""" Option grouping classes """ import re import copy import fnmatch from Options import Option from itertools import chain __all__ = ["OptionGroup", "ExclusiveOptionGroup", "Subparser", "WildcardSectionGroup"] #: A dict that records a mapping of argparse action name (e.g., #: "store_true") to the argparse Action class for it. See #: :func:`_get_action_class` _action_map = dict() class OptionContainer(list): """ Parent class of all option groups """ def list_options(self): """ Get a list of all options contained in this group, including options contained in option groups in this group, and so on. """ return list(chain(*[o.list_options() for o in self])) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, list.__repr__(self)) def add_to_parser(self, parser): """ Add this option group to a :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser` object. """ for opt in self: opt.add_to_parser(parser) class OptionGroup(OptionContainer): """ Generic option group that is used only to organize options. This uses :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument_group` behind the scenes. """ def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): """ :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param title: The title of the option group :type title: string :param description: A longer description of the option group :param description: string """ OptionContainer.__init__(self, items) self.title = kwargs.pop('title') self.description = kwargs.pop('description', None) def add_to_parser(self, parser): group = parser.add_argument_group(self.title, self.description) OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, group) class ExclusiveOptionGroup(OptionContainer): """ Option group that ensures that only one argument in the group is present. This uses :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group` behind the scenes.""" def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): """ :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param required: Exactly one argument in the group *must* be specified. :type required: boolean """ OptionContainer.__init__(self, items) self.required = kwargs.pop('required', False) def add_to_parser(self, parser): group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=self.required) OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, group) class Subparser(OptionContainer): """ Option group that adds options in it to a subparser. This uses a lot of functionality tied to `argparse Sub-commands `_. The subcommand string itself is stored in the :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.setup` namespace as ``subcommand``. This is commonly used with :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand` groups. """ _subparsers = dict() def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): """ :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param name: The name of the subparser. Required. :type name: string :param help: A help message for the subparser :param help: string """ self.name = kwargs.pop('name') self.help = kwargs.pop('help', None) OptionContainer.__init__(self, items) def __repr__(self): return "%s %s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, list.__repr__(self)) def add_to_parser(self, parser): if parser not in self._subparsers: self._subparsers[parser] = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand') subparser = self._subparsers[parser].add_parser(self.name, help=self.help) OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, subparser) class WildcardSectionGroup(OptionContainer, Option): """ WildcardSectionGroups contain options that may exist in several different sections of the config that match a glob. It works by creating options on the fly to match the sections described in the glob. For example, consider: .. code-block:: python options = [ Bcfg2.Options.WildcardSectionGroup( Bcfg2.Options.Option(cf=("myplugin:*", "number"), type=int), Bcfg2.Options.Option(cf=("myplugin:*", "description"))] If the config file contained ``[myplugin:foo]`` and ``[myplugin:bar]`` sections, then this would automagically create options for each of those. The end result would be: .. code-block:: python >>> Bcfg2.Options.setup Namespace(myplugin_bar_description='Bar description', myplugin_bar_number=2, myplugin_foo_description='Foo description', myplugin_foo_number=1, myplugin_sections=['myplugin:foo', 'myplugin:bar']) All options must have the same section glob. The options are stored in an automatically-generated destination given by::
_ ```` is the original `dest `_ of the option. ``
`` is the section that it's found in. ```` is automatically generated from the section glob by replacing all consecutive characters disallowed in Python variable names into underscores. (This can be overridden with the constructor.) This group stores an additional option, the sections themselves, in an option given by ``sections``. """ #: Regex to automatically get a destination for this option _dest_re = re.compile(r'(\A(_|[^A-Za-z])+)|((_|[^A-Za-z0-9])+)') def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): """ :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param prefix: The prefix to use for options generated by this option group. By default this is generated automatically from the config glob; see above for details. :type prefix: string :param dest: The destination for the list of known sections that match the glob. :param dest: string """ OptionContainer.__init__(self, []) self._section_glob = items[0].cf[0] # get a default destination self._prefix = kwargs.get("prefix", self._dest_re.sub('_', self._section_glob)) Option.__init__(self, dest=kwargs.get('dest', self._prefix + "sections")) self._options = items def list_options(self): return [self] + OptionContainer.list_options(self) def from_config(self, cfp): sections = [] for section in cfp.sections(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(section, self._section_glob): sections.append(section) newopts = [] for opt_tmpl in self._options: option = copy.deepcopy(opt_tmpl) option.cf = (section, option.cf[1]) option.dest = prefix + section + "_" + option.dest newopts.append(option) self.extend(newopts) for parser in self.parsers: parser.add_options(newopts) return sections def add_to_parser(self, parser): Option.add_to_parser(self, parser) OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, parser)