""" Interactively initialize a new repository. """ import getpass import os import random import socket import stat import string import sys import subprocess import Bcfg2.Server.Admin import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Bcfg2.Options from Bcfg2.Compat import input # pylint: disable=W0622 # default config file CONFIG = '''[server] repository = %s plugins = %s [statistics] sendmailpath = %s #web_debug = False #time_zone = [database] #engine = sqlite3 # 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'mysql_old', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'. #name = # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. #/bcfg2.sqlite is default path if left empty #user = # Not used with sqlite3. #password = # Not used with sqlite3. #host = # Not used with sqlite3. #port = [reporting] transport = LocalFilesystem [communication] protocol = %s password = %s certificate = %s key = %s ca = %s [components] bcfg2 = %s ''' # Default groups GROUPS = ''' ''' # Default contents of clients.xml CLIENTS = ''' ''' # Mapping of operating system names to groups OS_LIST = [('Red Hat/Fedora/RHEL/RHAS/Centos', 'redhat'), ('SUSE/SLES', 'suse'), ('Mandrake', 'mandrake'), ('Debian', 'debian'), ('Ubuntu', 'ubuntu'), ('Gentoo', 'gentoo'), ('FreeBSD', 'freebsd'), ('Arch', 'arch')] def gen_password(length): """Generates a random alphanumeric password with length characters.""" chars = string.letters + string.digits return "".join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length)) def create_key(hostname, keypath, certpath, country, state, location): """Creates a bcfg2.key at the directory specifed by keypath.""" kcstr = ("openssl req -batch -x509 -nodes -subj '/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/CN=%s' " "-days 1000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout %s -noout" % (country, state, location, hostname, keypath)) subprocess.call((kcstr), shell=True) ccstr = ("openssl req -batch -new -subj '/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/CN=%s' -key %s " "| openssl x509 -req -days 1000 -signkey %s -out %s" % (country, state, location, hostname, keypath, keypath, certpath)) subprocess.call((ccstr), shell=True) os.chmod(keypath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600 def create_conf(confpath, confdata): """ create the config file """ # Don't overwrite existing bcfg2.conf file if os.path.exists(confpath): result = input("\nWarning: %s already exists. " "Overwrite? [y/N]: " % confpath) if result not in ['Y', 'y']: print("Leaving %s unchanged" % confpath) return try: open(confpath, "w").write(confdata) os.chmod(confpath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600 except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Error trying to write configuration file '%s': %s" % (confpath, err)) raise SystemExit(1) class Init(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode): """Interactively initialize a new repository.""" __shorthelp__ = ("Interactively initialize a new repository.") __longhelp__ = __shorthelp__ + "\n\nbcfg2-admin init" __usage__ = "bcfg2-admin init" options = {'configfile': Bcfg2.Options.CFILE, 'plugins': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PLUGINS, 'proto': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PROTOCOL, 'repo': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_REPOSITORY, 'sendmail': Bcfg2.Options.SENDMAIL_PATH} def __init__(self, setup): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__init__(self, setup) self.data = dict() self.plugins = Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PLUGINS.default def _set_defaults(self, opts): """Set default parameters.""" self.data['configfile'] = opts['configfile'] self.data['repopath'] = opts['repo'] self.data['password'] = gen_password(8) self.data['server_uri'] = "https://%s:6789" % socket.getfqdn() self.data['sendmail'] = opts['sendmail'] self.data['proto'] = opts['proto'] if os.path.exists("/etc/pki/tls"): self.data['keypath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/private/bcfg2.key" self.data['certpath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/bcfg2.crt" elif os.path.exists("/etc/ssl"): self.data['keypath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.key" self.data['certpath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.crt" else: basepath = os.path.dirname(self.configfile) self.data['keypath'] = os.path.join(basepath, "bcfg2.key") self.data['certpath'] = os.path.join(basepath, 'bcfg2.crt') def __call__(self, args): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__call__(self, args) # Parse options opts = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(self.options) opts.parse(args) self._set_defaults(opts) # Prompt