""" Subcommands and helpers for bcfg2-admin """ import os import sys import time import glob import stat import random import socket import string import getpass import difflib import tarfile import argparse import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Core import Bcfg2.Client.Proxy from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PullSource, Generator, MetadataConsistencyError from Bcfg2.Utils import hostnames2ranges, Executor, safe_input import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata try: import Bcfg2.settings os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'Bcfg2.settings' from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.core import management import Bcfg2.Server.models HAS_DJANGO = True try: import south # pylint: disable=W0611 HAS_REPORTS = True except ImportError: HAS_REPORTS = False except ImportError: HAS_DJANGO = False HAS_REPORTS = False class ccolors: # pylint: disable=W1401 ADDED = '\033[92m' CHANGED = '\033[93m' REMOVED = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' # pylint: enable=W1401 @staticmethod def disable(cls): cls.ADDED = '' cls.CHANGED = '' cls.REMOVED = '' cls.ENDC = '' def gen_password(length): """Generates a random alphanumeric password with length characters.""" chars = string.letters + string.digits return "".join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length)) def print_table(rows, justify='left', hdr=True, vdelim=" ", padding=1): """Pretty print a table rows - list of rows ([[row 1], [row 2], ..., [row n]]) hdr - if True the first row is treated as a table header vdelim - vertical delimiter between columns padding - # of spaces around the longest element in the column justify - may be left,center,right """ hdelim = "=" justify = {'left': str.ljust, 'center': str.center, 'right': str.rjust}[justify.lower()] # Calculate column widths (longest item in each column # plus padding on both sides) cols = list(zip(*rows)) col_widths = [max([len(str(item)) + 2 * padding for item in col]) for col in cols] borderline = vdelim.join([w * hdelim for w in col_widths]) # Print out the table print(borderline) for row in rows: print(vdelim.join([justify(str(item), width) for (item, width) in zip(row, col_widths)])) if hdr: print(borderline) hdr = False class AdminCmd(Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand): def setup(self): """ Perform post-init (post-options parsing), pre-run setup tasks """ pass def errExit(self, emsg): """ exit with an error """ print(emsg) raise SystemExit(1) class _ServerAdminCmd(AdminCmd): """Base class for admin modes that run a Bcfg2 server.""" __plugin_whitelist__ = None __plugin_blacklist__ = None options = AdminCmd.options + Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.options def setup(self): if self.__plugin_whitelist__ is not None: Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins = [ p for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins if p.name in self.__plugin_whitelist__] elif self.__plugin_blacklist__ is not None: Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins = [ p for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins if p.name not in self.__plugin_blacklist__] try: self.core = Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core() except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError: msg = sys.exc_info()[1] self.errExit("Core load failed: %s" % msg) self.core.load_plugins() self.core.fam.handle_event_set() self.metadata = self.core.metadata def shutdown(self): self.core.shutdown() class _ProxyAdminCmd(AdminCmd): """ Base class for admin modes that proxy to a running Bcfg2 server """ options = AdminCmd.options + Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ComponentProxy.options def __init__(self): AdminCmd.__init__(self) self.proxy = None def setup(self): self.proxy = Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ComponentProxy() class Backup(AdminCmd): """ Make a backup of the Bcfg2 repository """ options = AdminCmd.options + [Bcfg2.Options.Common.repository] def run(self, setup): timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') datastore = setup.repository fmt = 'gz' mode = 'w:' + fmt filename = timestamp + '.tar' + '.' + fmt out = tarfile.open(os.path.join(datastore, filename), mode=mode) out.add(datastore, os.path.basename(datastore)) out.close() print("Archive %s was stored under %s" % (filename, datastore)) class Client(_ServerAdminCmd): """ Create, delete, or list client entries """ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument( "mode", choices=["add", "del", "list"]), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='?')] __plugin_whitelist__ = ["Metadata"] def run(self, setup): if setup.mode != 'list' and not setup.hostname: self.parser.error(" is required in %s mode" % setup.mode) elif setup.mode == 'list' and setup.hostname: self.logger.warning(" is