""" Compatibility imports, mostly for Py3k support, but also for Python 2.4 and such-like """ ################################################### # # # IF YOU ADD SOMETHING TO THIS FILE, YOU MUST # # DOCUMENT IT IN docs/development/compat.txt # # # ################################################### import sys # pylint: disable=E0601,E0602,E0611,W0611,W0622,C0103 try: from email.Utils import formatdate except ImportError: from email.utils import formatdate # urllib imports try: from urllib import quote_plus from urllib import urlretrieve from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse from urllib2 import HTTPBasicAuthHandler, \ HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, build_opener, install_opener, \ urlopen, HTTPError, URLError except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse, quote_plus from urllib.request import HTTPBasicAuthHandler, \ HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, build_opener, install_opener, \ urlopen, urlretrieve from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser try: import cPickle except ImportError: import pickle as cPickle try: from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full except ImportError: from queue import Queue, Empty, Full # xmlrpc imports try: import xmlrpclib import SimpleXMLRPCServer except ImportError: import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib import xmlrpc.server as SimpleXMLRPCServer # socketserver import try: import SocketServer except ImportError: import socketserver as SocketServer # httplib imports try: import httplib except ImportError: import http.client as httplib try: unicode = unicode except NameError: unicode = str def u_str(string, encoding=None): """ print to file compatibility """ if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: return string else: if encoding is not None: return unicode(string, encoding) else: return unicode(string) def ensure_binary(string, encoding='utf-8'): if type(string) == unicode: return string.encode(encoding) return string try: from functools import wraps except ImportError: def wraps(wrapped): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ implementation of functools.wraps() for python 2.4 """ return lambda f: f try: input = raw_input except NameError: input = input try: reduce = reduce except NameError: from functools import reduce try: from collections.abc import MutableMapping except ImportError: from UserDict import DictMixin as MutableMapping class CmpMixin(object): """ In Py3K, :meth:`object.__cmp__` is no longer magical, so this mixin can be used to define the rich comparison operators from ``__cmp__`` -- i.e., it makes ``__cmp__`` magical again. """ def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) try: from pkgutil import walk_packages except ImportError: try: from pkgutil import iter_modules # iter_modules was added in python 2.5; use it to get an exact # re-implementation of walk_packages if possible def walk_packages(path=None, prefix='', onerror=None): """ Implementation of walk_packages for python 2.5 """ def seen(path, seenpaths={}): # pylint: disable=W0102 """ detect if a path has been 'seen' (i.e., considered for inclusion in the generator). tracks what has been seen through the magic of python default arguments """ if path in seenpaths: return True seenpaths[path] = True for importer, name, ispkg in iter_modules(path, prefix): yield importer, name, ispkg if ispkg: try: __import__(name) except ImportError: if onerror is not None: onerror(name) except Exception: if onerror is not None: onerror(name) else: raise else: path = getattr(sys.modules[name], '__path__', []) # don't traverse path items we've seen before path = [p for p in path if not seen(p)] for item in walk_packages(path, name + '.', onerror): yield item except ImportError: import os def walk_packages(path=None, prefix='', onerror=None): """ Imperfect, incomplete implementation of :func:`pkgutil.walk_packages` for python 2.4. Differences: * Requires a full path, not a path relative to something in sys.path. Anywhere we care about that shouldn't be an issue. * The first element of each tuple is None instead of an importer object. """ if path is None: path = sys.path for mpath in path: for fname in os.listdir(mpath): fpath = os.path.join(mpath, fname) if (os.path.isfile(fpath) and fname.endswith(".py") and fname != '__init__.py'): yield None, prefix + fname[:-3], False elif os.path.isdir(fpath): mname = prefix + fname if os.path.exists(os.path.join(fpath, "__init__.py")): yield None, mname, True try: __import__(mname) except ImportError: if onerror is not None: onerror(mname) except Exception: if onerror is not None: onerror(mname) else: raise else: for item in walk_packages([fpath], prefix=mname + '.', onerror=onerror): yield item try: all = all any = any except NameError: def all(iterable): """ implementation of builtin all() for python 2.4 """ for element in iterable: if not element: return False return True def any(iterable): """ implementation of builtin any() for python 2.4 """ for element in iterable: if element: return True return False try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 def oct_mode(mode): """ Convert a decimal number describing a POSIX permissions mode to a string giving the octal mode. In Python 2, this is a synonym for :func:`oct`, but in Python 3 the octal format has changed to ``0o000``, which cannot be used as an octal permissions mode, so we need to strip the 'o' from the output. I.e., this function acts like the Python 2 :func:`oct` regardless of what version of Python is in use. :param mode: The decimal mode to convert to octal :type mode: int :returns: string """ return oct(mode).replace('o', '') try: long = long except NameError: # longs are just ints in py3k long = int try: cmp = cmp except NameError: def cmp(a, b): """ Py3k implementation of cmp() """ return (a > b) - (a < b) # ast was introduced in python 2.6 try: from ast import literal_eval except ImportError: literal_eval = eval