""" Inotify driver for file alteration events """ import os import logging import pyinotify # pylint: disable=F0401 from Bcfg2.Compat import reduce # pylint: disable=W0622 from Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor import Event from Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.Pseudo import Pseudo LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Inotify(Pseudo, pyinotify.ProcessEvent): """ file monitor with inotify support """ __priority__ = 1 # pylint: disable=E1101 action_map = {pyinotify.IN_CREATE: 'created', pyinotify.IN_DELETE: 'deleted', pyinotify.IN_MODIFY: 'changed', pyinotify.IN_MOVED_FROM: 'deleted', pyinotify.IN_MOVED_TO: 'created'} # pylint: enable=E1101 mask = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, action_map.keys()) def __init__(self, ignore=None, debug=False): Pseudo.__init__(self, ignore=ignore, debug=debug) pyinotify.ProcessEvent.__init__(self) self.event_filter = dict() self.watches_by_path = dict() # these are created in start() after the server is done forking self.notifier = None self.watchmgr = None self.add_q = [] def start(self): Pseudo.start(self) self.watchmgr = pyinotify.WatchManager() self.notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(self.watchmgr, self) self.notifier.start() for monitor in self.add_q: self.AddMonitor(*monitor) self.add_q = [] def fileno(self): if self.started: return self.watchmgr.get_fd() else: return None def process_default(self, ievent): action = ievent.maskname for amask, aname in self.action_map.items(): if ievent.mask & amask: action = aname break try: watch = self.watchmgr.watches[ievent.wd] except KeyError: LOGGER.error("Error handling event for %s: Watch %s not found" % (ievent.pathname, ievent.wd)) return # FAM-style file monitors return the full path to the parent # directory that is being watched, relative paths to anything # contained within the directory. since we can't use inotify # to watch files directly, we have to sort of guess at whether # this watch was actually added on a file (and thus is in # self.event_filter because we're filtering out other events # on the directory) or was added directly on a directory. if (watch.path == ievent.pathname or ievent.wd in self.event_filter): path = ievent.pathname else: # relative path path = os.path.basename(ievent.pathname) # figure out the handleID. start with the path of the event; # that should catch events on files that are watched directly. # (we have to watch the directory that a file is in, so this # lets us handle events on different files in the same # directory -- and thus under the same watch -- with different # objects.) If the path to the event doesn't have a handler, # use the path of the watch itself. handleID = ievent.pathname if handleID not in self.handles: handleID = watch.path evt = Event(handleID, path, action) if (ievent.wd not in self.event_filter or ievent.pathname in self.event_filter[ievent.wd]): self.events.append(evt) def AddMonitor(self, path, obj, handleID=None): # strip trailing slashes path = path.rstrip("/") if not self.started: self.add_q.append((path, obj)) return path if not os.path.isdir(path): # inotify is a little wonky about watching files. for # instance, if you watch /tmp/foo, and then do 'mv # /tmp/bar /tmp/foo', it processes that as a deletion of # /tmp/foo (which it technically _is_, but that's rather # useless -- we care that /tmp/foo changed, not that it # was first deleted and then created). In order to # effectively watch a file, we have to watch the directory # it's in, and filter out events for other files in the # same directory that are not similarly watched. # watch_transient_file requires a Processor _class_, not # an object, so we can't have this object handle events, # which is Wrong, so we can't use that function. watch_path = os.path.dirname(path) is_dir = False else: watch_path = path is_dir = True # see if this path is already being watched try: watchdir = self.watches_by_path[watch_path] except KeyError: watchdir = self.watchmgr.add_watch(watch_path, self.mask, quiet=False)[watch_path] self.watches_by_path[watch_path] = watchdir produce_exists = True if not is_dir: if watchdir not in self.event_filter: self.event_filter[watchdir] = [path] elif path not in self.event_filter[watchdir]: self.event_filter[watchdir].append(path) else: # we've been asked to watch a file that we're already # watching, so we don't need to produce 'exists' # events produce_exists = False # inotify doesn't produce initial 'exists' events, so we # inherit from Pseudo to produce those if produce_exists: return Pseudo.AddMonitor(self, path, obj, handleID=path) else: self.handles[path] = obj return path def shutdown(self): if self.notifier: self.notifier.stop()