not honored in list mode") if setup.mode == 'add': try: self.metadata.add_client(setup.hostname) except MetadataConsistencyError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.errExit("Error adding client %s: %s" % (setup.hostname, err)) elif setup.mode == 'del': try: self.metadata.remove_client(setup.hostname) except MetadataConsistencyError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.errExit("Error deleting client %s: %s" % (setup.hostname, err)) elif setup.mode == 'list': for client in self.metadata.list_clients(): print(client) class Compare(AdminCmd): """ Compare two hosts or two versions of a host specification """ help = "Given two XML files (as produced by bcfg2-info build or bcfg2 " + \ "-qnc) or two directories containing XML files (as produced by " + \ "bcfg2-info buildall or bcfg2-info builddir), output a detailed, " + \ "Bcfg2-centric diff." options = AdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Option( "-d", "--diff-lines", type=int, help="Show only N lines of a diff"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-c", "--color", help="Use colors even if not run from a TTY"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-q", "--quiet", help="Only show that entries differ, not how they differ"), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("path1", metavar=""), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("path2", metavar="")] changes = dict() def removed(self, msg, host): self.record("%sRemoved: %s%s" % (ccolors.REMOVED, msg, ccolors.ENDC), host) def added(self, msg, host): self.record("%sAdded: %s%s" % (ccolors.ADDED, msg, ccolors.ENDC), host) def changed(self, msg, host): self.record("%sChanged: %s%s" % (ccolors.CHANGED, msg, ccolors.ENDC), host) def record(self, msg, host): if msg not in self.changes: self.changes[msg] = [host] else: self.changes[msg].append(host) def udiff(self, l1, l2, **kwargs): """ get a unified diff with control lines stripped """ lines = None if "lines" in kwargs: if kwargs['lines'] is not None: lines = int(kwargs['lines']) del kwargs['lines'] if lines == 0: return [] kwargs['n'] = 0 diff = [] for line in difflib.unified_diff(l1, l2, **kwargs): if (line.startswith("--- ") or line.startswith("+++ ") or line.startswith("@@ ")): continue if lines is not None and len(diff) > lines: diff.append(" ...") break if line.startswith("+"): for l in line.splitlines(): diff.append(" %s%s%s" % (ccolors.ADDED, l, ccolors.ENDC)) elif line.startswith("-"): for l in line.splitlines(): diff.append(" %s%s%s" % (ccolors.REMOVED, l, ccolors.ENDC)) return diff def _bundletype(self, el): if el.get("tag") == "Independent": return "Independent bundle" else: return "Bundle" def run(self, setup): if not sys.stdout.isatty() and not setup.color: ccolors.disable(ccolors) files = [] if os.path.isdir(setup.path1) and os.path.isdir(setup.path1): for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(setup.path1, '*')): fname = os.path.basename(fpath) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(setup.path2, fname)): files.append((os.path.join(setup.path1, fname), os.path.join(setup.path2, fname))) else: if fname.endswith(".xml"): host = fname[0:-4] else: host = fname self.removed(host, '') for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(setup.path2, '*')): fname = os.path.basename(fpath) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(setup.path1, fname)): if fname.endswith(".xml"): host = fname[0:-4] else: host = fname self.added(host, '') elif os.path.isfile(setup.path1) and os.path.isfile(setup.path2): files.append((setup.path1, setup.path2)) else: self.errExit("Cannot diff a file and a directory") for file1, file2 in files: host = None if os.path.basename(file1) == os.path.basename(file2): fname = os.path.basename(file1) if fname.endswith(".xml"): host = fname[0:-4] else: host = fname xdata1 = lxml.etree.parse(file1).getroot() xdata2 = lxml.etree.parse(file2).getroot() elements1 = dict() elements2 = dict() bundles1 = [el.get("name") for el in xdata1.iterchildren()] bundles2 = [el.get("name") for el in xdata2.iterchildren()] for el in xdata1.iterchildren(): if el.get("name") not in bundles2: self.removed("%s %s" % (self._bundletype(el), el.get("name")), host) for el in xdata2.iterchildren(): if el.get("name") not in bundles1: self.added("%s %s" % (self._bundletype(el), el.get("name")), host) for bname in bundles1: bundle = xdata1.find("*[@name='%s']" % bname) for el in bundle.getchildren(): elements1["%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))] = el for bname in bundles2: bundle = xdata2.find("*[@name='%s']" % bname) for el in bundle.getchildren(): elements2["%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))] = el for el in elements1.values(): elid = "%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name")) if elid not in elements2: self.removed("Element %s" % elid, host) else: el2 = elements2[elid] if (el.getparent().get("name") != el2.getparent().get("name")): self.changed( "Element %s was in bundle %s, " "now in bundle %s" % (elid, el.getparent().get("name"), el2.getparent().get("name")), host) attr1 = sorted(["%s=\"%s\"" % (attr, el.get(attr)) for attr in el.attrib]) attr2 = sorted(["%s=\"%s\"" % (attr, el.get(attr)) for attr in el2.attrib]) if attr1 != attr2: err = ["Element %s has different attributes" % elid] if not setup.quiet: err.extend(self.udiff(attr1, attr2)) self.changed("\n".join(err), host) if el.text != el2.text: if el.text is None: self.changed("Element %s content was added" % elid, host) elif el2.text is None: self.changed("Element %s content was removed" % elid, host) else: err = ["Element %s has different content" % elid] if not setup.quiet: err.extend( self.udiff(el.text.splitlines(), el2.text.splitlines(), lines=setup.diff_lines)) self.changed("\n".join(err), host) for el in elements2.values(): elid = "%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name")) if elid not in elements2: self.removed("Element %s" % elid, host) for change, hosts in self.changes.items(): hlist = [h for h in hosts if h is not None] if len(files) > 1 and len(hlist): print("===== %s =====" % "\n ".join(hostnames2ranges(hlist))) print(change) if len(files) > 1 and len(hlist): print("") class Help(AdminCmd, Bcfg2.Options.HelpCommand): """ Get help on a specific subcommand """ def command_registry(self): return CLI.commands class Init(AdminCmd): """Interactively initialize a new repository.""" options = AdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Common.repository, Bcfg2.Options.Common.plugins] # default config file config = '''[server] repository = %s plugins = %s # Uncomment the following to listen on all interfaces #listen_all = true [database] #engine = sqlite3 # 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'mysql_old', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'. #name = # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. #/etc/bcfg2.sqlite is default path if left empty #user = # Not used with sqlite3. #password = # Not used with sqlite3. #host = # Not used with sqlite3. #port = [reporting] transport = LocalFilesystem [communication] password = %s certificate = %s key = %s ca = %s [components] bcfg2 = %s ''' # Default groups groups = ''' ''' # Default contents of clients.xml clients = ''' ''' def __init__(self): AdminCmd.__init__(self) self.data = dict() def _set_defaults(self, setup): """Set default parameters.""" self.data['plugins'] = setup.plugins self.data['configfile'] = setup.config self.data['repopath'] = setup.repository self.data['password'] = gen_password(8) self.data['shostname'] = socket.getfqdn() self.data['server_uri'] = "https://%s:6789" % self.data['shostname'] self.data['country'] = 'US' self.data['state'] = 'Illinois' self.data['location'] = 'Argonne' if os.path.exists("/etc/pki/tls"): self.data['keypath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/private/bcfg2.key" self.data['certpath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/bcfg2.crt" elif os.path.exists("/etc/ssl"): self.data['keypath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.key" self.data['certpath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.crt" else: basepath = os.path.dirname(self.data['configfile']) self.data['keypath'] = os.path.join(basepath, "bcfg2.key") self.data['certpath'] = os.path.join(basepath, 'bcfg2.crt') def input_with_default(self, msg, default_name): val = safe_input("%s [%s]: " % (msg, self.data[default_name])) if val: self.data[default_name] = val def run(self, setup): self._set_defaults(setup) # Prompt the user for input self._prompt_server() self._prompt_config() self._prompt_repopath() self._prompt_password() self._prompt_keypath() self._prompt_certificate() # Initialize the repository self.init_repo() def _prompt_server(self): """Ask for the server name and URI.""" self.input_with_default("What is the server's hostname", 'shostname') # reset default server URI self.data['server_uri'] = "https://%s:6789" % self.data['shostname'] self.input_with_default("Server location", 'server_uri') def _prompt_config(self): """Ask for the configuration file path.""" self.input_with_default("Path to Bcfg2 configuration", 'configfile') def _prompt_repopath(self): """Ask for the repository path.""" while True: self.input_with_default("Location of Bcfg2 repository", 'repopath') if os.path.isdir(self.data['repopath']): response = safe_input("Directory %s exists. Overwrite? [y/N]:" % self.data['repopath']) if response.lower().strip() == 'y': break else: break def _prompt_password(self): """Ask for a password or generate one if none is provided.""" newpassword = getpass.getpass( "Input password used for communication verification " "(without echoing; leave blank for random): ").strip() if len(newpassword) != 0: