"""launchd support for Bcfg2.""" import os import Bcfg2.Client.Tools class launchd(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool): # pylint: disable=C0103 """Support for Mac OS X launchd services. Currently requires the path to the plist to load/unload, and Name is acually a reverse-fqdn (or the label).""" __handles__ = [('Service', 'launchd')] __execs__ = ['/bin/launchctl', '/usr/bin/defaults'] __req__ = {'Service': ['name', 'status']} def __init__(self, config): Bcfg2.Client.Tools.Tool.__init__(self, config) # Locate plist file that provides given reverse-fqdn name: # # * ``/Library/LaunchAgents``: Per-user agents provided by the # administrator. # * ``/Library/LaunchDaemons``: System-wide daemons provided # by the administrator. # * ``/System/Library/LaunchAgents``: Mac OS X per-user # agents. # * ``/System/Library/LaunchDaemons``: Mac OS X system-wide # daemons. plist_locations = ["/Library/LaunchDaemons", "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons"] self.plist_mapping = {} for directory in plist_locations: for daemon in os.listdir(directory): if daemon.endswith(".plist"): daemon = daemon[:-6] dpath = os.path.join(directory, daemon) rv = self.cmd.run(['defaults', 'read', dpath, 'Label']) if rv.success: label = rv.stdout.splitlines()[0] self.plist_mapping[label] = dpath else: self.logger.warning("Could not get label from %s" % dpath) def FindPlist(self, entry): """ Find the location of the plist file for the given entry """ return self.plist_mapping.get(entry.get('name'), None) def os_version(self): """ Determine the OS version """ rv = self.cmd.run('sw_vers') if rv: for line in rv.stdout.splitlines(): if line.startswith("ProductVersion"): return line.split()[-1] else: return '' def VerifyService(self, entry, _): """Verify launchd service entry.""" if entry.get('status') == 'ignore': return True try: services = self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl list").stdout.splitlines() except IndexError: # happens when no services are running (should be never) services = [] # launchctl output changed in 10.5 # It is now three columns, with the last # column being the name of the # service if int(self.os_version().split('.')[1]) >= 5: services = [s.split()[-1] for s in services] if entry.get('name') in services: # doesn't check if non-spawning services are Started return entry.get('status') == 'on' else: self.logger.debug("Launchd: Didn't find service Loaded " "(launchd running under same user as bcfg)") return entry.get('status') == 'off' try: # Perhaps add the "-w" flag to load and # unload to modify the file itself! self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl load -w %s" % self.FindPlist(entry)) except IndexError: return 'on' return False def InstallService(self, entry): """Enable or disable launchd item.""" name = entry.get('name') if entry.get('status') == 'on': self.logger.error("Installing service %s" % name) self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl load -w %s" % self.FindPlist(entry)) return self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl start %s" % name).success else: self.logger.error("Uninstalling service %s" % name) self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl stop %s" % name) return self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl unload -w %s" % self.FindPlist(entry)).success def Remove(self, svcs): """Remove Extra launchd entries.""" pass def FindExtra(self): """Find Extra launchd services.""" try: allsrv = self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl list").stdout.splitlines() except IndexError: allsrv = [] for entry in self.getSupportedEntries(): svc = entry.get("name") if svc in allsrv: allsrv.remove(svc) return [Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("Service", type='launchd', name=name, status='on') for name in allsrv] def BundleUpdated(self, bundle, states): """Reload launchd plist.""" for entry in [entry for entry in bundle if self.handlesEntry(entry)]: if not self.canInstall(entry): self.logger.error("Insufficient information to restart " "service %s" % entry.get('name')) else: name = entry.get('name') if entry.get('status') == 'on' and self.FindPlist(entry): self.logger.info("Reloading launchd service %s" % name) # stop? self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl stop %s" % name) # what if it disappeared? how do we stop services # that are currently running but the plist disappeared?! self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl unload -w %s" % (self.FindPlist(entry))) self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl load -w %s" % (self.FindPlist(entry))) self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl start %s" % name) else: # only if necessary.... self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl stop %s" % name) self.cmd.run("/bin/launchctl unload -w %s" % (self.FindPlist(entry)))