(self, entry): return tuple(entry.get("name").split("/")) class SELinuxSefcontextHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux file context entries """ etype = "fcontext" key_format = ("name", "filetype") value_format = (None, None, "selinuxtype", None) filetypeargs = dict(all="", regular="--", directory="-d", symlink="-l", pipe="-p", socket="-s", block="-b", char="-c", door="-D") filetypenames = dict(all="all files", regular="regular file", directory="directory", symlink="symbolic link", pipe="named pipe", socket="socket", block="block device", char="character device", door="door") filetypeattrs = dict([v, k] for k, v in filetypenames.iteritems()) custom_re = re.compile(r'-f \'(?P[a-z ]+)\'.*? \'(?P.*)\'') @property def all_records(self): if self._all is None: # on older selinux, fcontextRecords.get_all() returns a # list of tuples of (filespec, filetype, seuser, serole, # setype, level); on newer selinux, get_all() returns a # dict of (filespec, filetype) => (seuser, serole, setype, # level). fcontexts = self.records.get_all() if isinstance(fcontexts, dict): self._all = fcontexts else: self._all = dict([(f[0:2], f[2:]) for f in fcontexts]) return self._all def _key(self, entry): ftype = entry.get("filetype", "all") return (entry.get("name"), self.filetypenames.get(ftype, ftype)) def _key2attrs(self, key): rv = dict(name=key[0], filetype=self.filetypeattrs[key[1]]) vals = self.all_records[key] # in older versions of selinux, an fcontext with no selinux # type is the single value None; in newer versions, it's a # tuple whose 0th (and only) value is None. if vals and vals[0]: rv["selinuxtype"] = vals[2] else: rv["selinuxtype"] = "<>" return rv def canInstall(self, entry): return (entry.get("filetype", "all") in self.filetypeargs and SELinuxEntryHandler.canInstall(self, entry)) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ return (entry.get("name"), entry.get("selinuxtype"), self.filetypeargs[entry.get("filetype", "all")], '', '') def primarykey(self, entry): return ":".join([entry.tag, entry.get("name"), entry.get("filetype", "all")]) class SELinuxSenodeHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux node entries """ etype = "node" value_format = (None, None, "selinuxtype", None) str_format = '%(name)s (%(proto)s)' custom_re = re.compile(r'-M (?P\S+).*?' r'-p (?Pipv\d).*? (?P\S+)$') custom_format = ('addr', 'netmask', 'proto') def _key(self, entry): try: (addr, netmask) = entry.get("name").split("/") except ValueError: self.logger.error("Invalid SELinux node %s: no netmask specified" % entry.get("name")) return netmask = netmask_itoa(netmask, proto=entry.get("proto")) return (addr, netmask, entry.get("proto")) def _key2attrs(self, key): vals = self.all_records[key] return dict(name="%s/%s" % (key[0], key[1]), proto=key[2], selinuxtype=vals[2]) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ (addr, netmask) = entry.get("name").split("/") return (addr, netmask, entry.get("proto"), "", entry.get("selinuxtype")) class SELinuxSeloginHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux login entries """ etype = "login" value_format = ("selinuxuser", None) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ return (entry.get("name"), entry.get("selinuxuser"), "") class SELinuxSeuserHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux user entries """ etype = "user" value_format = ("prefix", None, None, "roles") def __init__(self, tool, logger, setup, config): SELinuxEntryHandler.__init__(self, tool, logger, setup, config) self.needs_prefix = False @property def records(self): if self._records is None: self._records = seobject.seluserRecords() return self._records def Install(self, entry, method=None): # in older versions of selinux, modify() is broken if you # provide a prefix _at all_, so we try to avoid giving the # prefix. however, in newer versions, prefix is _required_, # so we a) try without a prefix; b) catch TypeError, which # indicates that we had the wrong number of args (ValueError # is thrown by the bug in older versions of selinux); and c) # try with prefix. try: SELinuxEntryHandler.Install(self, entry, method=method) except TypeError: self.needs_prefix = True SELinuxEntryHandler.Install(self, entry, method=method) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ # in older versions of selinux, modify() is broken if you # provide a prefix _at all_, so we try to avoid giving the # prefix. see the comment in Install() above for more # details. rv = [entry.get("name"), entry.get("roles", "").replace(" ", ",").split(",")] if self.needs_prefix: rv.extend(['', '', entry.get("prefix")]) else: key = self._key(entry) if key in self.all_records: attrs = self._key2attrs(key) if attrs['prefix'] != entry.get("prefix"): rv.extend(['', '', entry.get("prefix")]) return tuple(rv) class SELinuxSeinterfaceHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux interface entries """ etype = "interface" value_format = (None, None, "selinuxtype", None) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ return (entry.get("name"), '', entry.get("selinuxtype")) class SELinuxSepermissiveHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux permissive domain entries """ etype = "permissive" @property def records(self): try: return SELinuxEntryHandler.records.fget(self) except AttributeError: self.logger.info("Permissive domains not supported by this " "version of SELinux") self._records = None return self._records @property def all_records(self): if self._all is None: if self.records is None: self._all = dict() else: # permissiveRecords.get_all() returns a list, so we just # make it into a dict so that the rest of # SELinuxEntryHandler works self._all = dict([(d, d) for d in self.records.get_all()]) return self._all def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding, modifying, and deleting entries """ return (entry.get("name"),) class SELinuxSemoduleHandler(SELinuxEntryHandler): """ handle SELinux module entries """ etype = "module" value_format = (None, "disabled") def __init__(self, tool, logger, setup, config): SELinuxEntryHandler.