self.data['password'] = newpassword def _prompt_certificate(self): """Ask for the key details (country, state, and location).""" print("The following questions affect SSL certificate generation.") print("If no data is provided, the default values are used.") self.input_with_default("Country code for certificate", 'country') self.input_with_default("State or Province Name (full name) for " "certificate", 'state') self.input_with_default("Locality Name (e.g., city) for certificate", 'location') def _prompt_keypath(self): """ Ask for the key pair location. Try to use sensible defaults depending on the OS """ self.input_with_default("Path where Bcfg2 server private key will be " "created", 'keypath') self.input_with_default("Path where Bcfg2 server cert will be created", 'certpath') def _init_plugins(self): """Initialize each plugin-specific portion of the repository.""" for plugin in self.data['plugins']: kwargs = dict() if issubclass(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata): kwargs.update( dict(groups_xml=self.groups, clients_xml=self.clients % self.data['shostname'])) plugin.init_repo(self.data['repopath'], **kwargs) def create_conf(self): """ create the config file """ confdata = self.config % ( self.data['repopath'], ','.join(p.__name__ for p in self.data['plugins']), self.data['password'], self.data['certpath'], self.data['keypath'], self.data['certpath'], self.data['server_uri']) # Don't overwrite existing bcfg2.conf file if os.path.exists(self.data['configfile']): result = safe_input("\nWarning: %s already exists. " "Overwrite? [y/N]: " % self.data['configfile']) if result not in ['Y', 'y']: print("Leaving %s unchanged" % self.data['configfile']) return try: open(self.data['configfile'], "w").write(confdata) os.chmod(self.data['configfile'], stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600 except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.errExit("Error trying to write configuration file '%s': %s" % (self.data['configfile'], sys.exc_info()[1])) def init_repo(self): """Setup a new repo and create the content of the configuration file.""" # Create the repository path = os.path.join(self.data['repopath'], 'etc') try: os.makedirs(path) self._init_plugins() print("Repository created successfuly in %s" % self.data['repopath']) except OSError: print("Failed to create %s." % path) # Create the configuration file and SSL key self.create_conf() self.create_key() def create_key(self): """Creates a bcfg2.key at the directory specifed by keypath.""" cmd = Executor(timeout=120) subject = "/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/CN=%s'" % ( self.data['country'], self.data['state'], self.data['location'], self.data['shostname']) key = cmd.run(["openssl", "req", "-batch", "-x509", "-nodes", "-subj", subject, "-days", "1000", "-newkey", "rsa:2048", "-keyout", self.data['keypath'], "-noout"]) if not key.success: print("Error generating key: %s" % key.error) return os.chmod(self.data['keypath'], stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600 csr = cmd.run(["openssl", "req", "-batch", "-new", "-subj", subject, "-key", self.data['keypath']]) if not csr.success: print("Error generating certificate signing request: %s" % csr.error) return cert = cmd.run(["openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "1000", "-signkey", self.data['keypath'], "-out", self.data['certpath']], inputdata=csr.stdout) if not cert.success: print("Error signing certificate: %s" % cert.error) return class Minestruct(_ServerAdminCmd): """ Extract extra entry lists from statistics """ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( "-f", "--outfile", type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help="Write to the given file"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( "-g", "--groups", help="Only build config for groups", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.colon_list, default=[]), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")] def run(self, setup): try: extra = set() for source in self.core.plugins_by_type(PullSource): for item in source.GetExtra(setup.hostname): extra.add(item) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.errExit("Failed to find extra entry info for client %s: %s" % (setup.hostname, sys.exc_info()[1])) root = lxml.etree.Element("Base") self.logger.info("Found %d extra entries" % len(extra)) add_point = root for grp in setup.groups: add_point = lxml.etree.SubElement(add_point, "Group", name=grp) for tag, name in extra: self.logger.info("%s: %s" % (tag, name)) lxml.etree.SubElement(add_point, tag, name=name) lxml.etree.ElementTree(root).write(setup.outfile, pretty_print=True) class Perf(_ProxyAdminCmd): """ Get performance data from server """ def run(self, setup): output = [('Name', 'Min', 'Max', 'Mean', 'Count')] data = self.proxy.get_statistics() for key in sorted(data.keys()): output.append( (key, ) + tuple(["%.06f" % item for item in data[key][:-1]] + [data[key][-1]])) print_table(output) class Pull(_ServerAdminCmd): """ Retrieves entries from clients and integrates the information into the repository """ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Common.interactive, Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-s", "--stdin", help="Read lists of from stdin " "instead of the command line"), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='?'), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("entrytype", nargs='?'), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("entryname", nargs='?')] def __init__(self): _ServerAdminCmd.