'''Admin interface for dynamic reports''' import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Server.Admin import datetime import os import logging import pickle import platform import sys import traceback from Bcfg2.Compat import md5 from Bcfg2 import settings # Load django and reports stuff _after_ we know we can load settings from django.core import management from Bcfg2.Reporting.utils import * project_directory = os.path.dirname(settings.__file__) project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory) sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, '..')) project_module = __import__(project_name, '', '', ['']) sys.path.pop() # Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name from django.db import connection, transaction from Bcfg2.Reporting.models import Client, Interaction, \ Performance, Bundle, Group, FailureEntry, PathEntry, \ PackageEntry, ServiceEntry, ActionEntry def printStats(fn): """ Print db stats. Decorator for purging. Prints database statistics after a run. """ def print_stats(self, *data): classes = (Client, Interaction, Performance, \ FailureEntry, ActionEntry, PathEntry, PackageEntry, \ ServiceEntry, Group, Bundle) starts = {} for cls in classes: starts[cls] = cls.objects.count() fn(self, *data) for cls in classes: print("%s removed: %s" % (cls().__class__.__name__, starts[cls] - cls.objects.count())) return print_stats class Reports(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode): '''Admin interface for dynamic reports''' __shorthelp__ = "Manage dynamic reports" __longhelp__ = (__shorthelp__) django_commands = ['dbshell', 'shell', 'sqlall', 'validate'] __usage__ = ("bcfg2-admin reports [command] [options]\n" "\n" " Commands:\n" " init Initialize the database\n" " purge Purge records\n" " --client [n] Client to operate on\n" " --days [n] Records older then n days\n" " --expired Expired clients only\n" " scrub Scrub the database for duplicate reasons and orphaned entries\n" " stats print database statistics\n" " update Apply any updates to the reporting database\n" "\n" " Django commands:\n " \ + "\n ".join(django_commands)) def __init__(self, setup): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__init__(self, setup) try: import south except ImportError: print "Django south is required for Reporting" raise SystemExit(-3) def __call__(self, args): if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '-h': print(self.__usage__) raise SystemExit(0) # FIXME - dry run if args[0] in self.django_commands: self.django_command_proxy(args[0]) elif args[0] == 'scrub': self.scrub() elif args[0] == 'stats': self.stats() elif args[0] in ['init', 'update', 'syncdb']: if self.setup['debug']: vrb = 2 elif self.setup['verbose']: vrb = 1 else: vrb = 0 try: management.call_command("syncdb", verbosity=vrb) management.call_command("migrate", verbosity=vrb) except: print("Update failed: %s" % traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1]) raise SystemExit(-1) elif args[0] == 'purge': expired = False client = None maxdate = None state = None i = 1 while i < len(args): if args[i] == '-c' or args[i] == '--client': if client: self.errExit("Only one client per run") client = args[i + 1] print(client) i = i + 1 elif args[i] == '--days': if maxdate: self.errExit("Max date specified multiple times") try: maxdate = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(args[i + 1])) except: self.log.error("Invalid number of days: %s" % args[i + 1]) raise SystemExit(-1) i = i + 1 elif args[i] == '--expired': expired = True i = i + 1 if expired: if state: self.log.error("--state is not valid with --expired") raise SystemExit(-1) self.purge_expired(maxdate) else: self.purge(client, maxdate, state) else: print("Unknown command: %s" % args[0]) @transaction.commit_on_success def scrub(self): ''' Perform a thorough scrub and cleanup of the database ''' # Cleanup unused entries for cls in (Group, Bundle, FailureEntry, ActionEntry, PathEntry, PackageEntry, PathEntry): try: start_count = cls.objects.count() cls.prune_orphans() self.log.info("Pruned %d %s records" % \ (start_count - cls.objects.count(), cls.__class__.__name__)) except: print("Failed to prune %s: %s" % \ (cls.__class__.__name__, traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1])) def django_command_proxy(self, command): '''Call a django command''' if command == 'sqlall': management.call_command(command, 'Reporting') else: management.call_command(command) @printStats def purge(self, client=None, maxdate=None, state=None): '''Purge historical data from the database''' filtered = False # indicates whether or not a client should be deleted if not client and not maxdate and not state: self.errExit("Reports.prune: Refusing to prune all data") ipurge = Interaction.objects if client: try: cobj = Client.objects.get(name=client) ipurge = ipurge.filter(client=cobj) except Client.DoesNotExist: self.log.error("Client %s not in database" % client) raise SystemExit(-1) self.log.debug("Filtering by client: %s" % client) if maxdate: filtered = True if not isinstance(maxdate, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError("maxdate is not a DateTime object") self.log.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate) ipurge = ipurge.filter(timestamp__lt=maxdate) if settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': grp_limit = 100 else: grp_limit = 1000 if state: filtered = True if state not in ('dirty', 'clean', 'modified'): raise TypeError("state is not one of the following values " + \ "('dirty','clean','modified')") self.log.debug("Filtering by state: %s" % state) ipurge = ipurge.filter(state=state) count = ipurge.count() rnum = 0 try: while rnum < count: grp = list(ipurge[:grp_limit].values("id")) # just in case... if not grp: break Interaction.objects.filter(id__in=[x['id'] for x in grp]).delete() rnum += len(grp) self.log.debug("Deleted %s of %s" % (rnum, count)) except: self.log.error("Failed to remove interactions") (a, b, c) = sys.exc_info() msg = traceback.format_exception(a, b, c, limit=2)[-1][:-1] del a, b, c self.log.error(msg) # Prune any orphaned ManyToMany relations for m2m in (ActionEntry, PackageEntry, PathEntry, ServiceEntry, \ FailureEntry, Group, Bundle): self.log.debug("Pruning any orphaned %s objects" % \ m2m().__class__.__name__) m2m.prune_orphans() if client and not filtered: '''Delete the client, ping data is automatic''' try: self.log.debug("Purging client %s" % client) cobj.delete() except: self.log.error("Failed to delete client %s" % client) (a, b, c) = sys.exc_info() msg = traceback.format_exception(a, b, c, limit=2)[-1][:-1] del a, b, c self.log.error(msg) @printStats def purge_expired(self, maxdate=None): '''Purge expired clients from the database''' if maxdate: if not isinstance(maxdate, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError("maxdate is not a DateTime object") self.log.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate) clients = Client.objects.filter(expiration__lt=maxdate) else: clients = Client.objects.filter(expiration__isnull=False) for client in clients: self.log.debug("Purging client %s" % client) Interaction.objects.filter(client=client).delete() client.delete() def stats(self): classes = (Client, Interaction, Performance, \ FailureEntry, ActionEntry, PathEntry, PackageEntry, \ ServiceEntry, Group, Bundle) for cls in classes: print("%s has %s records" % (cls().__class__.__name__, cls.objects.count()))