{% extends "base.html" %} {% load split %} {% load syntax_coloring %} {% block title %}Bcfg2 - Element Details{% endblock %} {% block extra_header_info %} {% endblock%} {% block pagebanner %}Element Details{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{item.get_state_display}} {{item.entry_type}}: {{item.name}}

{% block item_details %} {% if item.is_extra %}

This item exists on the host but is not defined in the configuration.

{% endif %} {% if not item.exists %}
This item does not currently exist on the host but is specified to exist in the configuration.
{% endif %} {# Really need a better test here #} {% if item.perms_problem or item.status_problem or item.linkentry.link_problem or item.version_problem %} {% if item.perms_problem %} {% if item.current_perms.owner %} {% endif %} {% if item.current_perms.group %} {% endif %} {% if item.current_perms.mode%} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if item.status_problem %} {% endif %} {% if item.linkentry.link_problem %} {% endif %} {% if item.version_problem %} {% endif %}
Problem TypeExpectedFound
Owner{{item.target_perms.owner}} {{item.current_perms.owner}}
Group{{item.target_perms.group}} {{item.current_perms.group}}
Perms{{item.target_perms.perms}} {{item.current_perms.mode}}
Status{{item.target_status}} {{item.current_status}}
{{item.get_path_type_display}}{{item.linkentry.target_path}} {{item.linkentry.current_path}}
Package Version{{item.target_version|cut:"("|cut:")"}} {{item.current_version|cut:"("|cut:")"}}
{% endif %} {% if item.has_detail %}
{% if item.is_sensitive %}

File contents unavailable, as they might contain sensitive data.

{% else %}

Incorrect file contents ({{item.get_detail_type_display}})

{% endif %}
{% if item.is_diff %}
{{ item.details|syntaxhilight }}
{% else %} {{ item.details }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if item.reason.unpruned %}

Extra entries found

{% for unpruned_item in item.reason.unpruned|split %} {% endfor %}
{{ unpruned_item }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}

Occurences on {{ timestamp|date:"Y-m-d" }}

{% if associated_list %} {% for inter in associated_list %} {% endfor %}
{{inter.client.name}} {{inter.timestamp}}
{% else %}

Missing client list

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}