__init__(self) self.interactive = False def setup(self): if (not Bcfg2.Options.setup.stdin and not (Bcfg2.Options.setup.hostname and Bcfg2.Options.setup.entrytype and Bcfg2.Options.setup.entryname)): print("You must specify either --stdin or a hostname, entry type, " "and entry name on the command line.") self.errExit(self.usage()) _ServerAdminCmd.setup(self) def run(self, setup): self.interactive = setup.interactive if setup.stdin: for line in sys.stdin: try: self.PullEntry(*line.split(None, 3)) except SystemExit: print(" for %s" % line) except: print("Bad entry: %s" % line.strip()) else: self.PullEntry(setup.hostname, setup.entrytype, setup.entryname) def BuildNewEntry(self, client, etype, ename): """Construct a new full entry for given client/entry from statistics. """ new_entry = {'type': etype, 'name': ename} pull_sources = self.core.plugins_by_type(PullSource) for plugin in pull_sources: try: (owner, group, mode, contents) = \ plugin.GetCurrentEntry(client, etype, ename) break except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError: if plugin == pull_sources[-1]: self.errExit("Pull Source failure; could not fetch " "current state") try: data = {'owner': owner, 'group': group, 'mode': mode, 'text': contents} except UnboundLocalError: self.errExit("Unable to build entry") for key, val in list(data.items()): if val: new_entry[key] = val return new_entry def Choose(self, choices): """Determine where to put pull data.""" if self.interactive: for choice in choices: print("Plugin returned choice:") if id(choice) == id(choices[0]): print("(current entry) ") if choice.all: print(" => global entry") elif choice.group: print(" => group entry: %s (prio %d)" % (choice.group, choice.prio)) else: print(" => host entry: %s" % (choice.hostname)) # flush input buffer ans = safe_input("Use this entry? [yN]: ") in ['y', 'Y'] if ans: return choice return False else: if not choices: return False return choices[0] def PullEntry(self, client, etype, ename): """Make currently recorded client state correct for entry.""" new_entry = self.BuildNewEntry(client, etype, ename) meta = self.core.build_metadata(client) # Find appropriate plugin in core glist = [gen for gen in self.core.plugins_by_type(Generator) if ename in gen.Entries.get(etype, {})] if len(glist) != 1: self.errExit("Got wrong numbers of matching generators for entry:" "%s" % ([g.name for g in glist])) plugin = glist[0] if not isinstance(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PullTarget): self.errExit("Configuration upload not supported by plugin %s" % plugin.name) try: choices = plugin.AcceptChoices(new_entry, meta) specific = self.Choose(choices) if specific: plugin.AcceptPullData(specific, new_entry, self.logger) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError: self.errExit("Configuration upload not supported by plugin %s" % plugin.name) # Commit if running under a VCS for vcsplugin in list(self.core.plugins.values()): if isinstance(vcsplugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Version): files = "%s/%s" % (plugin.data, ename) comment = 'file "%s" pulled from host %s' % (files, client) vcsplugin.commit_data([files], comment) class _ReportsCmd(AdminCmd): def __init__(self): AdminCmd.__init__(self) self.reports_entries = () self.reports_classes = () def setup(self): # this has to be imported after options are parsed, # because Django finalizes its settings as soon as it's # loaded, which means that if we import this before # Bcfg2.settings has been populated, Django gets a null # configuration, and subsequent updates to Bcfg2.settings # won't help. import Bcfg2.Reporting.models self.reports_entries = (Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Group, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Bundle, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.FailureEntry, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.ActionEntry, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PathEntry, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PackageEntry, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PathEntry, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.ServiceEntry) self.reports_classes = self.reports_entries + ( Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction, Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Performance) if HAS_DJANGO: class _DjangoProxyCmd(AdminCmd): command = None args = [] def run(self, _): '''Call a django command''' if self.command is not None: command = self.command else: command = self.