""" the core of the CherryPy-powered server """ import sys import time import cherrypy import Bcfg2.Options from Bcfg2.Compat import urlparse, xmlrpclib, b64decode from Bcfg2.Server.Core import BaseCore from cherrypy.lib import xmlrpcutil from cherrypy._cptools import ErrorTool from cherrypy.process.plugins import Daemonizer def on_error(*args, **kwargs): """ define our own error handler that handles xmlrpclib.Fault objects and so allows for the possibility of returning proper error codes. this obviates the need to use the builtin CherryPy xmlrpc tool """ err = sys.exc_info()[1] if not isinstance(err, xmlrpclib.Fault): err = xmlrpclib.Fault(xmlrpclib.INTERNAL_ERROR, str(err)) xmlrpcutil._set_response(xmlrpclib.dumps(err)) cherrypy.tools.xmlrpc_error = ErrorTool(on_error) class Core(BaseCore): _cp_config = {'tools.xmlrpc_error.on': True, 'tools.bcfg2_authn.on': True} def __init__(self, setup): BaseCore.__init__(self, setup) cherrypy.tools.bcfg2_authn = cherrypy.Tool('on_start_resource', self.do_authn) self.rmi = self._get_rmi() cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', self.shutdown) def do_authn(self): try: header = cherrypy.request.headers['Authorization'] except KeyError: self.critical_error("No authentication data presented") auth_type, auth_content = header.split() auth_content = b64decode(auth_content) try: username, password = auth_content.split(":") except ValueError: username = auth_content password = "" # FIXME: Get client cert cert = None address = (cherrypy.request.remote.ip, cherrypy.request.remote.name) return self.authenticate(cert, username, password, address) @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *vpath, **params): # needed to make enough changes to the stock XMLRPCController # to support plugin.__rmi__ and prepending client address that # we just rewrote. it clearly wasn't written with inheritance # in mind :( rpcparams, rpcmethod = xmlrpcutil.process_body() if rpcmethod == 'ERRORMETHOD': raise Exception("Unknown error processing XML-RPC request body") elif "." not in rpcmethod: address = (cherrypy.request.remote.ip, cherrypy.request.remote.name) rpcparams = (address, ) + rpcparams handler = getattr(self, rpcmethod, None) if not handler or not getattr(handler, "exposed", False): raise Exception('Method "%s" is not supported' % rpcmethod) else: try: handler = self.rmi[rpcmethod] except KeyError: raise Exception('Method "%s" is not supported' % rpcmethod) method_start = time.time() try: body = handler(*rpcparams, **params) finally: self.stats.add_value(rpcmethod, time.time() - method_start) xmlrpcutil.respond(body, 'utf-8', True) return cherrypy.serving.response.body def _daemonize(self): Daemonizer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() def _run(self): hostname, port = urlparse(self.setup['location'])[1].split(':') if self.setup['listen_all']: hostname = '' config = {'engine.autoreload.on': False, 'server.socket_port': int(port)} if self.setup['cert'] and self.setup['key']: config.update({'server.ssl_module': 'pyopenssl', 'server.ssl_certificate': self.setup['cert'], 'server.ssl_private_key': self.setup['key']}) if self.setup['debug']: config['log.screen'] = True cherrypy.config.update(config) cherrypy.tree.mount(self, '/', {'/': self.setup}) cherrypy.engine.start() def _block(self): cherrypy.engine.block() def parse_opts(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] optinfo = dict() optinfo.update(Bcfg2.Options.CLI_COMMON_OPTIONS) optinfo.update(Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_COMMON_OPTIONS) optinfo.update(Bcfg2.Options.DAEMON_COMMON_OPTIONS) setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(optinfo, argv=argv) setup.parse(argv) return setup def application(environ, start_response): """ running behind Apache as a WSGI app is not currently supported, but I'm keeping this code here because I hope for it to be supported some day. we'll need to set up an AMQP task queue and related magic for that to happen, though. """ cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'embedded'}) setup = parse_opts(argv=['-C', environ['config']]) root = Core(setup) cherrypy.tree.mount(root) return cherrypy.tree(environ, start_response)