__init__(self, tool, logger, setup, config) self.filetool = POSIXFile(logger, setup, config) try: self.setype = selinux.selinux_getpolicytype()[1] except IndexError: self.logger.error("Unable to determine SELinux policy type") self.setype = None @property def all_records(self): if self._all is None: try: # we get a list of tuples back; coerce it into a dict self._all = dict([(m[0], (m[1], m[2])) for m in self.records.get_all()]) except AttributeError: # early versions of seobject don't have moduleRecords, # so we parse the output of `semodule` >_< self._all = dict() self.logger.debug("SELinux: Getting modules from semodule") try: rv = self.tool.cmd.run(['semodule', '-l']) except OSError: # semanage failed; probably not in $PATH. try to # get the list of modules from the filesystem err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.debug("SELinux: Failed to run semodule: %s" % err) self._all.update(self._all_records_from_filesystem()) else: if rv.success: # ran semodule successfully for line in rv.stdout.splitlines(): mod, version = line.split() self._all[mod] = (version, 1) # get other (disabled) modules from the filesystem for mod in self._all_records_from_filesystem().keys(): if mod not in self._all: self._all[mod] = ('', 0) else: self.logger.error("SELinux: Failed to run semodule: %s" % rv.error) self._all.update(self._all_records_from_filesystem()) return self._all def _all_records_from_filesystem(self): """ the seobject API doesn't support modules and semodule is broken or missing, so just list modules on the filesystem. this is terrible. """ self.logger.debug("SELinux: Getting modules from filesystem") rv = dict() for mod in glob.glob(os.path.join("/usr/share/selinux", self.setype, "*.pp")): rv[os.path.basename(mod)[:-3]] = ('', 1) return rv def _key(self, entry): name = entry.get("name").lstrip("/") if name.endswith(".pp"): return name[:-3] else: return name def _key2attrs(self, key): rv = SELinuxEntryHandler._key2attrs(self, key) status = self.all_records[key][1] if status: rv['disabled'] = "false" else: rv['disabled'] = "true" return rv def _filepath(self, entry): """ get the path to the .pp module file for this module entry """ return os.path.join("/usr/share/selinux", self.setype, entry.get("name") + '.pp') def _pathentry(self, entry): """ Get an XML Path entry based on this SELinux module entry, suitable for installing the module .pp file itself to the filesystem """ pathentry = copy.deepcopy(entry) pathentry.set("name", self._filepath(pathentry)) pathentry.set("mode", "0644") pathentry.set("owner", "root") pathentry.set("group", "root") pathentry.set("secontext", "__default__") return pathentry def Verify(self, entry): if not entry.get("disabled"): entry.set("disabled", "false") return (SELinuxEntryHandler.Verify(self, entry) and self.filetool.verify(self._pathentry(entry), [])) def canInstall(self, entry): return (entry.text and self.setype and SELinuxEntryHandler.canInstall(self, entry)) def Install(self, entry, _=None): if not self.filetool.install(self._pathentry(entry)): return False if hasattr(seobject, 'moduleRecords'): # if seobject has the moduleRecords attribute, install the # module using the seobject library return self._install_seobject(entry) else: # seobject doesn't have the moduleRecords attribute, so # install the module using `semodule` self.logger.debug("Installing %s using semodule" % entry.get("name")) self._all = None return self._install_semodule(entry) def _install_seobject(self, entry): """ Install an SELinux module using the seobject library """ try: if not SELinuxEntryHandler.Install(self, entry): return False except NameError: # some versions of selinux have a bug in seobject that # makes modify() calls fail. add() seems to have the same # effect as modify, but without the bug if self.exists(entry): if not SELinuxEntryHandler.Install(self, entry, method="add"): return False if entry.get("disabled", "false").lower() == "true": method = "disable" else: method = "enable" return SELinuxEntryHandler.Install(self, entry, method=method) def _install_semodule(self, entry, fromqueue=False): """ Install an SELinux module using the semodule command """ if fromqueue: self.logger.debug("Installing SELinux module %s from " "post-transaction queue" % entry.get("name")) elif self.tool.txn: # we've started a transaction, so if we run semodule -i # then it'll fail with lock errors. so we add this # installation to a queue to be run after the transaction # is closed. self.logger.debug("Waiting to install SELinux module %s until " "SELinux transaction is finished" % entry.get('name')) self.tool.post_txn_queue.append((self._install_semodule, (entry,), dict(fromqueue=True))) return False self.logger.debug("Install SELinux module %s with semodule -i %s" % (entry.get('name'), self._filepath(entry))) try: rv = self.tool.cmd.run(['semodule', '-i', self._filepath(entry)]) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Failed to install SELinux module %s with " "semodule: %s" % (entry.get("name"), err)) return False if rv.success: if entry.get("disabled", "false").lower() == "true": self.logger.warning("SELinux: Cannot disable modules with " "semodule") return False else: return True else: self.logger.error("Failed to install SELinux module %s with " "semodule: %s" % (entry.get("name"), rv.error)) return False def _addargs(self, entry): """ argument list for adding entries """ return (self._filepath(entry),) def _defaultargs(self, entry): """ argument list for modifying and deleting entries """ return (entry.get("name"),) def FindExtra(self): specified = [self._key(e) for e in self.tool.getSupportedEntries()] rv = [] for module in self._all_records_from_filesystem().keys(): if module not in specified: rv.append(self.key2entry(module)) return rv