__class__.__name__.lower() args = [command] + self.args management.call_command(*args) class DBShell(_DjangoProxyCmd): """ Call the Django 'dbshell' command on the database """ class Shell(_DjangoProxyCmd): """ Call the Django 'shell' command on the database """ class ValidateDB(_DjangoProxyCmd): """ Call the Django 'validate' command on the database """ command = "validate" class Syncdb(AdminCmd): """ Sync the Django ORM with the configured database """ def run(self, setup): management.setup_environ(Bcfg2.settings) Bcfg2.Server.models.load_models() try: management.call_command("syncdb", interactive=False, verbosity=setup.verbose + setup.debug) except ImproperlyConfigured: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Django configuration problem: %s" % err) raise SystemExit(1) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Database update failed: %s" % err) raise SystemExit(1) if HAS_REPORTS: import datetime class ScrubReports(_ReportsCmd): """ Perform a thorough scrub and cleanup of the Reporting database """ def setup(self): _ReportsCmd.setup(self) # this has to be imported after options are parsed, # because Django finalizes its settings as soon as it's # loaded, which means that if we import this before # Bcfg2.settings has been populated, Django gets a null # configuration, and subsequent updates to Bcfg2.settings # won't help. from django.db.transaction import commit_on_success self.run = commit_on_success(self.run) def run(self, _): # Cleanup unused entries for cls in self.reports_entries: try: start_count = cls.objects.count() cls.prune_orphans() self.logger.info("Pruned %d %s records" % (start_count - cls.objects.count(), cls.__name__)) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 print("Failed to prune %s: %s" % (cls.__name__, sys.exc_info()[1])) class InitReports(AdminCmd): """ Initialize the Reporting database """ def run(self, setup): verbose = setup.verbose + setup.debug try: management.call_command("syncdb", interactive=False, verbosity=verbose) management.call_command("migrate", interactive=False, verbosity=verbose) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.errExit("%s failed: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__.title(), sys.exc_info()[1])) class UpdateReports(InitReports): """ Apply updates to the reporting database """ class ReportsStats(_ReportsCmd): """ Print Reporting database statistics """ def run(self, _): for cls in self.reports_classes: print("%s has %s records" % (cls.__name__, cls.objects.count())) class PurgeReports(_ReportsCmd): """ Purge records from the Reporting database """ options = AdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.Option("--client", help="Client to operate on"), Bcfg2.Options.Option("--days", type=int, metavar='N', help="Records older than N days"), Bcfg2.Options.ExclusiveOptionGroup( Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption("--expired", help="Expired clients only"), Bcfg2.Options.Option("--state", help="Purge entries in state", choices=['dirty', 'clean', 'modified']), required=False)] def run(self, setup): if setup.days: maxdate = datetime.datetime.now() - \ datetime.timedelta(days=setup.days) else: maxdate = None starts = {} for cls in self.reports_classes: starts[cls] = cls.objects.count() if setup.expired: self.purge_expired(maxdate) else: self.purge(setup.client, maxdate, setup.state) for cls in self.reports_classes: self.logger.info("Purged %s %s records" % (starts[cls] - cls.objects.count(), cls.__name__)) def purge(self, client=None, maxdate=None, state=None): '''Purge historical data from the database''' # indicates whether or not a client should be deleted filtered = False if not client and not maxdate and not state: self.errExit("Refusing to prune all data. Specify an option " "to %s" % self.__class__.__name__.lower()) ipurge = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects if client: try: cobj = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.get( name=client) ipurge = ipurge.filter(client=cobj) except Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.DoesNotExist: self.errExit("Client %s not in database" % client) self.logger.debug("Filtering by client: %s" % client) if maxdate: filtered = True self.logger.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate) ipurge = ipurge.filter(timestamp__lt=maxdate) if Bcfg2.