"""This contains all Bcfg2 Client modules""" import os import sys import select from Bcfg2.Compat import input # pylint: disable=W0622 def prompt(msg): """ Helper to give a yes/no prompt to the user. Flushes input buffers, handles exceptions, etc. Returns True if the user answers in the affirmative, False otherwise. :param msg: The message to show to the user. The message is not altered in any way for display; i.e., it should contain "[y/N]" if desired, etc. :type msg: string :returns: bool - True if yes, False if no """ while len(select.select([sys.stdin.fileno()], [], [], 0.0)[0]) > 0: os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), 4096) try: ans = input(msg) return ans in ['y', 'Y'] except UnicodeEncodeError: ans = input(msg.encode('utf-8')) return ans in ['y', 'Y'] except EOFError: # handle ^C on rhel-based platforms raise SystemExit(1)