""" Produce graphviz diagrams of metadata structures """ import getopt from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import pipes import Bcfg2.Server.Admin class Viz(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.MetadataCore): """ Produce graphviz diagrams of metadata structures """ __usage__ = ("[options]\n\n" " %-32s%s\n" " %-32s%s\n" " %-32s%s\n" " %-32s%s\n" " %-32s%s\n" % ("-H, --includehosts", "include hosts in the viz output", "-b, --includebundles", "include bundles in the viz output", "-k, --includekey", "show a key for different digraph shapes", "-c, --only-client ", "show only the groups, bundles for the named client", "-o, --outfile ", "write viz output to an output file")) colors = ['steelblue1', 'chartreuse', 'gold', 'magenta', 'indianred1', 'limegreen', 'orange1', 'lightblue2', 'green1', 'blue1', 'yellow1', 'darkturquoise', 'gray66'] __plugin_blacklist__ = ['DBStats', 'Snapshots', 'Cfg', 'Pkgmgr', 'Packages', 'Rules', 'Account', 'Decisions', 'Deps', 'Git', 'Svn', 'Fossil', 'Bzr', 'Bundler', 'TGenshi', 'Base'] def __call__(self, args): # First get options to the 'viz' subcommand try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'Hbkc:o:', ['includehosts', 'includebundles', 'includekey', 'only-client=', 'outfile=']) except getopt.GetoptError: self.usage() hset = False bset = False kset = False only_client = None outputfile = False for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-H", "--includehosts"): hset = True elif opt in ("-b", "--includebundles"): bset = True elif opt in ("-k", "--includekey"): kset = True elif opt in ("-c", "--only-client"): only_client = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--outfile"): outputfile = arg data = self.Visualize(hset, bset, kset, only_client, outputfile) if data: print(data) def Visualize(self, hosts=False, bundles=False, key=False, only_client=None, output=None): """Build visualization of groups file.""" if output: fmt = output.split('.')[-1] else: fmt = 'png' cmd = ["dot", "-T", fmt] if output: cmd.extend(["-o", output]) try: dotpipe = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) except OSError: # on some systems (RHEL 6), you cannot run dot with # shell=True. on others (Gentoo with Python 2.7), you # must. In yet others (RHEL 5), either way works. I have # no idea what the difference is, but it's kind of a PITA. cmd = ["dot", "-T", pipes.quote(fmt)] if output: cmd.extend(["-o", pipes.quote(output)]) dotpipe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) try: dotpipe.stdin.write("digraph groups {\n") except: print("write to dot process failed. Is graphviz installed?") raise SystemExit(1) dotpipe.stdin.write('\trankdir="LR";\n') dotpipe.stdin.write(self.metadata.viz(hosts, bundles, key, only_client, self.colors)) if key: dotpipe.stdin.write("\tsubgraph cluster_key {\n") dotpipe.stdin.write('\tstyle="filled";\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tcolor="lightblue";\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tBundle [ shape="septagon" ];\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tGroup [shape="ellipse"];\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tProfile [style="bold", shape="ellipse"];\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tHblock [label="Host1|Host2|Host3", ' 'shape="record"];\n') dotpipe.stdin.write('\tlabel="Key";\n') dotpipe.stdin.write("\t}\n") dotpipe.stdin.write("}\n") dotpipe.stdin.close() return dotpipe.stdout.read()