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == \ 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': grp_limit = 100 else: grp_limit = 1000 if state: filtered = True self.logger.debug("Filtering by state: %s" % state) ipurge = ipurge.filter(state=state) count = ipurge.count() rnum = 0 try: while rnum < count: grp = list(ipurge[:grp_limit].values("id")) # just in case... if not grp: break Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects.filter( id__in=[x['id'] for x in grp]).delete() rnum += len(grp) self.logger.debug("Deleted %s of %s" % (rnum, count)) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.logger.error("Failed to remove interactions: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) # Prune any orphaned ManyToMany relations for m2m in self.reports_entries: self.logger.debug("Pruning any orphaned %s objects" % m2m.__name__) m2m.prune_orphans() if client and not filtered: # Delete the client, ping data is automatic try: self.logger.debug("Purging client %s" % client) cobj.delete() except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.logger.error("Failed to delete client %s: %s" % (client, sys.exc_info()[1])) def purge_expired(self, maxdate=None): """ Purge expired clients from the Reporting database """ if maxdate: if not isinstance(maxdate, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError("maxdate is not a DateTime object") self.logger.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate) clients = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.filter( expiration__lt=maxdate) else: clients = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.filter( expiration__isnull=False) for client in clients: self.logger.debug("Purging client %s" % client) Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects.filter( client=client).delete() client.delete() class ReportsSQLAll(_DjangoProxyCmd): """ Call the Django 'sqlall' command on the Reporting database """ args = ["Reporting"] class Viz(_ServerAdminCmd): """ Produce graphviz diagrams of metadata structures """ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-H", "--includehosts", help="Include hosts in the viz output"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-b", "--includebundles", help="Include bundles in the viz output"), Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( "-k", "--includekey", help="Show a key for different digraph shapes"), Bcfg2.Options.Option( "-c", "--only-client", metavar="", help="Show only the groups, bundles for the named client"), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( "-o", "--outfile", help="Write viz output to an output file")] colors = ['steelblue1', 'chartreuse', 'gold', 'magenta', 'indianred1', 'limegreen', 'orange1', 'lightblue2', 'green1', 'blue1', 'yellow1', 'darkturquoise', 'gray66'] __plugin_blacklist__ = ['DBStats', 'Cfg', 'Pkgmgr', 'Packages', 'Rules', 'Decisions', 'Deps', 'Git', 'Svn', 'Fossil', 'Bzr', 'Bundler'] def run(self, setup): if setup.outfile: fmt = setup.outfile.split('.')[-1] else: fmt = 'png' exc = Executor() cmd = ["dot", "-T", fmt] if setup.outfile: cmd.extend(["-o", setup.outfile]) inputlist = ["digraph groups {", '\trankdir="LR";', self.metadata.viz(setup.includehosts, setup.includebundles, setup.includekey, setup.only_client, self.colors)] if setup.includekey: inputlist.extend( ["\tsubgraph cluster_key {", '\tstyle="filled";', '\tcolor="lightblue";', '\tBundle [ shape="septagon" ];', '\tGroup [shape="ellipse"];', '\tProfile [style="bold", shape="ellipse"];', '\tHblock [label="Host1|Host2|Host3",shape="record"];', '\tlabel="Key";', "\t}"]) inputlist.append("}") idata = "\n".join(inputlist) try: result = exc.run(cmd, inputdata=idata) except OSError: # on some systems (RHEL 6), you cannot run dot with # shell=True. on others (Gentoo with Python 2.7), you # must. In yet others (RHEL 5), either way works. I have # no idea what the difference is, but it's kind of a PITA. result = exc.run(cmd, shell=True, inputdata=idata) if not result.success: self.errExit("Error running %s: %s" % (cmd, result.error)) if not setup.outfile: print(result.stdout) class Xcmd(_ProxyAdminCmd): """ XML-RPC Command Interface """ options = _ProxyAdminCmd.options + [ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("command"), Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("arguments", nargs='*')] def run(self, setup): try: data = getattr(self.proxy, setup.command)(*setup.arguments) except Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ProxyError: self.errExit("Proxy Error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) if data is not None: print(data) class CLI(Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry): """ CLI class for bcfg2-admin """ def __init__(self): Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Options.register_commands(self.__class__, globals().values(), parent=AdminCmd) parser = Bcfg2.Options.get_parser( description="Manage a running Bcfg2 server", components=[self]) parser.parse() def run(self): self.commands[Bcfg2.Options.setup.subcommand].setup() return self.runcommand()