""" Custom argparse actions """ import sys import argparse from Bcfg2.Options.Parser import get_parser __all__ = ["ConfigFileAction", "ComponentAction", "PluginsAction"] class ComponentAction(argparse.Action): """ ComponentAction automatically imports classes and modules based on the value of the option, and automatically collects options from the loaded classes and modules. It cannot be used by itself, but must be subclassed, with either :attr:`mapping` or :attr:`bases` overridden. See :class:`Bcfg2.Options.PluginsAction` for an example. ComponentActions expect to be given a list of class names. If :attr:`bases` is overridden, then it will attempt to import those classes from identically named modules within the given bases. For instance: .. code-block:: python class FooComponentAction(Bcfg2.Options.ComponentAction): bases = ["Bcfg2.Server.Foo"] class FooLoader(object): options = [ Bcfg2.Options.Option( "--foo", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, default=["One"], action=FooComponentAction)] If "--foo One,Two,Three" were given on the command line, then ``FooComponentAction`` would attempt to import ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.One.One``, ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.Two.Two``, and ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.Three.Three``. (It would also call :func:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.add_component` with each of those classes as arguments.) Note that, although ComponentActions expect lists of components (by default; this can be overridden by setting :attr:`islist`), you must still explicitly specify a ``type`` argument to the :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Option` constructor to split the value into a list. Note also that, unlike other actions, the default value of a ComponentAction option does not need to be the actual literal final value. (I.e., you don't have to import ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.One.One`` and set it as the default in the example above; the string "One" suffices.) """ #: A list of parent modules where modules or classes should be #: imported from. bases = [] #: A mapping of `` => `` that components will be #: loaded from. This can be used to permit much more complex #: behavior than just a list of :attr:`bases`. mapping = dict() #: If ``module`` is True, then only the module will be loaded, not #: a class from the module. For instance, in the example above, #: ``FooComponentAction`` would attempt instead to import #: ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.One``, ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.Two``, and #: ``Bcfg2.Server.Foo.Three``. module = False #: By default, ComponentActions expect a list of components to #: load. If ``islist`` is False, then it will only expect a #: single component. islist = True #: If ``fail_silently`` is True, then failures to import modules #: or classes will not be logged. This is useful when the default #: is to import everything, some of which are expected to fail. fail_silently = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mapping: if 'choices' not in kwargs: kwargs['choices'] = self.mapping.keys() self._final = False argparse.Action.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _import(self, module, name): """ Import the given name from the given module, handling errors """ try: return getattr(__import__(module, fromlist=[name]), name) except (AttributeError, ImportError): if not self.fail_silently: print("Failed to load %s from %s: %s" % (name, module, sys.exc_info()[1])) return None def _load_component(self, name): """ Import a single class or module, adding it as a component to the parser. :param name: The name of the class or module to import, without the base prepended. :type name: string :returns: the imported class or module """ cls = None if self.mapping and name in self.mapping: cls = self.mapping[name] elif "." in name: cls = self._import(*name.rsplit(".", 1)) else: for base in self.bases: if self.module: mod = base else: mod = "%s.%s" % (base, name) cls = self._import(mod, name) if cls is not None: break if cls: get_parser().add_component(cls) elif not self.fail_silently: print("Could not load component %s" % name) return cls def finalize(self, parser, namespace): """ Finalize a default value by loading the components given in it. This lets a default be specified with a list of strings instead of a list of classes. """ if not self._final: self.__call__(parser, namespace, self.default) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if values is None: result = None else: if self.islist: result = [] for val in values: cls = self._load_component(val) if cls is not None: result.append(cls) else: result = self._load_component(values) self._final = True setattr(namespace, self.dest, result) class ConfigFileAction(argparse.Action): """ ConfigFileAction automatically loads and parses a supplementary config file (e.g., ``bcfg2-web.conf`` or ``bcfg2-lint.conf``). """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): get_parser().add_config_file(self.dest, values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class PluginsAction(ComponentAction): """ :class:`Bcfg2.Options.ComponentAction` subclass for loading Bcfg2 server plugins. """ bases = ['Bcfg2.Server.Plugins']