""" ``Bcfg2.Server.Cache`` is an implementation of a simple memory-backed cache. Right now this doesn't provide many features, but more (time-based expiration, etc.) can be added as necessary. The normal workflow is to get a Cache object, which is simply a dict interface to the unified cache that automatically uses a certain tag set. For instance: .. code-block:: python groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups") groupcache['foo.example.com'] = ['group1', 'group2'] This would create a Cache object that automatically tags its entries with ``frozenset(["Probes", "probegroups"])``, and store the list ``['group1', 'group1']`` with the *additional* tag ``foo.example.com``. So the unified backend cache would then contain a single entry: .. code-block:: python {frozenset(["Probes", "probegroups", "foo.example.com"]): ['group1', 'group2']} In addition to the dict interface, Cache objects (returned from :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache`) have one additional method, ``expire()``, which is mostly identical to :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire`, except that it is specific to the tag set of the cache object. E.g., to expire all ``foo.example.com`` records for a given cache, you could do: .. code-block:: python groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups") groupcache.expire("foo.example.com") This is mostly functionally identical to: .. code-block:: python Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups", "foo.example.com") It's not completely identical, though; the first example will expire, at most, exactly one item from the cache. The second example will expire all items that are tagged with a superset of the given tags. To illustrate the difference, consider the following two examples: .. code-block:: python groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes") groupcache.expire("probegroups") Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups") The former will not expire any data, because there is no single datum tagged with ``"Probes", "probegroups"``. The latter will expire *all* items tagged with ``"Probes", "probegroups"`` -- i.e., the entire cache. In this case, the latter call is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups") groupcache.expire() """ from Bcfg2.Compat import MutableMapping class _Cache(MutableMapping): """ The object returned by :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache` that presents a dict-like interface to the portion of the unified cache that uses the specified tags. """ def __init__(self, registry, tags): self._registry = registry self._tags = tags def __getitem__(self, key): return self._registry[self._tags | set([key])] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._registry[self._tags | set([key])] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._registry[self._tags | set([key])] def __iter__(self): for item in self._registry.iterate(*self._tags): yield list(item.difference(self._tags))[0] def keys(self): return list(iter(self)) def __len__(self): return len(list(iter(self))) def expire(self, key=None): """ expire all items, or a specific item, from the cache """ if key is None: expire(*self._tags) else: tags = self._tags | set([key]) expire(*tags, exact=True) def __repr__(self): return repr(dict(self)) def __str__(self): return str(dict(self)) class _CacheRegistry(dict): """ The grand unified cache backend which contains all cache items. """ def iterate(self, *tags): """ Iterate over all items that match the given tags *and* have exactly one additional tag. This is used to get items for :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Cache._Cache` objects that have been instantiated via :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache`. """ tags = frozenset(tags) for key in self.keys(): if key.issuperset(tags) and len(key.difference(tags)) == 1: yield key def iter_all(self, *tags): """ Iterate over all items that match the given tags, regardless of how many additional tags they have (or don't have). This is used to expire all cache data that matches a set of tags. """ tags = frozenset(tags) for key in list(self.keys()): if key.issuperset(tags): yield key _cache = _CacheRegistry() # pylint: disable=C0103 _hooks = [] # pylint: disable=C0103 def Cache(*tags): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ A dict interface to the cache data tagged with the given tags. """ return _Cache(_cache, frozenset(tags)) def expire(*tags, **kwargs): """ Expire all items, a set of items, or one specific item from the cache. If ``exact`` is set to True, then if the given tag set doesn't match exactly one item in the cache, nothing will be expired. """ exact = kwargs.pop("exact", False) count = 0 if not tags: count = len(_cache) _cache.clear() elif exact: if frozenset(tags) in _cache: count = 1 del _cache[frozenset(tags)] else: for match in _cache.iter_all(*tags): count += 1 del _cache[match] for hook in _hooks: hook(tags, exact, count) def add_expire_hook(func): """ Add a hook that will be called when an item is expired from the cache. The callable passed in must take three options: the first will be the tag set that was expired; the second will be the state of the ``exact`` flag (True or False); and the third will be the number of items that were expired from the cache. """ _hooks.append(func)