the user for input self._prompt_config() self._prompt_repopath() self._prompt_password() self._prompt_hostname() self._prompt_server() self._prompt_groups() self._prompt_keypath() self._prompt_certificate() # Initialize the repository self.init_repo() def _prompt_hostname(self): """Ask for the server hostname.""" data = input("What is the server's hostname [%s]: " % socket.getfqdn()) if data != '': self.data['shostname'] = data else: self.data['shostname'] = socket.getfqdn() def _prompt_config(self): """Ask for the configuration file path.""" newconfig = input("Store Bcfg2 configuration in [%s]: " % self.configfile) if newconfig != '': self.data['configfile'] = os.path.abspath(newconfig) def _prompt_repopath(self): """Ask for the repository path.""" while True: newrepo = input("Location of Bcfg2 repository [%s]: " % self.data['repopath']) if newrepo != '': self.data['repopath'] = os.path.abspath(newrepo) if os.path.isdir(self.data['repopath']): response = input("Directory %s exists. Overwrite? [y/N]:" % self.data['repopath']) if response.lower().strip() == 'y': break else: break def _prompt_password(self): """Ask for a password or generate one if none is provided.""" newpassword = getpass.getpass( "Input password used for communication verification " "(without echoing; leave blank for a random): ").strip() if len(newpassword) != 0: self.data['password'] = newpassword def _prompt_server(self): """Ask for the server name.""" newserver = input("Input the server location [%s]: " % self.data['server_uri']) if newserver != '': self.data['server_uri'] = newserver def _prompt_groups(self): """Create the groups.xml file.""" prompt = '''Input base Operating System for clients:\n''' for entry in OS_LIST: prompt += "%d: %s\n" % (OS_LIST.index(entry) + 1, entry[0]) prompt += ': ' while True: try: osidx = int(input(prompt)) self.data['os_sel'] = OS_LIST[osidx - 1][1] break except ValueError: continue def _prompt_certificate(self): """Ask for the key details (country, state, and location).""" print("The following questions affect SSL certificate generation.") print("If no data is provided, the default values are used.") newcountry = input("Country name (2 letter code) for certificate: ") if newcountry != '': if len(newcountry) == 2: self.data['country'] = newcountry else: while len(newcountry) != 2: newcountry = input("2 letter country code (eg. US): ") if len(newcountry) == 2: self.data['country'] = newcountry break else: self.data['country'] = 'US' newstate = input("State or Province Name (full name) for " "certificate: ") if newstate != '': self.data['state'] = newstate else: self.data['state'] = 'Illinois' newlocation = input("Locality Name (eg, city) for certificate: ") if newlocation != '': self.data['location'] = newlocation else: self.data['location'] = 'Argonne' def _prompt_keypath(self): """ Ask for the key pair location. Try to use sensible defaults depending on the OS """ keypath = input("Path where Bcfg2 server private key will be created " "[%s]: " % self.data['keypath']) if keypath: self.data['keypath'] = keypath certpath = input("Path where Bcfg2 server cert will be created" "[%s]: " % self.data['certpath']) if certpath: self.data['certpath'] = certpath def _init_plugins(self): """Initialize each plugin-specific portion of the repository.""" for plugin in self.plugins: if plugin == 'Metadata': Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata.init_repo( self.data['repopath'], groups_xml=GROUPS % self.data['os_sel'], clients_xml=CLIENTS % socket.getfqdn()) else: try: module = __import__("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.%s" % plugin, '', '', ["Bcfg2.Server.Plugins"]) cls = getattr(module, plugin) cls.init_repo(self.data['repopath']) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Plugin setup for %s failed: %s\n" "Check that dependencies are installed" % (plugin, err)) def init_repo(self): """Setup a new repo and create the content of the configuration file.""" confdata = CONFIG % (self.data['repopath'], ','.join(self.plugins), self.data['sendmail'], self.data['proto'], self.data['password'], self.data['certpath'], self.data['keypath'], self.data['certpath'], self.data['server_uri']) # Create the configuration file and SSL key create_conf(self.data['configfile'], confdata) create_key(self.data['shostname'], self.data['keypath'], self.data['certpath'], self.data['country'], self.data['state'], self.data['location']) # Create the repository path = os.path.join(self.data['repopath'], 'etc') try: os.makedirs(path) self._init_plugins() print("Repository created successfuly in %s" % self.data['repopath']) except OSError: print("Failed to create %s." % path)