#!/usr/bin/env python """Query reporting system for client status.""" import sys import argparse import datetime import Bcfg2.DBSettings def hosts_by_entry_type(clients, etype, entryspec): result = [] for entry in entryspec: for client in clients: items = getattr(client.current_interaction, etype)() for item in items: if (item.entry_type == entry[0] and item.name == entry[1]): result.append(client) return result def print_fields(fields, client, fmt, extra=None): """ Prints the fields specified in fields of client, max_name specifies the column width of the name column. """ fdata = [] if extra is None: extra = dict() for field in fields: if field == 'time': fdata.append(str(client.current_interaction.timestamp)) elif field == 'state': if client.current_interaction.isclean(): fdata.append("clean") else: fdata.append("dirty") elif field == 'total': fdata.append(client.current_interaction.total_count) elif field == 'good': fdata.append(client.current_interaction.good_count) elif field == 'modified': fdata.append(client.current_interaction.modified_count) elif field == 'extra': fdata.append(client.current_interaction.extra_count) elif field == 'bad': fdata.append((client.current_interaction.bad_count)) elif field == 'stale': fdata.append(client.current_interaction.isstale()) else: try: fdata.append(getattr(client, field)) except AttributeError: fdata.append(extra.get(field, "N/A")) print(fmt % tuple(fdata)) def print_entries(interaction, etype): items = getattr(interaction, etype)() for item in items: print("%-70s %s" % (item.entry_type + ":" + item.name, etype)) class _SingleHostCmd(Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand): # pylint: disable=W0223 """ Base class for bcfg2-reports modes that take a single host as a positional argument """ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("host")] def get_client(self, setup): from Bcfg2.Reporting.models import Client try: return Client.objects.select_related().get(name=setup.host) except Client.DoesNotExist: print("No such host: %s" % setup.host) raise SystemExit(2) class Show(_SingleHostCmd): """ Show bad, extra, modified, or all entries from a given host """ options = _SingleHostCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-b", "--bad", help="Show bad entries from HOST"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-e", "--extra", help="Show extra entries from HOST"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-m", "--modified", help="Show modified entries from HOST")] def run(self, setup): client = self.get_client(setup) show_all = not setup.bad and not setup.extra and not setup.modified if setup.bad or show_all: print_entries(client.current_interaction, "bad") if setup.modified or show_all: print_entries(client.current_interaction, "modified") if setup.extra or show_all: print_entries(client.current_interaction, "extra") class Total(_SingleHostCmd): """ Show total number of managed and good entries from HOST """ def run(self, setup): client = self.get_client(setup) managed = client.current_interaction.total_count good = client.current_interaction.good_count print("Total managed entries: %d (good: %d)" % (managed, good)) class Expire(_SingleHostCmd): """ Toggle the expired/unexpired state of HOST """ def run(self, setup): client = self.get_client(setup) if client.expiration is None: client.expiration = datetime.datetime.now() print("%s expired." % client.name) else: client.expiration = None print("%s un-expired." % client.name) client.save() class _ClientSelectCmd(Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand): """ Base class for subcommands that display lists of clients """ options = [ Bcfg2.Options.Option("--fields", metavar="FIELD,FIELD,...", help="Only display the listed fields", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, default=['name', 'time', 'state'])] def get_clients(self): from Bcfg2.Reporting.models import Client return Client.objects.exclude(current_interaction__isnull=True) def display(self, result, fields, extra=None): if 'name' not in fields: fields.insert(0, "name") if not result: print("No match found") return if extra is None: extra = dict() max_name = max(len(c.name) for c in result) ffmt = [] for field in fields: if field == "name": ffmt.append("%%-%ds" % max_name) elif field == "time": ffmt.append("%-19s") else: ffmt.append("%%-%ds" % len(field)) fmt = " ".join(ffmt) print(fmt % tuple(f.title() for f in fields)) for client in result: if not client.expiration: print_fields(fields, client, fmt, extra=extra.get(client, None)) class Clients(_ClientSelectCmd): """ Query hosts """ options = _ClientSelectCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-c", "--clean", help="Show only clean hosts"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-d", "--dirty", help="Show only dirty hosts"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "--stale", help="Show hosts that haven't run in the last 24 hours")] def run(self, setup): result = [] show_all = not setup.stale and not setup.clean and not setup.dirty for client in self.get_clients(): interaction = client.current_interaction if (show_all or (setup.stale and interaction.isstale()) or (setup.clean and interaction.isclean()) or (setup.dirty and not interaction.isclean())): result.append(client) self.display(result, setup.fields) class Entries(_ClientSelectCmd): """ Query hosts by entries """ options = _ClientSelectCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "--badentry", help="Show hosts that have bad entries that match"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "--modifiedentry", help="Show hosts that have modified entries that match"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "--extraentry", help="Show hosts that have extra entries that match"), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( "--file", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="Read TYPE:NAME pairs from the specified file instead of " "from the command line"), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument( "entries", metavar="TYPE:NAME", nargs="*")] def run(self, setup): result = [] if setup.file: try: entries = [l.strip().split(":") for l in setup.file] except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Cannot read entries from %s: %s" % (setup.file.name, err)) return 2 else: entries = [a.split(":") for a in setup.entries] clients = self.get_clients() if setup.badentry: result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "bad", entries) elif setup.modifiedentry: result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "modified", entries) elif setup.extraentry: result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "extra", entries) self.display(result, setup.fields) class Entry(_ClientSelectCmd): """ Show the status of a single entry on all hosts """ options = _ClientSelectCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument( "entry", metavar="TYPE:NAME", nargs=1)] def run(self, setup): from Bcfg2.Reporting.models import BaseEntry result = [] fields = setup.fields if 'state' in fields: fields.remove('state') fields.append("entry state") etype, ename = setup.entry[0].split(":") try: entry_cls = BaseEntry.entry_from_type(etype) except ValueError: print("Unhandled/unknown type %s" % etype) return 2 # TODO: batch fetch this. sqlite could break extra = dict() for client in self.get_clients(): ents = entry_cls.objects.filter( name=ename, interaction=client.current_interaction) if len(ents) == 0: continue extra[client] = {"entry state": ents[0].get_state_display(), "reason": ents[0]} result.append(client) self.display(result, fields, extra=extra) class CLI(Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry): """ CLI class for bcfg2-reports """ def __init__(self): Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Options.register_commands(self.__class__, globals().values()) parser = Bcfg2.Options.get_parser( description="Query the Bcfg2 reporting subsystem", components=[self]) parser.parse() def run(self): """ Run bcfg2-reports """ return self.runcommand()