""" The base for all server -> collector Transports """ import os.path import logging class TransportError(Exception): """Generic TransportError""" pass class TransportImportError(TransportError): """Raised when a transport fails to import""" pass class TransportBase(object): """The base for all transports""" def __init__(self, setup): """Do something here""" clsname = self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(clsname) self.logger.debug("Loading %s transport" % clsname) self.data = os.path.join(setup['repo'], 'Reporting', clsname) self.setup = setup self.timeout = 2 def start_monitor(self, collector): """Called to start monitoring""" raise NotImplementedError def store(self, hostname, metadata, stats): raise NotImplementedError def fetch(self): raise NotImplementedError def shutdown(self): """Called at program exit""" pass def rpc(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Send a request for data to the collector""" raise NotImplementedError